Doesn't really look bad, but
>it's their very first ever motherboard product and they've ALREADY fallen for the "shielding" meme
>Inturd and not BETTERED
NZXT now makes motherboards
Other urls found in this thread:
Those poor VRMs trapped behind that insulating wall of crap.
I'm assuming it's supposed to be idiot proof
It's all supposed to be radiators, though. Sabs of metal. We'll see if it overheats or actually cools.
Hasn't it been shown that the shielding actually increases temps across the board? Seeing at how buggy nzxt and their GRID shit is, I wouldn't want a BIOS made and updated by them.
Have fun beta testing for them.
>nzxt now makes motherboards
Which manufacturer made it for them?
>Hasn't it been shown that the shielding actually increases temps across the board?
That's why it's a meme. But only Anus and MSi tried to pull this shit off so far, both failed miserably. NZXT is known for making pretty good cooling, so I guess we'll see if they manage to pull it off successfully of this will be yet another case of the meme applied to reality.
Either way, even if they fail with this shielding scheme, it's still a new motherboard manufacturer on the field now. This is always good in the end.
It's an in-house product.
you can remove that
and heatsinks on VRMs reduce heat retards
also increases overclocking headroom
>It's an in-house product.
Into the trash with it then. This would be as bad as Razer, or Bloody making their own motherboard.
>you can remove that
Well, obviously. That's not the point though. Shielding adds extra cost to the motherboard because it by itself costs money to produce AND also because it makes a motherboard look more "L33T". And since shielding was a failed scheme twice now, it became a meme.
finally. a motherboard made for girls without all the ugliness of a pcb and all the prettiness of chic designer fashion. high-t males and misogynists btfo
Holy shit its a sabertooth but all black. This reminds me of the good old times with x58 and x79
>It's an in-house product.
No it isn't. ECS is the OEM.
Lmao, when it finally hits the market it will be already obsolete cuz of z390. Socket a half year keeps the goyim in fear!
>Razer or Bloody making their own motherboard
Did they ever made one, though?
>This would be bad
Have some faith, won't you? Even if this WILL fail, more motherboard manufacturers on the market is always a good thing, as it stirs competition further and drives prices down eventually. Besides, if they fail with this one they might learn all the lessons and make a much better one next time. Also - this is an Inturd board. It's bound to fail or at the very least be "unpopular", used by niche retarded Intel shill portion of consumer base. They might do an AMD board too, you know. And that thing might turn out to be pretty damn good, all things considered.
Where did you get that from?
So what is the radar foot print of this motherboard?
No, actually, I actually kinda like this nzxt design but im kinda numale with a neckbeard. I also appreciate the handsome beauty of a pcb so I find myself conflicted.
Into the trash it goes
He literally says in the video that he "thinks" it's from OEM and that he's "almost sure" it is. How is this "100% confirmed"? Until proven completely, this is just his personal assumptions.
>Did they ever made one, though?
I fucking hope not.
>Even if this WILL fail, more motherboard manufacturers on the market is always a good thing, as it stirs competition further and drives prices down eventually
This motherboard won't be priced accordingly, hence the emphasis on "looks", and the market is actually saturated with motherboard manufacturers who are selling pretty close to production costs, so I doubt that this board will have that type of impact. If it does succeed though expect the manufacturers to skimp on quality, and overcharge even more.
Being back LANparty!
>Here's the interesting part. It looks like, and I'm 99.9% positive about this (actually I'm positive about it, but I'm trying to leave some room for error - but there is none), the OEM is ECS. So ECS is the OEM (or ODM if you prefer) for this motherboard. No hesitation in saying that. You can tell by looking at it and the BIOS and digging through things.
Yeah, clearly he's deeply unsure on this and there's lots of room for doubt. You carry on being a delusional faggot though if you like.
Looks like sex but NZXT software is trash so support is questionable. Also intel in 2018.
Was lan party the first manufacturer to put the led on board?
I know they tend to make crap, but they make CHEAP crap. I ran $50 AMD CPU/mobo combo made by them for 5 years before I retired it. I'll never be able to hate them.
Cheap crap is fine if it's cheap and you know what you're getting into. I wouldn't buy a $300 ECS motherboard just because they slapped some NZXT logos and shrouds over the top though.
With a name like LANparty it wouldn't surprise me
If ECS is really the OEM for this nzxt board, then I'm assuming ECS entirely gave up on their L337 GANK DOMINATION stuff then?
The last board ECS shitted out on the market, was Light Saber. Ironically enough it didn't even had anything to do with Star Wars.
the shield is pretty gay tho just make it with a black pcb and black/monochrome/plain stuff on it
The real question is who warranties it? All the current Chinese companies have shit-tier customer service it's not even funny
Looks like a rather plain Jane solid board honestly. I've been buying Asus boards forever though. Unless something major comes along to sway me elsewhere, I'll keep buying them.
Yeah I'm with you. This looks clean and plain but at the same time it's missing what makes a mobo look great, they took it a bit too far imo.
>the shield is pretty gay tho
Yeah, indeed it is
>no POST code display
I will never understand why "gaymen XDDD" motherboards are pretty much the only ones to add this $0.50 yet amazingly useful component
I kind of like this shielding meme provided that shielding is metal and grounded. As someone who has run a radio near a computer before you can never have too many layers of grounded metal between your antenna and something that cranks out square waves. It also protects fragile grain of sand smd components that you would never notice are missing from going missing.
Light Saber only looked "barely decent" on visual side. Inside (software/hardware) it's utter trash.
>name like lan party
Not gonna lie. I really wanted those boards a few years back.
>If ECS is really the OEM for this nzxt board, then I'm assuming ECS entirely gave up on their L337 GANK DOMINATION stuff then?
Probably not. ECS most likely offers a custom rebranding/manufacturing service, and NZXT customized one of the cheaper boards (or just leftover parts onsite).
They're putting POST only on most expensive motherboards these days. Yeah, this pisses the flying fucks out of me too. Same thing with BIOS flashback buttons on I/O too. They sometimes put a CMOS reset button on back I/O in mid tier and "affordable high tier" motherboards, but GOD FORBID if they ever put an actual BIOS flashback button on anything below 220$. Fuck I hate this.
This. Just once before I die I would like someone to bring me a computer that won't post, pop the case open, and see one. I'm so tired of playing the swap parts around or unplug them game. It's never one with a number though. Hell it's never one that's making a beep code.
If they did that, they'd have to rely on nothing more than branding and looks to get people to buy their expensive shit. They know you know those options are only offered on their high end. They know people are willing to pay that premium for those options.
memes aside I really like the minimalist aesthetic
Or they could offer a warranty that they actually honor
I feel like I struck gold with my AsRock which has POST display, dual BIOS with hardware switch, and very minimal gaming aesthetic for like $180 or so.
I don't plan on upgrading or replacing it for at least five more years
>memes aside I really like the minimalist aesthetic
If you want minimalism, get a case with no window. Plain black box with no window. Then it doesn't matter what color your internals are.
How else would they get you to upgrade though?
Buy the new board got!
>I feel like I struck gold
If it's not AMD - no you didn't.
And judging by what you've described - it's not unless you're on THREADRIPPER.
Into the trash it goes.
tf. Is that an actual board? I thought It was some meme plastic "prototype".
>I'm so tired of playing the swap parts around or unplug them game.
POST diagnostics tool are pretty cheap. Maybe between $7-15 on ebay.
>Or they could offer a warranty that they actually honor
I've only ever had trouble with MSI, and EVGA as far as warranties go, so I'm not too worried about that.
Same. AsRock has the same caliber full-retard design team that Asus uses, but combined with the marketing and business teams of seemingly ex-used car salesman that will price their stuff just to screw over the the car lots across the street. It's great.
Now it makes sense. They needed to make it look "less confusing" for shintelfags. Hence the plastic design.
>AMD marketing shitlord
Get fucked user
Or just you know.
Don't use a windowed case like a faggot
It's not, but that's a completely different issue unrelated to motherboard choice. Also I made this build about a year before Ryzen was a thing.
>reminding everyone that Sup Forums needs flags
r/amd discord raid.
Hard to find a good case for a reasonable price that doesn't have a window.
Otherwise you get nonexistent cable management or just overly-gaudy exteriors.
>$300 atx
>only 4 sata
Just end it, senpai.
You'd think the motherboard manufacturers would be throwing a shit fit over that with increased development & manufacturing costs .. but on the of hand it does make their sales numbers go up
At least they're not tacky, but I would really prefer if we just went back to simple motherboards where I can see the ICs in all their glory.
F T 0 2 B
It's like the perfect Sup Forums case but nobody ever talks about it. It does have a windowed version but the windowless costs exactly as much.
>Hard to find a good case for a reasonable price that doesn't have a window
Fractal Design Define R5 Blackout Default. Thank me later.
>At least they're not tacky
> wahhhhhh!!!!! why aren't people making boards for my CPU? it's not fair!!!!!!!!
I'm on THREADRIPPER, you shithead. They do. But there's not enough yet. Need more.
Behind this black shield is the cheapest biostar board ever manufactured.
>not wanting a Tau themed case
It's okay to be white. :^)
BIOSTAR actually began making pretty solid shit sometime in the last 4 years. Their Zen boards are quite fine. Not best, but fine. Cannot wait to see what they do with RyZen+ and X470/B450.
"Only criminals and pirates would ever need that many SATA ports anyway."
NZXT hasn't considered making an AMD board and it's clearly making you rustled. unfortunately for you, companies decide this kind of stuff based on what makes financial sense.
>4 sata ports
Fucking gayyyy
So an amd board soon since Intel is in the shit house, because it only makes sense financially
Looks fucking AESTHETIC
>Trying to steal the industrial look from the best looking asus board of all time.
Hope this makes asus bring back their enthusiast version of the board instead of the budget shit it ended up turning into after multiple gens.
>the S340 is the only case of it's kind (a black fucking box)
>it has a window
Thats not the crosshair VI hero. Second place goes to the crosshair V formula Z.