/tpg/ - ThinkPad General

Old Thread: →
If you're looking for purchase advice, state your budget and requirements (e.g. size and performance).
>>Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>>Other business laptops are also welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook).

Recommended IBM models:
>600 series, IPS T4x or 755 series
Recommended modern models:
>X220 - 12", 768p, cheap and light
>T420 - 14", 900p, widely available, socketed CPU, Ivy Bridge installable w/ Coreboot
>W520 - 15", 1080p, Desktop Replacement, 32GB RAM on quadcore models, USB 3.0
>T440p, T540p, W540 - last ThinkPads to have replaceable CPUs, IPS displays available, chiclet
>P series - reminiscent to old build quality, top-of-the-line specs, better than most current mobile workstations, but very expensive.

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards - tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: chassis uses a magnesium rollcage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>The best TrackPoint, great for those who type a lot or hate swiping their fingers all over a touchpad
>Excellent GNU/Linux & *BSD support

Used laptop guides by xsauc:
ThinkWiki - Info on ThinkPads & running GNU/Linux on them:
ThinkPad service guides w/ tutorial videos:
EPP discount for new ThinkPads:
BIOS logo booru:

Other urls found in this thread:


I fucked up.
Actual old thread:

idab is a retard

Why do we have to go and make rude posts like this?

Grow up.

Why do you have to be such an annoying fag? Why do you have to be such an ATTENTION WHORE???

Im not. Im literally just chatting about thinkpads and trying to make friends.


6th for T440s best thinkpad

If you disagree, you are stuck in the past

chiclet only

So chat like a normal user poster and stop being "the t440s" fanboy! You are just another child crying for attention!

>buy x230 for 150GBP
>motherboard fries
>still manage to sell it for 100GBP almost 2 years later



underage people aren't allowed to post here

Im 21

And people are posting using my name now

Disregard the fake idab

are you autistic?

Need a New thinkpad, no Intel goy processor, something with a huge ass battery. Don't care about price. This will be my computer for my computer engineering major courses this semester.

Trashpad General

bios update when?
literally about to buy a macbook

Second nub in this pic is amazing everyone get it. eraser nub is pretty good but it attracts fuzz and gets kinda gross.

because you're tripfagging and reddit spacing

how did you swing that? I paid 120 for a working x220 3 months ago

HP business laptops can't be mentaldisorderbooted but aside from that they aren't bad.

the 2510p is used for Windows XP games, the x220 is my uni machine and the nx6325 is my first laptop but has a broken screen (coloured lines)


Wait wait wait, is this the same autistic Idab from lights hope vanilla wow? it all makes sense

What stickers do you have on your thinky?

What's the best one for budget media consumption

I just described it as having a "beeping sound" and made it seem like hurr durr I'm a dummy and don't know what's wrong.

I bet the guy thought it was the RAM and not the motherboard. Still, he should come at a profit after replacing the motherboard.


A285 or A485 when they come out later this year


Yes I livestream on lightshope.

No I am not autistic

Im famous on a world of warcraft private server.

The nerds there turned me into a meme

Another stinkpad ad.

Are you bragging or complaining?

get a T440p you colossal retard


He's an autistic attentiowhore that plays a private vanilla server

but muh portability

I actually have an extra screen,keyboard,trackpad from my t440s (all fresh parts, but the old ones work fine)

Are they compatible?

If I can find a t440p for sale without any of those parts, for a low price.

Im going to start looking. This is my next buy.

I'd probably leave this one on a desk and connect it to an ips monitor via dock anyway.

I have OCD, I have to take a bath every time i'm going to use my computer.

Is it a good deal to buy a used thinkpad? In my case? Is it cleaned?

I don't think I could sleep with that thing in my house.

Plus, can someone post that nice chart about the thinkpad models?

Why can't i find full-HD thinkpads on ebay

Should I buy a thinkpad if its not used? I don't want some faulty laptop to have my money blown on and want some kind of warranty on it at least, I'm looking to buy it new.

You're gonna have to open up the case and clean it out and replace the thermal paste.

This isnt hard.

Get the t440s if you're worried about it not being clean. I was able to get the inside of mine looking brand new.

Just take the time to detail it properly with a can of air + some 91% iso alcohol

These are actually some of the CLEANEST devices because of how modular they are.

If you have an issue with being clean, you'll LOVE thinkpads for this reason.

Spill crumbs into your keyboard? Just take it off 100% and clean it out with a vaccum and some air.

Cant do that on a macbook.



Yes you still should buy a thinkpad, even if its new.

But I would reccomend finding a cheaper used model, and just making sure you can source any replacement parts for that model cheap.

So even if you do run into an issue, its generally much cheaper to buy used and fix it yourself.

im a smelly nigger btw

I see many 1920x1080 thinkpads on ebay

im on europe
all i see for under 300 euros is filthy 1260x768

Can someone tell me every possible upgrade which can be done on a stock T440p?


came here to post this

Am the user who was buying the T440S in the old thread. ended up being a 1600x900 but it’s all good and I’m happy with my purchase so far. Is there anything I should know or do with it? Am currently getting my programs set up.

upgrade the screen to the IPS panel.

I just ordered one myself. Also get the trackpad with physical buttons because fuck that trackpad

>carbon fiber decal
way to ruin an otherwise tight looking thinkpad

A fully spec'd T440p will have:
>FHD IPS Panel
>9-cell battery

Some models had a GT 730M dGPU as well.

You should get a tripcode

I got a free thinkpad x120e fixed up and running Manjaro XFCE. AyyMD dual-core 1.6ghz, 4GB Ram, and a 250gb SSD. A decent netbook laptop

It’s not powerful by any means, but it makes for a good shitposting machine. I might buy a chink battery for it because the current one only lasts like 10 minutes.

Anyone have any experience with the X120e?

what's the one on the left

More info about my X120e
>Radeon HD6310
>webcam botnet (taped over)
>HDMI and 1 USB3 port
>real nice keyboard
>Waterfox gets a little laggy if you have like 4 active tabs
>shits itself when trying to watch YouTube. 720p lags but sometimes works.

Tripcodes are still a thing? Ill do this then.

Link on how?

hi guys

i just thought i should tell you but.....

i'm gay and have a scat fetish

Is this the right board?

Looking at the X1 Carbon 4th gen for work stuff, but I'm also hoping to do some basic music recording/production on it. Think it'll be sufficient?

install linux

The third generation offer a better value for the money. It'll be fine for what you're doing.

Possible to upgrade to a GT730 GPU then?

Looking for something for a secure box without Intel ME or AMT.

I know I need a Core 2 Duo, but I don't know when that shit started showing up.

Need best possible performance on this dinosaur.

The t400, t500, x200 generation is the last one that can have Intel ME/AMT disabled by installing Libreboot. You can install Coreboot on a t420/t520/w520 and neuter ME/AMT, but its not a straightforward process.

There are rumors of a T440p being able to use one of the 4930mx/4940mx extreme chips.

You need to mobo swap to get the incredibly rare 730m.

I found my tripcode. Ignore all other posters that aren't me.

Thanks. Now we can block you.

Right, right.
Where should I go then, to buy a quad core for my laptop?

Hi. My name is idab

ignore my previous post.

I want everyone to block this tripcode, its the wrong one.

New tripcode soon.

t. idab

p.s. where is tripcod?

IGNORE THIS FAGGOT. I am the real Idab. I can even prove it. Guys I am just like you. BUY A t440s!!!! I've only ever owned one Thinkpad, but that doesn't mean I'm not a fucking authority on it. I'M A FUCKING INTERNET CELEBRITY, LOOK AT ME GOD DAMMIT!!!!!

Guys I'm about to buy an used thinkpad p50 in a few hours please help me remember what o have to check: no password in bios, intelamt and computrace disabled. What else?.

stop shitting up every /tpg/ thread you imbecile

does anyone know the best thinkpad to play WOW on?

Hardware damage, screen burn-in, missing screws, hard drive wear if that's a factor.

shit, didn't mean to have my name on

The hinges in my old T61 finally seized up and snapped.

Anyone have any experience replacing them?

fucking STOP
you're not fooling anyone

Who's the best retailer to buy Thinkpad batteries from?

A bunch of phoney's here.

On an unrelated note, please buy T440s'. I need you guys to validate my purchase.

Also, check out my streams.

And upvote my posts on reddit, they don't seem to like me, and I need some validation there as well.

But besides, barely, checking the screen and screws I doubt I would be able to run a test on the drive or check the hardware but I doubt there will be problems since it is supposed to be somewhat new (12.) months or so of use).

>being this new

It should be relatively painless. You'll need to take the bezel off, take the trim piece around the keyboard off, and then take off the screen on the underbelly of the laptop. Maybe an hour at most if you're just fiddling around.

The worst part is that the cost of the hinges is probably about the same as replacing the entire lid. It might be a good excuse for you to upgrade the screen if you haven't already.


You could always ask the seller, but yeah, being only 12 months old it shouldn't be an issue

im back

I just went and got some tacos

steak yumm

pic related, my t440s and my tacos

Ignore this imposter.

should i bid on this?

Absolutely. W700ds is a rare as fuck ThinkPad.

Is it safe buying these accesories for a T440p from chink suppliers? Anyone have experience with em?

do you think I'll be able to sell it for more money?

Not that user, but you should be aware that the listing still has a long time left. It's likely to go as high as 400-500aud. There isn't really much profit left in it if you're flipping it. By the time you pay to have it shipped to you, then pay eBay listing fees and paypal fees, the upside is maybe a $100 on the flip. That's if you can sell it for $700.

looking for a thinkpad
budget: up to $500, but willing to spend a little more if really worth it
requirements: not too big (

x200, x210, x220, x230, t400, t410, t420, and t430 should all do the trick

Hi Sup Forumsuys, i want to buy my frist ThinkPad i need one for codding, work, studie, light photoshopping, playing some video games, browsing and watching videos.
I was thinking about the models x220, t420, t550 or T520 (This models is the one i liked alot). But i wanted the council and help of some people that are more experienced about ThinkPads, what you guys think would be a good model for those uses and what you guys think about this models?

my e540 (win 8) is literally falling apart and the screen is shot but I want to salvage the 16gb ram and ssd... should I spend $300 on a x230 (win 10 +i7) and put them into that? will this transfer my old programs into the x230?

anything newer than an xx20 should do it, pick one up for around 200$ and spend the rest on an ssd+battery

What this user said Any of those would work. With a budget of $500 you could buy any of them, max out their specs, and still have money left over.

The t430 is probably your best value for the money though. Swap in a t420 keyboard and you've got a perfect machine.

What kind of games?

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