Macs are now cheaper than Windows computers.
Let that sink in.
Macs are now cheaper than Windows computers.
Let that sink in.
ok? they are still shit
i have one
>retarded gloss screen
>garbage keyboard
there is no real reason to buy a mac over an x1 carbon
Even if this is true I don't care, because I don't like em.
Too bad OSX is shit
They're not but nice try
I'm so conflicted to go with OS X over winshit 10.
I just want control over my computer. NO MANDATORY UPDATING.
What's a "windows computer"?
just use linux you dumb fuck
>I just want control over my computer
get debian
This is now a sink thread
Sinks are technology
That sink is so tasty omg, I want to EAT that sink
>bypassing the stripper
Sasuga, Sup Forums.
>Macs are now cheaper than Windows computers.
part for part?
>says a laptop is shit
>gives a shittier alternative
explain why the x1c is shit?
"mods are sleeping"
>>retarded gloss screen
does it have pwm
>i bet it does
Let's appreciate this useful technology
Sup Forums has no mods
Opened this thread just to look for this
Zuck is that you?
I would let thins sink in.
But I'm too poor to afford my place
>Macs are now cheaper than Windows computers.
Confirmed poorfag tier
What the fuck does it want now?
Wtf does pulse width modulation have to do with monitor quality, of course it uses something like pwm to control led brightness otherwise the monitor wouldn't work
it means it's shit and gives you eye strain and headache
No you are talking about multiplexing and all monitors do that.
I see some of you are still posting under the misapprehension that this thread is somehow not about sinks.
more or less
but some don't
but macs do
It is pretty much impossible to make a monitor without multiplexing unless you connect every individual pixel of the monitor to some sort of driving mechanism.
oh my god where did you get this one?
saved and decrypted lol don't want anyone seeing my sinks haha
What would even be the point of this CGI abomination? Children can wash their hands in dirty water simultaneously with an adult?
Which one contains pizza?
This is like FBI roulette
I think the lower one is a bath tub
for a little child perhaps, otherwise that's a fuckhuege sink
You can't embed files in images anymore as far as I know.
>Source: My ass
nope, definitely a tub
win 10 enterprise, or if you are too stupid for that - some linux distro.