Any UDEMY success stories on Sup Forums?
Any UDEMY success stories on Sup Forums?
Some Mexican taught me Laravel pretty well.
He was a cool beaner
I downloaded a buttload of udemy courses. Was it worth it?
well was it?
Why are you asking us?
My experience so far has been videos filled with hipsters and people with thick accents (think youtube) -- IE: not something I would willing sit through.
You may have better time using something like edx and coursera, which are provided by actual professors.
I wasn't a brainlet and didn't need UDEMY.
>well was it?
Don't know. I just downloaded it. There's a ton of courses, and I'm still deciding where to start.
>Why are you asking us?
I'm asking Sup Forums, because my bros are here.
wtf. they're having a 93% off sale.
I need to learn HTML. fuck it i'm gonna sign up to their bootcamp.
>You may have better time using something like edx and coursera, which are provided by actual professors.
Thanks bud. This is the type of response that I was looking for.
I bought these for my new years resolution, not a brainlet but I am lazy, my goal is to complete all of these.
>I bought these
>not a brainlet
Umm... maybe you should pick one.
Sry I am a Kraut, I pretty much learned English by myself at some point because school classes were shit never took time to learn the grammar.
Anything > 10hr is good
Appearance-wise, Senri seems to have better chicks.
>Sry I am a Kraut, I pretty much learned English by myself at some point because school classes were shit never took time to learn the grammar.
Eh. I learned English by listening to music, and learned how to write by writing song lyrics over, and over again.
Man, pick one USEFUL area and stick to it. Learning include doing things yourself, you would have absolutely no time to do all of these at once. These domains require at least one year of experience alone to make something that would be worthy to show other people
ps: desu my mind is fucked the way your is and I too split my energy on everything I could and have something like success only in several domains, all of which are currently useless for me
Hey kraut! Let me play with your vagina.
I tried 2 courses, they were both alright but definitely only worth the $10 on sale cost.
They're really nothing special, it's nice having it all set it so easy to follow but at the same time it's too "easy" and you never struggle because the answer is right there, so not much really stuck with me.
I'd say they're good for introductions to things and they'll hype you up for doing shit and make you out to be a GOD TIER DEVELOPER because you made one app, but in reality like 20% actually sticks and the rest well be information overload and won't be remembered unless you look back again and again.
Worth it to ease the pain that is getting into things for sure, because starting is the hardest part. But as an ACTUAL learning course they're as good as the top Google result for whatever you want to do.
Also a lot of info is outdated these days and the best ones I could find were often using things from years ago that nobody uses anymore for some parts, something to note when you look.
I couldn't stand his accent
Do people actually pay for udemy courses?
All of these would take like a lifetime dude
What are some good courses?