Why does everyone without a website think they have a right to tamper with that website. Do they go cutting out adverts from newspapers before taking it home for the other half to read!
If you do not like the adverts on a website then do not visit it again, add it to your block list.
If you go to a website that starts displaying a million ads then close the tab down.
But to think you have the right to read the content without viewing the adverts is plain stupid, you want to live in the commercial west, you do not want anything denied to you but yet you think you should be allowed to change the rules.... Guess what in a few years if you get your way there will not be a internet worth viewing.
Oh and while you think your on a crusade, you are not, you are just making the people that make ad blocker rich..... fools.

Other urls found in this thread:

I have a right to block incoming network traffic to my computer.
You do not have the right to waste my bandwidth on things I don't want to look at.
Go find a better way to make money or fuck off.

I have a right to go to the restroom during ad breaks on TV
I have a right to channel-surf during ad breaks on the radio
I have a right to read the front page of the newspaper and toss the classifieds in the bin

your business model is not my problem.

Don't reply. Report and move on.

adding a line to a file on MY computer isn't stealing, and if your ENTIRE business model is absolutely destroyed be me adding said line, maybe you should find a new business model instead of crying like a little bitch. fuck off

I know this is bait. Yet, I'm still angry.

If only adds werent intrusive, but I learned my lesson im the 90s. You only have yourself to blame

Why would I allow for malware to run in my browser? 50% of infections are due to ad malware. What do I give more of a shit about: my pc or your website. Just block me if you dont want me to view your website.

When you run a store that have shit that a lot of people want, but you start injecting aids needles into your paying customers because some faggot pay you extra to do so, you shouldn't be surprised that people just started smashing your front window and grabbing everything.

Have you ever seen polish websites? Shit's nasty.

>Oh and while you think your on a crusade, you are not, you are just making the people that make ad blocker rich..... fools.
Nice strawman fagoot.

>Why does everyone without a website think they have a right to tamper with that website.
>implying i dont have a website
>implying i dont run it without ads because ads are cancer and ad networks are infested with malware

If you put your website up free to access then it is free to access.
If you want to restrict access, then restrict access.
Implementing a shitty css mod to hide your content because people are blocking your external scripts is retarded.

is this a new soyboy meme?

it seems my white generation can do only do things with that mouth

bitch like a little pussy ass bitch
suck a fat one

heres a tip that everyone here agrees with:
when finding a solution. If you have to depend on others for the solution/ i.e. not doing a thing. Its a really shitty solution.

Cooperation is probably the worst assumption unless the new generations have gotten somehow better at sharing, and working together.

I'm a thief then.

OP, I saw you walking past that shop window yesterday and you didn't make a purchase or even looked inside! How dare you you filthy thieve.

> muh rights

you don't have the right to access somebody else's website.

I do when it's public domain.

Yes you do.
In fact, what OP is complaining about is literally the same thing: the Civil rights act
Why should I let thieving niggers into my shop?
Because if I don't, daddy govt will come after me

obviously I do, since I connected to it, sent an HTTP request, and they gave me a copy of it.

If they only want people who've paid to access their content, they're welcome to put up a paywall, and send 403s to anyone who hasn't paid for an account and logged in.

>your business model is not my problem.
then why you just not GTFO of my site you stealing piece of shit?

>you make the guy that makes an open source product for feee, rich

see if you want me off your website then block me. You can't claim I'm not welcome if you let me in, like you let anyone else on the internet in. If I and some of those other people aren't seeing your ads, that's your problem, not mine.

then make accounts and content that you need to pay for. dont blame us for your laziness.

You're absoulutely out of touch with reality my friend. Stores are making this in the last 70 years and no one is smashing windows.

In the real world if you steal you go to jail. Is that clear kiddo?

I don't see any ads in that picture, or anything that would keep me from the product?

stop trolling

>implying that any of you neets will pay for anything
you just want stuff for free. taht's why you're on the internet in a fist place.

so if that offends you then put up the paywall and stop giving us shit for free. 100% in your hands, buddy.

>if you want me off your website then block me.
t. the leach

The internet is a pull medium, not a push medium. I merely decline to request ads.
a more real world example
>go to supermarket
>(newspaper in your area) has a stand there offering a sale on their subscription if you buy for a year
>just walk past them, don't look, don't even acknowledge.
you don't consider that stealing do you?
even then that analogy only works a bit because, again, with the internet I request which URLs to load into my browser

stay mad

This doesn't make any sense. You're justifying NOT making accounts because people wouldn't buy your content then? The only reason you can get anything "sold" is by having ads forcing themselves to user's computer and getting money from ad companies? That would mean you produce poor content that nobody wants to pay for. Try fixing that, see if it helps.

>implying that i'm giving shit for free
You're breaking my Terms of Service and stealing my content m8. You either stop doing it or leave and never come back to my property again. OK?

stay subhuman scum

the internet is a pull medium. i request the URLs to load into my browser. If you came up to me and said 'here, talk to me and i'll give you a flyer for 25% off your next purchase at (other store)" and i say "no, thanks" I'm not stealing anything. I'm merely not wanting to accept your flyer for whatever you're selling. fuck off you shitposting cunt

nah, I think I'll keep coming back to your site and reading your content without loading any of your ads. What do you propose to do about it?

Your sure did blow him away, user! But isn't it bed time for you? I'm sure Mom will be mad if you stay up late posting on a Nigerian apple carving board.

>You're justifying NOT making accounts
Sorry I wasn't clear. I had accounts. No one was fucking buying them, then moved into ads.



so you didn't have content worth paying for, sucks to suck i guess. that's life though. your business revenue is not my problem when my computer not having viruses is more important to me. again, adding a line to a file is not stealing, no matter how much you bitch and moan

>can't make money with a paywall
>can't make money with ads
sounds like your problem is that you just don't have anything anyone cares to pay any money for. sucks to be you, you'll have to close up shop.

>put something up for public access
>complain it is getting accessed by the public

>>can't make money with ads
I can't because you're breaking my TOS and seal my content.

It's not stealing.

Breaking TOS is not stealing, it's breaking TOS. No stealing is actually happening.

>>sounds like your problem is that you just don't have anything anyone cares to pay any money for

But they obviously care enough to seal it. Reasoning 101.

You gotta understand.

In the real world of print and such, if your product is shit then you won't get big advertising bucks. If your magazine has shitty coverage you won't get the big names paying to get into your advertising space.

Secondly, if your product is shit, then even if you buy advertising space for it in the media, you won't get a return on it. People won't buy it just because it is advertised.

It seems that on the Internet people think these shouldn't apply anymore. If your service is good then there are other ways of getting income, and many people explore these to great effect.
If your service is shit then people will just go somewhere less cancerous when you try to enforce income out of them.

Adblocking is kinda the great equalizer for the Internet. You need to offer something that sets your blog apart from the million other blogs reposting the same shit.

It's not stealing. Fuck off. Put it behind a paywall if it matters so much to you.
>B-but then no one will make accounts
That's because your content is work Jack shit. Again, if a line in a file on a computer I own and administer cripples your business, find a new business. I'm just protecting my network

No stealing is happening.

Nah, its more like you set up a booth at the grocery store giving away free samples of some meme food. People will come and take some if they're free, but they don't want them badly enough to pay for them, either through ads or with money. In other words you're just sulking because, although you can give your shit away, nobody wants it enough to buy it.

This is such an asinine argument. Nowadays some sites have scripts that (try to) stop you from accessing the sites until you disable your adblocker. By your line of reasoning since you can circumvent that with a more sophisticated blocker, then the owner let you in.

Also by your line of reasoning blackhats are not doing anything wrong because the website/program "didn't block them from doing it"

You understand that if the law was protecting me, you wound not have other choice than comply or leave?

You wouldn't steal a car? Would you?

Then, what exactly is NOT making you thieve in this case? You're clearly sealing, jut not punished ... yet.

Not only am I blocking your ads, I'm displaying ads for someone else.
I get money for watching them.

Maybe if I shame enough people will conform to my ideals, which consist of labeling everything as degenerate. That totally worked with sex, pot, piracy, emulation, etc., so surely it will work with ad block!

If there was a law that said I'm a criminal for accessing your site without viewing ads, there at least would be something to talk about. There's no such law.

What are you gonna do about 'tough guy'?

>care enough
I care enough about my online security to use an adblocker, yes.

If your site went down it wouldn't cause me any grief. Plenty more content where you copied that from.

None of my countermeasures get past a paywall you know.

You don't have any rights to/on another persons commuter.
Conversation over.

Are you some random "web dev" that doesn't even know how the internet works?
All content is downloaded to the viewers computer, they get to decide what they download, not you or anyone else.

Ads are theft. All of them steal your brain ressources. I don't mind that they take some CPU cycles, I don't really mind they are displayed in the streets (even though it's ugly as fuck). I mind that it uses my cognitive ressources for treatment, even unconscious treatment. Even if you don't consciously see an ad or ignore it, it is treated by your brain.
Everyday you see hundreds advertisement messages of all kind and they're processed by your brain one way or another.





lol ur a salty faggit

>tamper with that website
99% are third party

That supports his post though.

Are you saying that the stores are infecting people with AIDS for the last 70 years?

I fully realize this is a bait, and a shit one to boot, but in case it isn't, you have no idea how the world works.

yeah, i just felt like calling him a salty faggot which he is
link is relevant to op/this whole conversation
if you dont make a reasonable attempt to block or restrict my access and enjoying reduced page hits, stay mad

>Implementing a shitty css mod to hide your content because people are blocking your external scripts is retarded.
Oh, I wonder what chink website you're talking about. :^)

Would you complain if people came in your house when you left the door open?

>he doesn't know

Again, you don't need scripts when you just put up a paywall. The fact that these websites resort to scripts (which can be easily blocked) shows they don't even know what they are doing.
Someone who can't even do their job has no right to complain when he gets fucked for being incompetent

Salty about what?
At least be coherent faggot.

I know about the alien goo stuff, but actual AIDS?

>conversation over
>not your or anyone else
is toddler debating

I have no idea what site you are thinking of.

If it was theft, there would be laws against it.

I'd like to interject for a moment. When the purpose of some program is to block advertisements, “ad-blocker” is a good term for it. However, the GNU browser IceCat blocks advertisements that track the user as consequence of broader measures to prevent surveillance by web sites. This is not an “ad-blocker,” this is surveillance protection.

Explain this, sounds interesting.

But it's true, there is no debate.
Just because something doesn't fallow the standard "open mind" approach doesn't make it incorrect.
There wont be any laws that will change this, as it would violate constitutional rights to privet property; so there is just no conversation to be hand you know?
The only people trying to argue even in the devils advocate sense, are ignorant as to how TCP/IP works, or are hoping YOU are.

>muh morals
The absolute state of soyboy bloggers

Brave browser.

>Modifying your hosts file is considered theft.

Do you realise how stupid you sound OP?
