how the fuck did anyone ever program in assembly
How the fuck did anyone ever program in assembly
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they were mostly all people with maths degrees or other scientific backgrounds
It was all they had.
They are smart people who are familiar with technology. The opposite of Sup Forums basically.
a lot of comments
Software people were usually also hardware people back then, so they thought of programing very differently
They saw it as a means to make machine parts move, not as a way to make programs
I still use assembly for many old machines, as a hobby obviously.
I suck at general math but I'm good algebra and general logic, I find assembly real enjoyable.
writing some small thing like a fizzbuz or tip calculator program seems possible with enough effort for me
but how the fuck did people make large projects, let alone games with assembly?
Peoples used punch cards before that. You didn't even get the luxury of an assembler error.