>click seeders. Not even the one that sends you the torrent file
>leave torrent client running for over a year in case somebody finally seeds what you want but it's never seeded.
>you're the only seeder of a torrent that at least some people want and you watch as people download from you, your ratio going into the 10s and 100s but nobody ever seeds with you and you realize you are just an unpaid webserver for pajeets
>your favorite torrent site goes down and you cry about it on Sup Forums because you don't know where else to go and your autism doesn't let you use alternatives
>when a new TV show comes out you have to wait a really long time because the leecher to seeder ratio is too high for a long time and you end up waiting hours to see that new episode
>when the seeder disconnected from the swarm leaving 20 people with 78.1% of the file and none of you can watch shit and you still have to seed for people who enter the swarm.
>when your ISP sends you letters for that stupid new capeshit movie and you get scared if you live alone or your mommy yells at you if you still live with parents
>when torrent trackers go down and you have to use DHT to get your torrent
>when you actually contemplate becoming a paycuck and getting a VPN because you actually think you might go to jail for downloading some stupid capeshit movie
>when you have to use qBittorrent's shitty search engine to find stuff because you don't even know what torrent sites people use anymore
>when you can't something on public trackers at all because it's only been uploaded to private trackers and nobody will ever re-upload it to public trackers and you end up not watching it or buying it and of course never uploading it to public trackers yourself because you're a pussy who thinks you will get caught for uploading a indie art film
>when you realize public torrents depend on lazy retards like you and you actually consider using DDL or paying for a usenet account instead of waiting for seeders



Which private tracker did you fail an interview at?

I only use private trackers. Learn to read.

My question still stands.



>dealing with autistic dick admin fucks when i can find the same content on public trackers
No thanks. Also stop using uTorrent, it's botnet.

Public trackers + seedbox is the only correct non-autistic way to torrent.

>Click magnet link
>enough seeders to download 12Gb within 30minutes
>Never seed, delete torrent after download
It's good to be free

>i can find the same content on public trackers

maybe if your idea of content is Transformers Part 8

>be Public Tracker pleb
>Want to see last Vikings Episode
>only 720p versions
why live?

is this Sup Forums

i use ddl, public torrents and xdcc, works every time
>talks about being a cuck for buying a vpn
>buys a seedbox to not get fucked in the ass by 10Gbit seeders

Who the fuck torrents anymore grandpa?

>he watches shitty streams


public torrent sites exist because they make the owners of those sites rich. private sites dont usually have ads but beg for donations instead.

works on my machine.

I'll give you a hint: it's not trap furry porn.
Go suck 312cuck's 2-inch dick.

Piracy is stealing.

Stealing is against the law.

Everyone does. What do you do instead?

>downloading normalfag shit
>not expecting normalfag peers

>private tracker fags unironically think having ratio regulations that may cause you legal trouble and require you to waste a lot of bandwidth is not cuckery


If it's something I like I usually seed it to a good ratio before leaving it. Not in any private trackers and no idea how I would even get into one, but I read they have a bunch of stupid rules and the elitism ticks me off. There really isn't much I didn't find on public trackers either and I'm not going to try and join 20 different private trackers because each of them only fills this one specific niche. I don't know OP, overall I guess I just prefer public trackers.

The thing I hate about private trackers is that they exist only for the feeling of having access to something most people don't. It's against the very nature of the BitTorrent protocol and file sharing in general.

Private trackers are absolutely retarded
Impossible to join since they want to see your rep from other private trackers

You have to maintain your ratios
Oftentimes you'll join but won't be able to download what you actually want

rutracker is all you need

OP is a faggot, public trackers are good when you just want to HnR

>Impossible to join
I got on HDB within one year starting from RED (when it was PTH) solely through official recruitment. What's your excuse?

>You have to maintain ratios
I have 10tb of buffer on every tracker except BIB because I don't give a shit about ebooks, it is not hard you retard

>You have to maintain your ratios
>you'll join but won't be able to download what you actually want

I mean, are you an actual retard? You expect people to seed to you, but whine when you have to seed in return?

>click seeders. Not even the one that sends you the torrent file
This is true for lots of old/niche games but eventually someone seeds.
>you're the only seeder of a torrent that at least some people want and you watch as people download from you, your ratio going into the 10s and 100s but nobody ever seeds with you and you realize you are just an unpaid webserver for pajeets
Oh well, I lose nothing for doing this. It's a drop in the bucket for my upload speed
>your favorite torrent site goes down and you cry about it on Sup Forums because you don't know where else to go and your autism doesn't let you use alternatives
This has never happened. There are always replacements.
>when a new TV show comes out you have to wait a really long time because the leecher to seeder ratio is too high for a long time and you end up waiting hours to see that new episode
Not even slightly true, 10 minutes at most and it's already up on rarbg/tpb/somewhere and I get it in 5.
>when the seeder disconnected from the swarm leaving 20 people with 78.1% of the file and none of you can watch shit and you still have to seed for people who enter the swarm.
Hasn't happened for a few years but I suppose valid
>when your ISP sends you letters for that stupid new capeshit movie and you get scared if you live alone or your mommy yells at you if you still live with parents
>Being an American
>Watching capeshit for any reason
>when you actually contemplate becoming a paycuck and getting a VPN because you actually think you might go to jail for downloading some stupid capeshit movie
Fair point
>when you have to use qBittorrent's shitty search engine to find stuff because you don't even know what torrent sites people use anymore
Nobody has ever used that ever

Public trackers still have a place and will for the foreseeable future. Why all the hate on something that causes no harm?

I was with you all the way until
>causes no harm

m8... Are you fucking serious? Only porn websites have more malicious content than public tracker sites


are >we facebook now?

I mean in the sense that private tracker zealots actually cannot stand waking up every morning knowing that public trackers exist.
Also I'm not running windows right now but is that really still such a common problem?

>within one year
>one year

Not him but I'm only pissed when there's some nigger with a seedbox ultra seeding the torrent I'm trying to get rid of and it takes upwards of 6 months or more just to get to 1.0 on it.

That's the real bullshit of private trackers no one talks about. It's bad enough that they are basically building a criminal case against you for whoever manages to bust into their servers first, they also hold hostage your fucking ability to use it until some asshole 3 years from now finally wants to download it so you can get it off your torrent client.

Fuck them. Private tracker users just want something to special about. Not to mention the admins in the "cabal", clearly named to recall the mexican cartel, who want to feel like some mega criminal drug lords, but are too scared to do it and prefer creating a small secret group that shares ultra rare trap porn, impossible to find elsewhere, so that they can brag about having access to "exclusive" content.
Fuck private trackers. I hope the NSA eventually gets to you all.

>use public trackers
>always get high quality films that look and sound great
>the films always download at 100-300Mbps
>software and games download a little slower, but are smaller
>never get letters from ISPs
>usually try to seed, but the network is always saturate in seeders so my upload is never maxed
>never gotten a virus detected by my AV in a download
>wrote my own RSS generator for public trackers that don't have feeds

The only thing I can't torrent reliably on public trackers is music singles. But I found websites that search the internet for music files and show their nitrate, and spectral analysis shows that the bitrate is always accurate. Music tracker sites are pointless to me now, despite being a member of since 2009

>listening to singles

I think your trackers are abusing you?

I've never had the issue of having a torrent "stuck" and not being able to remove it because of having a too low ratio on it. I ususally don't even seed torrents that are

isnt that how most normie music is released now? i remember reading about them doing only streamable singles instead of albums now.

what's wrong with DHT?

Sup Forums pls go
this is /ptg/ territory

What curry tracker has mandatory per torrent ratios? HnRs are typically satisfied by either 1.0 ratio OR min. seed time (typically less than a week)

Most pop and rap artists still release albums. Admittedly, they're full of filler that only braindead fans listen to.

(some) private trackers are the most autistic shit ever. Worse than scientology.

meanwhile on private trackers:
>want some obscure thing only 2 people on earth have heard of
>it's not there
>find some dodgy russian torrent site
>it's there, and even though it takes all day to download with one seeder in the cayman islands, you get the thing.

Just like every album ever

I would like to see bittorrent be more widespread and something that people are nice enough to run all of the time. In a perfect world, you should be sharing all of the media on your computer with people automatically and whenever somebody else wants it they can promptly download it from the thousands upon thousands of people who all have it already.

Unless you live in cuckland, this is the best solution.

private trackers exist because people are shit. Without the rules there would be always a 1/10 seeder/leecher ratio like on public trackers.

The BitTorrent protocol is very good, but just doesn't work as intended because of human nature.

Wrong. :^)

> and you realize you are just an unpaid webserver for pajeets
And? I hope you realize how many times you used someone else's unpaid webserver. Or do you always deal with paid webservers? Heh.

> when a new TV show comes out you have to wait a really long time
Anything popular is very fast here. Maybe some clients remember that I seed or something.

>when your ISP sends you letters
I don't live in a shitty country like that, as far as I know.

Do they also fuck your torrent connection? You complain a lot more than I'd have reason to.

>when torrent trackers go down and you have to use DHT to get your torrent
I don't mind at all. DHT is great.

>got on HDB within one year starting from RED (when it was PTH) solely through official recruitment.
Do you even hear yourself?

Public tracker cucks in suicide watch, hahahahahah.

Because I like music? Your question is baffling.

>leave torrent client running for over a year in case somebody finally seeds what you want but it's never seeded
I've had some that took three years to download.

>private trackers exist because people are shit. Without the rules there would be always a 1/10 seeder/leecher ratio like on public trackers.
I don't understand how you get this problem, I have a lot of peers.

Are burger ISPs cutting public tracker connections or something?

The implication was that albums are better.

>be redditor
>go to Sup Forums
>see woman with penis
>see someone say nigger
>block Sup Forums and never go back again
Anons cucks on suicide watch, ahahahahahahha

How so? Is it because the songs mix together? Because radio shows do way better at that.

overseeded torrents and ratio requirements are what make trackers shit. 95% of the peers are seeders and only few download something and that something might give you 0.000001 more ratio if you are really lucky.

Yeah, my ISP made it impossible for me to seed. So public trackers it is.

This is 100% incorrect. Most torrents on the Pirate Bay have more seeders than leeches.

It's analogous to reading a book with the chapters in the wrong order


your man-child insecurity shows :)

If each chapter was a self contained story that could be read on its own, like a Ray Bradbury book.

It isn't mandatory per torrent but when you get on a new tracker and you download something that looks like people want it and you're unable to seed to anyone because of the before mentioned reasons, you're basically stuck for however long it takes to seed it before you can do literally anything else or you'll get booted.

I feel this shit a lot because I like emulation and TV shows so downloading anything I actually want holds me hostage due to the size of what I want.

To be fair, that's because russians are god damn seed machines. I don't give a fuck about what politics are going on now or how shit they are at online games but when it comes to seeding, these guys are the champs of the torrenting world.

>pirating, even watching/consuming shitty content at all
Cancer! I want people to stop consuming shit so the industry doesn't have to blame pirates for their incompetent shit content!

>falling for private tracker autism when rutracker and slsk have everything I need


terrariumtv(adfree version) > torrenting.

Yeah I had those problems like 10 years ago when I started using private trackers.
Don't try to have 1TB of buffer in a week, download everything you want and keep seeding, it's not that hard. There's only a problem on really small trackers, but they usually don't worth the hassle.
If you really want to be a tryhard, go for the fresh, hot downloads, or satisfy some requests, they're really not that hard but do take time to find.
If you're still baffled, look at what seedbox buffer scripts do and try to mimic it or use the script, but it's easy to fuck up with a script.

Nothing's blocking, I have a couple of torrents that I'm downloading since months.
One of them has 3 seeds and 15 peers right now, but usually the peers are much higher, and I can never reach more than 50KB/s download, I still have 380GB left. Everything on private trackers download with 50MB/s+.

Yeah sure public trackers work perfectly. Said no one that has a private tracker account. You just don't know what it's like when it's good.

Well, my tracker has freeleech torrents. They don't count towards your download, so basically the first thing anyone does is download a box set of a popular movie series

Nice fresh pasta

I had a account from 2009 until the site shut down. Private trackers are overrated.

Here's blade runner 2049. It took 21 minutes to download a 5.64GB file, on the day that it appeared on the network. How is this bad? Last time I ran the torrent it had a 3:1 seeder to leech ratio.

Oh look, it has a 10:1 seeder leech ratio! What kind of autist wouldn't be satisfied with that? I bet your internet would be maxed out if you tried to download it.

> Dude lmao just join one of the closed no invite trackers and wait 1 year to be granted an autism test by the admin of another tracker and hope you get in so you can download that 4 min song or 20 min episode
> want to download 10 gig thing that no one else wants to download
>seed some other useless file for 2 years
> finally have enough ratio to download the 10 gig file you wanted
> jk banned for overseeding

Hello this is Hollywood, I have a bill for you!

If the FBI couldn't get information from the VPN, Hollywood can't.

Bad goy!

>paying to pirate
i know.
i still do it because:
100% automated.

Want a movie that hasn't leaked yet?
go to site and add movie.
it will download when it becomes available.
>auto download
>auto extract to another folder
>auto rename folder/filename to make it look more presentable
>get notified by email or MMS when everything has been completed.

sure it's $100/yr but ive been doing this for the past 14 years and never had to worry about ratios or MPAA/RIAA. There has never been a single person using usenet getting sued by RIAA/MPAA.
the last time my pirating was remotely interrupted was back in 2012 when NZBMatrix was shutdown...but i had a backup site so i used that.

i don't pirate hard to find vinyl rips in FLAC.
i download current, easy to find, content.

>your autism doesn't let you use alternatives
are you seriously trying to imply that private trackers are NOT the ultimate form of Weaponized Internet Autism?

where do you have such fast internet desu?

>download file from private tracker
>literally no one ever downloads it besides you and the guy who uploaded it
>can't even mange a ratio of 1 no matter how long you seed
I just got into AB and this is terrible. At least they kind of make up for it with their brownie points system, but still.

>pirating capeshit
Pirate a gun and shoot yourself.

Downloading from public trackers for 5 years now. Yet to download any 'malicious content'

Yet another retarded blog post

yea, Im not playing your little ego trip mind games to join your private little shecrit clubhouse

I'm afraid to download torrents because my ISP told me if I get caught downloading again, they will ban me for life and they are the only ISP in my area


You are so angry

>He's so lazy he depends on private trackers

Torrents are shit, fuck wad.

>not keeping public torrents alive when you can

>my mommy said not to use torranz because she got a scary email from my ISP and if we get sued I'm gonna have a get a job!!! :(

>didn't read / 10

>being retarded

>Not using release bulletin boards and download manager

>using shit speed links
>using a java app


>Being neet
>Can't wait 30 mins
Most servers now a days has a 1MB/s limit for free users