Anyone have that picture of the kernel developer who won an award for 300 commits changing variables to constant?
Sup Forums Humor Thread
>this is the future, user
Thanks user
same, can't refused not to laugh.
What does this actually do though?
she actually wrote a script to automate the identification of constructs that are candidates for being made const, which is more than most of you could do. but keep circlejerking about it i guess, that's all i expect out of Sup Forums anyways.
makes the kernel more stable and secure (when done correctly).
>she actually wrote a script to automate the identification of constructs that are candidates for being made const
That has nothing to do with kernel development though.
what? yes it does, the script is written explicitly for use in developing the linux kernel. what do you even mean?
Oh boy I remember this what a bread.
I would happily rescue the princess in PHP.
yeah i don't find any of these to be actual jokes
Can someone post that joke about using anti-virus software? It went something like "using antivirus software is like giving yourself cancer to cure cold", but I think I am butchering it
Using antivirus software is like giving yourself cancer so you don't catch a cold.
I don't know why but this cracks me good
Why did that cunt make Lisp a drooling retard? Of all the fucking languages.
retards can't into macros
>she actually wrote a script to automate the identification of constructs that are candidates for being made const
Then why are the commits weeks apart and for tiny code segments only?
do you mean common sense?
He means what she does has nothing to do with the kernel you illiterate spastic, but keep crying that someone's making fun of your shitskin waifu.