Speccy thread? Speccy thread.
Non-Poverty Edition
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Kind of bummed that I'm stuck with the RX 480 for the foreseeable future. But I guess it could be worse.
glad i didn't fall for the 1070/1080 meme
Why the Blue 320GB?
does hackintosh work seamlessly with the rx 480 now? last time i had to boot using my igpu and it made things wonky
Tbh I kinda regret going with an 8700k instead of an 1800x.
Why are you stuck with it? Pretty decent specs overall though.
What're you actually doing with it?
Legitimately curious.
>1080p monitor
>calling 1070/1080 memes
Difference is, you don't actually need anything more at such a small resolution.
It's been with me for a while, it's outlasted 2x 2tb drives and a 1tb that I recently took out. I just use it to store my torrents for the most part. Surprisingly reliable.
sucks being poor