What is the best linux window manager?
What is the best linux window manager?
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install gentoo
The one I use.
I like awesome
do window manager needed, just run one app at a time in X
It's the WM of the future!
>1 at a time
>not using gnu screen
Hijacking to ask: does anyone really use a transparent text editor?
I'm sure some people do, but i could never get into the transparent meme
because its the only one supporting wayland
Yeah, only because my terminal is slightly transparent. And that's just because I use a tiling window manager and would never get to see my wallpaper otherwise.
>not just using pure X
Go back to wangblows
Though it’s ont available on a BSD distro called MacOS
I really like Sway but have no idea how to rice it.
My terminal is 90% opaque #EEEEEE on top of a light background
I can still see the background, but it doesn't really affect readability.
KWin. No contest.
fvwm is more configurable than any other stacking wm, and is one of the oldest still being developed
>using wm
if you need more, you're autistic
>implying your DE, whatever system you're on, doesn't use a window manager
Sway has i3wm .config compatability and it also has built features that implement certain i3 plugins by default like i3-blocks
that sounds interesting, I thunk I’ll take a look at it when I get back home
Checkout the swaywm webm on their website.
it's got a cool intro of all the features.