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Technology #643
Serious series: serious question
Are you poor or something?
Who /legit/ here?
Essential Firefox extensions?
So we're finally here
Boot parted magic live cd
Power On Hours
I just jumped on the GNU/Linux train. What should I install to enjoy my free as in freedom experience?
Read to me user!
Why does Sup Forums hate Windows 10?
Do you use a antivirus?
A smartphone that
Why I don´t use Linux
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Are laptops useless now?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Sup Forums Approved Books
What will you do when windows 7 stop being supported?
QBittorent is botnet
I want to learn cyber security for free
I made a site Sup Forums
I installed Windows 10 Enterprise and disabled all the auto-updates using the special twick
So I'm looking for a decent program to organize my shit ton of pictures
If I download a .PNG with a script and it's saved as a .JPG. Will there be a loss of quality? Manually downloading the...
You guys think this phone is a meme...
PC Case thread
/wt/ Watch Thread
I have this 2010 MacBook sitting around and I have no idea what to do with it. Any ideas Sup Forums?
Why the hell would one want to use two monitors with the same computer? If you are not a NASA engineer...
Why the fuck aren't Nvidia and AMD making more GPUs to supply the demand of "miners" and "gamers"?
Help me choose the best vpn
Wine 3.0 now has direct3D 10/11 support
Apple is overpr-
The countdown has started, Sup Forums
The best search engine
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Why does Sup Forums not recommend tilling wm to newbies?
If dark mode is so wanted by all the internet fags why dont browsers make some header like 'wants-dark' so that the...
The current year
If you didn't have to care about backwards compatibility, what would you change about it?
Am I making the right choice?
Im a brainlet
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is it normal for your Internets to just kind of get faster on their own? For the last few years...
The aeron is a meme chair
Student here
Are there any search engines that just replicate google searches?
Graphics card
Homescreen thread
/mpv/ – the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Just how long until we can shove a CPU in a human brain and be able to do millions of calculations in a mere...
Halp, Sup Forums
Is true artificial intelligence actually possible? It seems like a bit of a meme
FHD 144Hz
What is the most beautiful case?
Smartphone (2012)
Can the Thinkpad x1 carbon 3rd gen (2015) run these games ?
Brave Browser
My new coworker is a git nazi
Need ubuntu for OpenFOAM
Bring back terry
How do you name your files?
Ionospheric Transmission
Really shitty 'tech phrases'
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Which is the superior stove technology, induction or gas?
What do you think of the FX-8300?
Is apple racist against non whites?
He didn't go all in on the greatest currency of all time because he had to pay extra for a GPU
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Microsoft OneDrive Free Extra 500mb Signing Up
The Great Debate
/rvg/ - RISC-V General; "Why has nobody created this thread yet?" Edition
As a linux user what media player did you use before mpv?
Name a single encryption software better than this
His view count has been way down recently
Fuck one. Kill one. Marry one
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What do you think of my Android setup, user?
What is your favorite programming language?
Hiro is trying to kill the archives, how do we save them Sup Forums?
Looking for a good ergonomic mouse. Any suggestions?
Hey Sup Forums
Work is trying to promote me to systems admin
Dumb tech related shit
Why jetbrains ides are so ugly?
He spent more than $99 on a computer
Elementary OS
Please sign up to continue
The future is terrifying
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
I unironically fell in love with C. What jobs can I get?
Post your addons
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Tfw stil no server as aesthetic as Xserve
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Internet net needs to be regulated
What is the best VPN?
What is the best pdf editor on Windows, apart from adobe shit...
Tfw fell for the 16GiB DDR3 RAM meme
Getting a tax refund of 989 dollars what should i get with it? pic is specs
Does ejecting your USB before you take it out actually do anything?
What will you do when you get your Android gf Sup Forums?
Can we get a Vulkan thread going?
Linux Distro for my ThinkPad
Is Java a good beginner/introductory language as a first starting language to get into coding/programming?
Ddr4 prices only keep going up by each passing day
African Tech Growth
So I installed Arch a few days ago, I've been having fun with some customisation etc etc...
How quick will Apple tank once the lgqbt community stops supporting them?
4k playback
Which one of these editors is best for writing C code?
Radio / GMRS / FRS / HAM / whatever thread
What is your favorite fictional OS?
Clothed ->nude machine
Why don't you spend some money on your sister, user?
Be 3rd worlder
Foobar doesn't have shell controls. Wtf?
I am currently a CS student and I want to learn something that will make me more marketable out of college
Overclocked my Ryzen 3 1200 to 4Ghz
Car Radios Are Technology
Time complexity
I got memed into installing pi-hole recently and holy cow look how active my devices were while I was asleep!
Finally made the switch and what a relief. More battery life, working payment system, apps run smoother, best camera...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Tech Job thread
The pinnacle of User Interface design
OnePlus exposed YET AGAIN for chinking their customers
Terry will never stream again
Why is iPhone so popular in the poorer demographics?
Apply as a software intern at a large corporation
Windows faggot here...
Web scraping
Firefox Census Survey
Torrent Sites
Does ANYONE here own a chromebook? I brought one last year and I'm trying to figure out how to get the most out of it...
Sup Forums, why do bad things happen to good websites?
British public healthcare system declares war on Linux
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Official 'laugh at Jimbo' thread
2018 browser war
I just got candle wax all over my gpu and it works fine
Why are there over 9000 gnu/linux distros again?
Is there anything worse that that "siliver painted plastic" trend of the mid 2000s?
Redpill me on the state of animu upscaling in the year of our lord 2018. is nnedi3 still the best there is?
Visual Studio Code is the best editor
Would you buy Apple products if you weren't a poorfag?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/tog/ - TempleOS general
Android privacy app
Fuchsia OS
Hey you!
Cant even use a vpn on Sup Forums
CS vs. Computer Engineering (EE + CS)
Be me
On a scale of 1 to fucked...
/wt/ - Watch Thread
I just installed Arch. Do I have to start watching anime now?
Why can't microsoft use svg icons correctly?
/mpv/ - what's next?
Should I learn JavaScript?
Getting a second monitor
Ok so, I had to go to New York other day and apparently the US wall sockets look like pic related
U.S. 5g netwroks
Is HDR a scam? Whats stopping corporations from releasing a new HDR standard every year making your current TV obsolete...
The Official Sup Forums Router Discussion Thread
Install alpine lignux
Daily reminder dozens of websites have now bitcoin mining scripts that consume CPU
Now what?
Is there a legit emulator for the switch?
Pc gaming is a luxury now
What's a good tech degree for a neet with no life...
Another mentally ill programmer
Want to debotnet myself
Hey Sup Forums, can I get a good mouse/keyboard combo please? Primarily for MMOs...
I made this in uni. pls rate
Is OLED a meme? What use is a display technology that suffers from horrible image retention and burn-in...
Best $170 I ever spent
Dubs picks my hostname
What are ACTUAL good keyboards, for a fast typist?
What is the worst malware you've ever seen Sup Forums?
How much longer is traditional storage tech like SSDs and HDDs going to last? 50 years? what's comes after?
What's the political makeup of Sup Forums?
Best tabbed SSH Client
Best $40 I ever spent
How do I permanently erase that annoying cocksucking fucking Google listening shit from my phone
Debian only
Beat me
Can someone explain to a brainlet what Bitcoin mining is and how it works?
ITT tech habbits that make you cringe
Is this thing worth crowdfunding and why/why not? What's a better alternative for it? Looks like it'll deliver...
What is a good way to determine if a URL link is a PDF in Python without looking at the file extension?
Thoughts Sup Forums?
*reviews your device*
What are some based ultrabooks?
Why aren't you buying an acer macbook?
VPN Chaining using a Non-VM Solution
Gaming mouse general
Are there any benefits to buying an Apple computer when you could build or buy a much better one for the same price?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Tfw every moron on this planet is using Intel CPUs for their servers
Windows is good, because it run muh gaymes
Need help setting up the internet
Anyone here who has taken computer science , do you know how to handle a certain situation with a CS Professor...
I've been informed someone is trying to doxx me because I run a controversial political account on tahmblr...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Why aren't you using a distro that actually cares about aesthetics?
Looking into buying a SBC. Why should I buy?
Lol no thanks
Hey, Sup Forums I'm a hero from another world. I got Isekai'd in this world
Really Nintendo? Cardboard?
Programming age
Confess, my child
HP Spectre X360 vs Dell XPS 13
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to use an older version of Nautilus to keep desktop icons
Clover thread
What the fuck
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Android BTFO ?
Why this is not implemented in consumer-grade GNU/Linux
Hey, you
/hackintosh/ - Hackintosh General
Whats your excuse for not compiling your own kernel?
Sup Sup Forumsuys, I'm trying to get an app created but am having a hard time finding a good programer
Why is this program so awful? Half the stuff it reports is incorrect
What do you do when this happens ?
Sup Forums books
Phone Bread
Before encrypting an HDD, what should I use to wipe the disk? I heard it must be random data...
1.5 years phone
16 core Threadripper
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Tried a higher OC and now I get BSOD on previous settings
Is pic related still good in current year, Sup Forums?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Meizu M6 or iShit 7
Are ram prices going to come down any time soon?
Blacklisted IMEI?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/glmg/ - GNU/Linux Minimalism General
Why should anyone build their own PC and install pfsense?
ITT: Things that piss you off
How long until AI is good enough to fake human interaction?
Recently I bought a NDS Lite and this was included
Anyone here run ethernet cords outdoors to another building...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Only oldfags are allowed to post IIT
Just in case you didn't know:
Was it a virus?
YouTube is updating their Partner Program so now all of us normies on Sup Forums will longer be able to get shekels...
Nvidia prices jacked?!
Do you believe in math washing Sup Forums?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
This is the perfect CSS File
Sup Forums humor thread
Philip DeFranco is shilling this
I was watching old Apple Mac commercials on YouTube (don't ask) and this slogan came up. Was it reallly true?
*destroys the hard drive(s)*
CPU Performance Formula
Reddit learns programming
Sup Forums thread downloader
Quality gaming pc...?
Vichan and imageboard creation
Uses openbox
Do you think there will ever be a day where we could just upload information into our brains learning the information...
Will we ever get another Windows this fucking good? 7 was the absolute tits and everyone loved it
What tools have you written to automate your work/life?
Why does this country suck at internet?
Why are you not unironically using Sup Forumsentoo?
UBlock soon to be actually able to remove ads instead of just hiding them
Ok looking for some advice...
Prove to me this is a botnet and/or a honeypot
Where the fuck is the problem?
People who hate IDEs like Visual Studio or products from JetBrains
I won't have to buy a new iPhone, after all
Fractal cases sucks ass
Amazon HQ Finalists
"see quell" or "ess cue elle"?
/wt/ watch thread
Home screen thread?
200MHz improvement for Zen+
Does any of you use BSD? If so, why?
$1,200 Graphics Card
Chrome and Firefox are fun by SJW, Opera is botnet, what browser are you using user? Give a good reason to use him
I'm so sorry
C++ is a dog pile of shit
Fuck Sup Forums i have to commit seppuku soon
Why do windows games have better performance on linux?
Encryption without plausible denniability is stupid, so what's the best way to configure a hidden system in 2018?
Literally no excuse to not fall for the VR meme Sup Forums
Skyfall and Solace
Any front end devs here? How is it? Considering a career in it
So Sup Forums why didn't you get the newest iPhone?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Void linux pozzed
If you were to give an unmotivated but intelligent NEET (who quickly loses interest in shit) step by step instructions...
What do you think about the microsoft-ification of linus?
Now that the dust has settled, which OS/Distro handled CPU Meltdown best?
H.265 and VLC
Google moving to Debian
Why is cuckolding so common with IT professionals?
Win7 vs Win10
Aren't locked Lenovo Thinkpads the best choice?
ITT: People of tech who you hope suffer a career threatening and potentially life threatening injury or disease
Home screen thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Program automatically installs to C: without giving you an option to change install dir
What ever happen to tek syndicate?
Your warranty is now void. I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war...
RAM prices inflated due to a formed cartel
You cannot upgrade Win 7 to Win 10 for free
Discovering Porn Folder of a Deceased Person
Blocks your upgrade path
What's the point of buying a smartphone if it's not a flagship?
Music Downloading
I want to fix the DisplayPort disconnect problem where if I have 2 monitors and I turn off the DP one it basically...
In order to truly kill cryptocurrency, a group must kill all the hope of crypto. People sell, people buy...
I need to break into this son of a bitch to resolder the connections since my wire is fucked
Mom found and decrypted the encrypted hidden volume
Friendly reminder that portfolios full of side projects are now considered a hiring red flag
What will you do when you get your Android gf Sup Forums?
What could I do with 100 of these?
What are the first things you do/install after acquiring a new laptop?
Finally fallen for the Linux meme. Found my old Ideapad S205 in a closet...
Coffee is technology
Average Debian user
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What do you think about the windows-ification of GNU/Linux?
How do I compete with these fuckers? I need to upgrade my shit and it's fucking impossible
“What’s a computer?”
Uses about the same amount of ram as gnome. i don't see what the big deal is...
If you have executed this script, your computer is fucked
Any decent relatively cheap (not iphone prices) smartphones what have fingerprint reader?
Motorola's entire 2018 lineup leaked
>G-Sync >FreeSync
Drop down terminal emulator
I need User manuals and / wiring diagrams for divers Airplane parts from Russian / CCCP (Coюз Coвeтcких...
Wake up to to my iPhone X(TM) alarm
Battlestation Thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What shell does Sup Forums use?
What is that
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Can we have a tablet thread?
Two guys kissing
Xfce or mate? I've been using xfce for a while now wanted to try out mate for a change...
I'm a certified computer technician, so believe me when I tell you that if their wifi is secured correctly...
Are paid sites to learn coding worth it?
/ppg/ - PCI Passthrough General
How does Sup Forums clean their mouse pads?
See this
Why are the FSF drones only ever mad when it's Western companies using their GPL code...
What the flying fuck would you call this?
Could anyone provide some assistance on why my 1070s are mining far below average...
Tech youtubers
ITT: God tier cases
CPU Performance Formula - OPS
Anyone else feel like switching fields away from programming?
Why are the Japanese the only people making fun technology?
Ricing win10... how do?
AMD Gets Hit With Two Class Action Law Suits For Spectre Vulnerabilities
Plan 9
How are we supposed to take women in computing seriously when they haven't made a single technical contribution in...
Are we living in the era of cyber punk?
Be in cs class
What do you guys think is moot's work at google?
Technology doesn't develop fast enough or stops developing at all in the coming years
02:00 P.M
Ok Sup Forums, im gonna do it, im gonna write an OS from scratch, i'll need a logo and a name for it
Is this shit any good? thinking of trying it out
Hahahahahaha *breathes* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Soyboys will say the X1 is better
Have idea that can save people money on airfare
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
AMD RX Vega 64 Owner Sells Card For $1200, Buys Nvidia Titan Xp Collectors Edition For $1138
Cryptominer holocaust when?
Is there anything better for the price? I'm having a hard time finding anything even close
I made a thing
Fuck white people
*demonetizes you*
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
This is objectively the best phone on the market right now
Why does microsoft put drop shadows on their icon labels? it's h*ckin ugly
1) If you use uBlock Origin
Tfw can't buy a cell phone because they all suck
High sierra bricked my mbp
Is overclocking a meme?
What do you use to read and manage your RSS feeds Sup Forums? If you're still using RSS that is
Chikn Tendies
Nvidia offers free GPUs to Linux people for them to fix their shit
What do you use yours for?
Things that your phone does that annoys you
Just admit to yourself already that Pajeets will inevitably replace you at your work/job somewhere down the line...
Clover dev builds
Hey Sup Forums, I'm making a research assignment for a college class, the assignment is about women in tech...
Are large phones feminine?
First day of CS
/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread
/mpv/ - what's next?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Sup Forums stuff normalfags do that really makes you think
Do you think Sup Forums could have meetups like /o/
Is this the greatest monitor?
What's the best way to convert lossless (flac or tta) to something like the opus format on Winblows?
How do I not fuckup building my own pc? AMD equipment tho
/wt/ Watch Thread
You don't need more
Perfect size for laptops?
If criptocurrency breaks for good, does that mean we will have lots and lots of cheap used cards for sale?
You feel it too, don’t you?
Tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
Ok /g, The time has come. One year ago i Bought a memepad t430 because of
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Why are so many Linux distros dropping support for 32bit computers...
What is the best free software license and why?
Just wondering from a pure software engineering perspective
Thinking about certifying myself in CCNA/CCNP/Vmware/MCSE/lonix server etc
Is const a meme? Why the fuck are C and C++ programmers so fucking autistic about making everything const...
What machine do you miss the most?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
I'm going to press the button. Someone have it? Can say what he thinks about it?
Help starving children in Uganda
How do I become as smart as Linus Torvalds?
So i decided to fall for the gentoo meme and wiped os drive on my main laptop computer...
I wanna out of my country Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT we pretend that companies used good programming languages
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Crypto coins
/clmg/ - Comfy Linux Mint General
He actually patched his system against some bullshit 'specre and meltdown bullshit exploit"
Anyone using the 12 inch Macbook? What do you with it and how does it perform so far...
Why aren't you running Ubuntu on your computer, user?
>change volume in wind*s >big fucking OSD takes up 90% of your screen
Is this the single best feature of windows 10? Almost reminds me of linux
/ddg/ dumpster diving general
AirBnB will buy all the small hotels next
EMule community by 2018
Building a PC is so easy! It's like getting a driver's license - everyone has done it, even the most retarded people!
One GPU per person a year limit fucking when? I honestly think this is the only answer...
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
Starting to kinda like Java
/reCAPTCHA General/
Tencent helped Chinese police arrest 120 PUBG cheat makers
Holy shit look at these GTX 1050 prices. Sup Forums how long do you think this will last. It's getting out of hand
Has anyone ever experienced the fabled falcon northwest mach v? Is it the best boutique pc?
So Sup Forums, are you type A or type B?
Install xfce
He. killed. Millions
What GPU shortage?
Samsung Phones
Career dick waving thread
A stolen ipad
What is the most aesthetic OS?
Front-facing camera is a meme
Cyberpunk + Cybersecurity 2049
What happened to the cyberpunk threads
Phone Suggestions
So...... since crypto is doomed.... can anyone help me find a 1060 6gb , 2 fan... pref. MSI ?
Iphone SE 2 is happening. Thinshits BTFO. The true vision of steve jobs is coming back to life
A big waste of "Space"
Ignoring prices rn:
Study for almost 2 months to get my A+ cert
Congratulations Microsoft
Craigslist thread
CPU Performance Formula
Are powebank capacities half of the advertised?
Why do companies still use windows at their workstation? Linux is that bad?
X11 vs Wayland
What browser do you use?
How do you configure MadVR for this?
Admit it, you would use it if you had a job
What are some essential programs to download on a new computer?
This cant be it. I lost everything. EVERYTHING
Why does this distro cause some people on board to fly into an autistic rage?
Have spectrum as isp, had since 90s when they were road runner...
Ubuntu is bl-
/cc/ Christian Computing
Home is dual fuel heat pump/natural gas furnace, natural gas kicks in when temperature outside is below 40
You have 10 seconds to explain why a Monad isn't just an over-complicated way of defining a Class and why Functional...
Based Steve "Gamer" Burke BTFOs all companies who don't pay hi-
Currently 9,998 Steam OS/Linux games ported
What are your experiences with ssds ?
Sup Forums Software Piracy
Digital Ocean just cut their price / RAM ratio in half
Samsung won
/hpg/ - Headphone General
The question shouldn't be why are you using Linux, but why AREN'T you using Linux?
I'm 30, unskilled and most likely have no future
Since the dust has settled, why is 3d printing a fucking joke?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Yo Sup Forums
Last thread dead, post your neckbeard EDC here
/ppg/ - PCI Passthrough General
My Lainzine arrived today
What comfy chair does Sup Forums use?
What would be the best smartphone for me if only things I really need are
Piratebay- How come some websites can't die?
What is the best visual text editor and why is it GNU nano?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Did I pick the wrong major
So, What's the Ideological makeup of Sup Forums?
Just realized that xfce with the default greybird theme is the shit and it does not need any ricing
KWin/X11 is feature frozen (for ever)
The technology for Linux just isn't there yet
Buy used keyboard
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Is Crypto finally finished? Can we get cheap GPUs again?
How many bugs in existence are realistically because of C++?
I've always wondered why we don't have wireless displays yet
There is nothing wrong with Java
What's the best free antivirus for windows?
Slot Machines Fraud
inherit some shitty ios app at work
Whats the best file converter for windows to turn these massive torrent files into an mp4
Fuck this mouse. It's starting to freeze constantly and I've only had it for a little as one year...
Why buy a MacBook air when you can buy this?
Prove me wrong
Mass Surveillance fear mongering
be software engineer
What will you do when it's finally dead?
Why don't you use StartMail?
So I've just read the first 250 pages of a Book to learn JavaScript. I'm currently reading about prototypes
/tpg/ - Trashpad General
It gets worse
Wallets are technology
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Sup Forums in 2065
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Systemd hate thread
Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Tfw somebody forked my GitHub project
Post em
So, China has built a ginormous air purifier and it works
MRW I hear Another country has banned Crypto Currency, and Etherium/Bitcoin are in sharp decline
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Is now a good time to buy a vive?
What are some reasons for why women choose to let themselves go?
Poorfag here, does anyone know of a VR headset made for PC, not a smartphone...
Is the S7 EDGE the best phone ever made? It has front FP reader, ip68, good display
MWhat are some good hackathon ideas? For every good idea I'll post another pic of this qt from Sup Forums last night
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
/sq/t - Stupid question thread
>>>Sup Forums
Is windows 8.1 technically windows 9 ?
You never use this shit, be honest
when the hardware is so inferior that you start talking about the aesthetics
Tales from the intel shill crypt
Fuck me this market is now shit
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
IDE thread? All languages
Why are there so many soyboys in web design?
How common are AMOLED screen burn ins?
How do we fix apple?
Secure erase
$1100 for a shitty EVGA 1070
So Sup Forums, how do you feel about audio cassettes making a comeback?
Why do you people reccommend KMS to activate windows instead of buying a cheap key on eBay?
Since mechanical keyboards made a comeback, why didn't the mice with the ball come back...
I've been using Duckduckgo instead of Google. What does Sup Forums use?
Why doesnt someone just make a linux distro that runs exe files?
Tfw my contract's almost up for renewal
Like a week ago i found a lost iphone no one has called it or claimed it at all and im guessing im gonna keep it...
Can we get a CPU cooler thread going? I'm starting to think all these large air cooled heatsinks more or less the same...
Why doesn't any phone manufacturer make a camera that tilts up a little bit so that I can discretely take videos in...
Hawaii missile crisis TECH THREAD
Wtf is this thing?
Google Twitter Algorithms and Outrage
My G500 is taking a shit
How long till waifu bots become a reality?
Best Fix for Spectre and Meltdown
$1500 P51
Non-booting linux
/bsdg/ - BSD General
Replacing a smartphone with things that aren't shit
Hey guys. I have a rootkit that is kicking my ass
Explain to me right now why you don't have pic related. it's unequivocally the best processor on the planet
What are some good free and open source vidya gaems, Sup Forums?
Could someone explain quantum computers in comparison to regular ones? I really don't get it
FF android is teh sux
He fell for jewish gimmicks
Java Thread
/wt/ Watch Thread
Gamers, I'm sorry you're poor. Really. But we need these more than you do
Hello Sup Forums I am looking for some feedback on these Herman Miller Aeron office chairs...
Has there ever been a Linux user who switched to Windows?
Tfw phone got stolen
What's the reliability of 2.5'' vs 3.5'' dries these days?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Why aren't you running NodeOS?
I've been off Sup Forums for quite some time
What does Sup Forums use for torrenting?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/hackintosh/ - Hackintosh General
Post your download speed
Show me your EDC you degenerates
His phone isn't in monochrome
What should I do with this raspberry pi?
Installing a WNA3100 driver Ubuntu Mate
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
In your dream technological world
Which would you rather have, two 16:9 displays or one ultrawide 21:9 display?
Bug 141154 [...] 2004-04-24 16:10:19 UTC
WINE 3 is surprisingly good for Photoshop
What's the best tablet with a good IPS/OLED hidpi screen and stereo speakers (one on each of the short sides)?
Should i install Fedora or Ubuntu
Apple won
Currently drinking coffee in central London to feel less alone
SSD drive
Is it worth it Sup Forums? Should I get this or the Switch?
We need to make it legal to kill bitcoin miners on site
Calculator thread?
Will you ever buy their processor again?
/glmg/ - GNU/Linux Minimalism General
What did they mean by this?
You've been letting doubleclick...
Does anyone use freebsd as a daily driver here?
This faggot wants 10K for batoto
Raspberry Pi
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Cox Cable is garbage
Damore's lawsuit exposes Google work conditions
Which license do you consider to be truly "free"?
Hi Sup Forums, i've had a PPC Macintosh in my posession for a while now running MacOS 9. It's pretty comfy but unusable...
Windows 10 Upgrade Reboot Freakout
What email does Sup Forums use?
What do anons thing of wind powered ships, will they ever be viable? Green energy is the hotness after all
Is arch linux an offical meme os of Sup Forums?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
ITT: technologies that just werk
Intel Preps Their Own Discrete GPUs For Replacing AMD’s dGPU Solutions
Muh Embrase Extend Extinguish by Microsoft
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Best logless VPN
Wisconsin Company to Implant Microchips in Employees
Systemd or open-rc?
What's the best way to acquire a vidya pc without building it yourself?
Why do you fear the comnand line?
Sublime Text Worth mail
Even when gimped amd can't compete
CLOVER general - /cg/
Liking friends means using facebook
Well I don't know what to do
Sup Forums, how do I find the motivation to learn a programming language?
You just installed a fresh copy of your favorite OS
Home server general - /hsg/
I don't want to study CS anymore...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why are Americans so technology behind and retarded?
Whats your favorite linux distribution?
I've been waiting YEARS for a half decent android tablet to come out. But it never happened
Holy shit. My gf came into my room to talk to me and I literally screamed at her and told her to get the fuck out...
Are the new shady Sup Forums ads still delivering ransomware/miners onto Windows computers?
SSDs are nothing more than a Sup Forums meme...
Android browsers
What's a compooter?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What text editor do you use, Sup Forums?
Is this botnet?
How is the logitech g603 as a general wireless mouse for gaming/desktop use...
What is the least bad DNS?
DOCSIS was the step in the wrong direction that caused everything wrong with North American internet service providers...
Microsoft <3 Linux Thread
Firefox shit the bed
Kosher Switch - Endorsed by leading Orthodox Rabbis!!!
Can someone explain me why retarded faggots buy common GPUs made for PC gaming to farm cryptocurrency instead of...
I'm a fourth year Computer engineering student. My grades are somewhat decent (3...
The Official Sup Forums Router Discussion Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
This scares the American
What does Sup Forums think about Blokada?
Blackberry 10 is dying, m8s. Today whatsapp officially stopped working on all BB10 devices...
What's your favorite programming language?
Did I do good? Will be putting this together myself for every day use like streaming and gaming. Stuff like Pubg...
What do you fa/g/s think about MIUI?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What's the best way to learn it?
Hey user, tell me about that weird windows i saw on your pc. How do you call it?... Linoox?...
Organizing Folders
Welcome to the botnet
Hey guys
Hey Sup Forums, I'm a broke student who wants a cheap gaming desktop. My budget is around $150 NZD...
Redpill me on cloud gaming
Looking to purchase a new case for my build
Non-Poverty Edition
Quick! Somebody is giving you $150 on Amazon and you can spend it on something for your PC or getting a Raspberry Pi...
Would you buy a used keyboard, Sup Forums?
Honestly I believe that anyone that develops anti- adblock software deserves to be beaten. It's like...
/sqt/ stupid question thread
My server just text me. HDD had a giant spike in bad sectors and uncorrectable reads. SeaGate: never again
ITT: Aggrivate Sup Forums
dude, programming is not that hard lmao
Facebook Workplace
It's fucking nothing
Last chance to download windows 10?
I'm trying to picture how you faggots accomplish ANYTHING productive without a numpad
Lets outline our journey to becoming software developers based on milestones/events
Oneplus customer payment system compromised, customers reporting credit card fraud
Gains 10x productivity
Is it learning Russian worth it for an engineer?
Which graphical DE is best for keyboard-heavy workflows? I tried i3, no thanks
PSA: Massive GPU Price Hike Incoming!
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Does a normie benefit from using linux? And how?
What The Fuck
What is this Sup Forums? Found it in a school elevator
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
Did you guys ever hear of a site called
Old ass tech
How do I keep myself from getting doxxed...
/wt/ watch thread
Besides muh botnet, which one of these two is better and why?
Tfw can only learn to program at work because there is no internet or videogames to distract you
Was there ever a more perfect computer
ITT: Tech and tech-related cringe
The best browser I've ever seen. Runs with low ram consumption, has that old classic Firefox feel...
Product support
How do you know when it's time to reformat your computer?
What file system type does Sup Forums use on linux?
Holy shit
Be me 24
Why have I just hear of this now?
Excuse me, best GPU ever coming through!
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...