How does Sup Forums stay productive?

How does Sup Forums stay productive?

I've been using the pomodoro technique + Zenkit to get all my shit done.

A .txt file where I list the things I need to do. Sometimes I do the things.

This, anything else is a placebo or distraction

>tfw computer science student in third world country
>tfw almost giving up this shit and ending my life
I have mulltiple assignments and my grades are completely fucked, what to do?

You have to be happy with the little things in life.

Not all of us want to be productive alone though. How do you keep you and your team productive, while alo getting an understanding of the state of all of your projects at a glance with just text files?

Stop going on Sup Forums and finish your assignments. Seriously, it is that simple. Do your assignments. Now.

Feel that way rn. In the dreaded DAta Structures class. First assignment is reimplementing class string using char *s instead. Such a boring and tedious assignment. At least we’re using Linux, Unix, bash, vim. So I’m learning some sort of skill. Just getting certain memory issues because fuck c style strings.

The problem is not going to Sup Forums, I barely come here, the problem is getting the assignments done, my teachers are shit and the assignments are too long and demanding for me to be able to complete all of them

You're on here right now though, aren't you? Why are you not working on them now?

As I said, I've stared at the fucking screen for almost 2 hours, trying to do something, and no result, so I came here looking for help, will you give any advice or just repeat the same shit that I already know?

Focus on mastering pointers then everything gets 9000x easier m8

Whats the assignment

do people actually pay to use memeware like this?

It's free.

I’ve been trying this lately. Can you give a little more detail on your method? I’ve been running atom on my Mac synced to 1Writer on my iPad. I’m not totally happy with it yet.

It's free retard

i used a notepad on my school software projects, divided the project in various parts and marked with an "x" when finished... Placebo, but i managed to get things done.

I manage a small outsourced development/administrative staff and use Trello for task management. some things about it are annoying but its pretty good for tracking projects. anyone know of a cleaner alternative?


Org headings Outline + Org Agendas


A piece of paper with a list on it. I find it’s literally the only thing that works for me.

But these days, I keep the list on my computer as I have 3 monitors for some reason.

I can use it across devices and can go beyond basic formatting if needed.

Anything but a simple .txt file or org-mode is stupid

I use both physical and digital stuff

Keeping dates: google calendar for easy organizing, then having a weekly calendar on my desk that has all the inportant shit from google calendaf.

Keeping small notes, lists, etc: google keep because it's quick to access and I can have it on both phone and pc. I use a sticky notes to make a smaller list of the stuff I want to get done within the day or a sitting session.

Files: Mostly digital so I just make sure to make a folder and organize all files according to specific categories (class, work, taxes, pictures, etc). Physically, I just organize all of my drawers if they're messy and through away shit I don't need. It helps a bunch to not be a dirty cunt because it's harder to lose your shit.

Time: I use a simple two-hand watch. Keeps me away from my phone. Also just don't have any distracting apps on your home screen because it'll just kill your productivity. Stay away from phone games.