You can use only 1 compiled and 1 interpreted language for the rest of your life

You can use only 1 compiled and 1 interpreted language for the rest of your life
what would you choose?
hard mode: no c/c++ and python

Cmmon Lsp

Does both. Why waste brain cycles learning two programming languages? Are you dumb OP?

Java and JavaScript

D and Lua

C and ASM

>write C compiler in other language
>get other languages back
OP is a fag.

c# and javascript
it's not like I use any other language anyway

>implying gentoomen can write their own compiler

Java and PHP

does java and c# count as compiled?

gust give me vi and a hex table

c# is interpreted into bytecode which is compiled by the CLR, so yeah

>old ass laptops, including toshiba laptop i have
>megatokyo art
>tinfoil around his rat nest

man this photo is either old as hell or this guy needs some help

No it can not produce native code.

Visual basic

It's compiled to bytecode then interpreted by CLR / JVM

Go and Ruby.

Rust and Javascript


C and Lisp

No c/c++?
D and Lua then

If I can't have C/Python than probably these

C and Lisp.

Asm and lisp

I don't get these questions, am I restricted to not making my own language?

FORTRAN and Julia
I do all my heavy lifting in C and data-y stuff in Python
But the majority of the C stuff is just wrappers anyway, and if a Python/FORTRAN caller exists, it's only a matter of time before good Julia ones pop up
I guess Julia might be cheating a tiny bit, what with the AOT features, but sure

C# and javascript

or asm and reinvent everything

I have maintained one written in C.

Designed and wrote a lexar/compiler/interpreter in Go for a custom language.

can I use assembly and leave these 2 open for languages I learn in the future

Java and JavaScript.

dubs don't lie

On my own OS, of course: My own and my own and they would share some parts, so for huge parts would apply.

So which is it?

I'm not a gentooman, fortunately.

The ones where they can produce binary code.
There are restrictions, though, and your best options for Java are probably third party compilers like Excelsoir JET.
That being said, JVMs and CLR JIT compilers work like runtime AOT compilers and not like tracing JIT compilers to fix dynamic language misdesign. This explains the shitty startup times.

C and Python


rust and ruby.
Shit, never realised I was gay..

here would also be an option but only using mruby


that guy is one of the piratebay maindevs, photo is really old. It's a bit long ago but i believe they were hiding then in thailand. Also don't remember the anime thing, might be added in.

Why the space blankets everywhere?
To keep the room cool?

me irl

>1 compiled
Common lisp

i'm dating myself here, megatokyo was a weeb comic made by a huge beta weeb faggot named fred gallagher. when i was a weeb faggot teenager, i got his autograph in his first published volume of comics at an anime convention. me being a huge weeb faggot, i told him i loved his work, to which he belittled and denigrated himself. the first year or so of the comic was "good" when his friend was still working on it with him, dumb nerd and computer humor, etc. then his friend left and he turned it into a shitty melodramatic weeb manga.

Fortran and Tcl/Tk

C# and Lua I guess.



>hard mode: no python
fuck you, I pick Python

Compiled: Common Lisp

Interpreted: J

C and Tcl

C and Ruby

Crystal and PHP

Go and Ruby

Swift and Ruby




English, because all computer languages eventually become obsolete.

Rust, and Makefile

butter chicken and chicken masala

Only need one senpai, Haskell can be compiled and interpreted.

Why is there a dildo in Shaggy's shelf in OPs pic?

Rust and Java

his ass isn't gonna fuck itself


I would just use scheme and common lisp

all languages are interpreted in the end

If i couldnt use c id learn common lisp or go or rust

JS and C, platform independent wasm-powered web apps being the motivation

rust and node :^)

C++ and lua

Go and Lua

C# is interpreted

D and Bash

Go and R/Python (for statistics and ML)

haskell javascript

ngen exists

Lua is dead.

C and Python


Haskell and C.

No C? Haskell and Forth.

Rust and idk.

a compiled and interpreted implementeation of scheme

Common Lisp and Ruby.

Not because I'm such a great Lisper myself, but both langauges are deep enough to really be challenging for decades.

Ironically, numales wouldn't want to touch C or ASM, only JavaScript/Ruby form those


Rust, duh. Anyone not answering Rust to this question is retarded. It's not even just theoretical, Rust IS the only language you should be using. It's 2018, you need to move on from those old obsolete languages.


c and asm is already all I use. Writing firmware for a ti c2000.

sepples and racket

Faraday cage

C and Perl

>This explains the shitty startup times.
Though it also explains the rather good sustained performance.

>java cannot compile to native code
gcj wants a word with you.

Of course you can use the term "interpreted" that way, but that just makes it pointless.

>Czech Republic was Necropolis all along

What level of autism has Shaggy reached? Did Scooby die forcing him to turn to Sup Forums, waifus, and BSD?

hard mode:
Red and Rebol

C and Java

how's your dilation going after the surgery? does the pussy look real?

Rust/Delphi I haven't tried any of them so I might as well just flip a coin, Ruby for interpreted.

HLA and Javascript/Perl