Quality gaming pc...?

Wanted a gaming rig. Never owned one. Just bought this. Did I do good or am I an idiot?

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I feel like that's surprisingly okay for the price.

you overpaid by a lot

It's a good price imo, you wouldnt be able to get it much cheaper if you did it custom

How so?

>800 dollaridoos
>am I an idiot?

A surprise to be sure. But a pleasant one.

honestly that system should be fine, the cpu isn’t amazing but it’s not terribly unbalanced
considering a gtx 1060 sells for over $400 right now you did great

Will it run first person shooters and third person shooters well?

Dunno, if its valuable to you, it worth it. I personally built my own for cheaper.

I know nothing about cpu, but is that something that I would be able to upgrade/replace?

like literally all prebuilts it will have a shit tier psu and a shit tier mobo (take a guess why these components are never listed in the description) and will break within 4 years (if you're lucky), you're an idiot. now go back to Sup Forums kid.

Besides the CPU, it's a pretty good prebuilt, especially these days with cryptocurrency cancer being around.

Wrong time to buy a gaming pc. All the prices are inflated.

You should've bought a cheap Xeon PC from ebay for $100-200 and added a cheap $100 GPU in there.

The inflated pricing will blow itself out in few months.

people are gonna flood this thread saying it's trash, but consider the following prices in USD:

GPU = 200 - 250
RAM = 140 - 170
128gb ssd = 50 - 80
1tb hard drive = 50 - 70
windows license = 25 from internet - 100 retail
Ryzen 5 1400 = 150
Case = 25 - 50
PSU = not sure of the wattage, but let's give it a low end price of 40 bucks

thats around 650 worth of parts if u were to try and build it yourself, but with this you had NONE of the hassle of being a first time builder, or being a first time part picker

people will try to chew your ass out for going pre built, but you did pretty alright. have fun playing video games.

You did great, probably even got the case for "free", if you take into account the RAM and SSD as if you were building a pc with those same specs.

cpu can probably upgraded in that prebuilt, but really the one it comes with isn’t bad
also if you had built the same/similar specs diy it would have been at least $950 on newegg before shipping

Willing to accept I over paid, as long as the rig will run games smooth. But if it seems it will not run them smooth, I will return without even opening.

Lol. Thanks

it should be fine for todays titles, so as long as you make sure to plug your monitor into the GPU instead of the motherboard you should be good to go

the msrp is $900 on that machine and it’s selling for $800 so how is that inflated?

Jesus, what kind of a question is that
There are things called 'graphic settings'

you didn’t over pay don’t worry, that machine will play most new titles on high at 1080 without much issue, just don’t try to go overkill on the AA
I’m using an old gtx 660 and 3570k and have yet to come across a game that didn’t run well at least on medium

These specs are only good for 2nd person shooters.

Ryzen 1400 blows dick for gaming but wirlth current prices you didnt overpay for what you go

>2nd person

I still have a lot to learn admittedly. Been a console, primarily playstation gamer. Thanks for your input.

That gpu is 350 right now and ram is 200 for 16gb right now

This. Perhaps the mobo will be fine, but the PSU will definitely get wonky in due time.


Prebuilts always make profit off of initial cost, the price of the system itself is actually ~$600 in MSRP, they're making $200 profit.

However given the inflated price of the PC parts, it might now seem like you're "saving" money, but again this is all relative to the inflated price, not the actual msrp of the parts.

>paying 200 for 16GB RAM

It's when you see from the opponent's/enemies' viewpoint

Its clearly the 3GB 1060. Not 400 USD.

The 16gb 3000mhz ram i bought for 160 in october is now 220 on amazon.

>what is retail markup
even if prices were currently all normal in the diy world this prebuilt system at least isn’t a ripoff, you even get a genuine windows license with it.

You did reasonably well for buying a pre-built, you're obviously taking some mark-up there vs getting the parts individually and assembling it yourself, but it's nowhere near as astronomical as some "reputable" gaming brands charge.
If it comes with a warranty, don't fuck up by voiding it, might be plenty added value in the long run if something misbehaves.
Now just get proper screen and fire up that cawadooty or whatever it is you people play these days.

Its a standard prebuilt price, which is still a ripoff. The inflated pricing is a bigger rip off.

>windows license
Worthless to anyone who knows how to install an OS.


What do when psu gets wonky?

I paid 136$ for this same SKU and I still felt ripped off.

Replace with basically any other one as towers are all atx standard now.

a month ago, a similar machine from hp with a better processor was as low as $250 and as high as $500

Makes sense. Wasn’t sure if would be difficult because prebuilt

I didnt even get the 3200mhz, that wasnt abailable at the time. Although i have come to accept there isnt much of a difference between 3000mhz cl15 and 3200mhz cl 16. Kinda wish i could have gotten 3200mhz cl 14 back when it was cheap

Usually that's only an issue if its a small form factor or some meme design, think old school horizontal optiplexes. Worst case scenario you might need a 3$ cable to covert the mobo power
>a prebuilt came with a 3GB 1060 for 250$
Fuck off retard

Not bad, considering the parts alone are worth more than $800.

The CPU/Mobo/GPU/Memory alone is $780+Shipping.


>a month ago
exactly! good luck getting a pc with these specs for that price rn.
OP, you did well.

Same, but shits expensive as all fuck.
Weirdly enough the white color ram was cheaper than black by 10$, and a white mobo was 5$ cheaper, so my build is all color matched more or less by accident.

go back to where you came from, it's obvious you haven't been on Sup Forums very long if you weren't even here for the $250 walmart machine

Ok, thanks. And I believe it’s a 300 watt psu. Is that acceptable?

Thanks bro!

Considering that we are facing shitty price inflammation - you did good user.

But if prices where normal, i'd say you should of built your own.

I would recommend you upgrade the psu though, 300 is not enough.

Get something like a 500 or a 650 if you're planning massive upgrades.

>you weren't here because you missed a slick deals shill post for a stock quantity of 10 units

Yes, unless you drop in a better card at some point.

Will definitely look into upgrading psu first then. Thanks for the help.

>3 stars
Anyway, I'll never trust a prebuilt again since the last one had PSU issues day 1, resulting in random reboots.


>in-store only
Enjoy your zero stock for miles.

also, that was an intel core-i5 7400.
Ryzen 5 1400 is objectively better (except in single core, where the i5 BARELY beats it), even before the Meltdown patch.

Also, you can overclock the Ryzen much higher than the i5. i5 7400 can't overclock for shit. Might squeeze 100-200 mhz more out of it.

The Ryzen can hit 3.8-4.0ghz on a decent motherboard with good cooling.

more like 40 in stock in a 50 mile range

Thank you all for your input. If what most of you say is truthful, I will be satisfied with this rig being my first and will not regret the purchase.

>I will be satisfied
Aaaaaaahhhh no you're supposed to hate everything you do until you install Gentoo on a Thinkpad!

On that date? No.
Even the comments below in your link show people unable to find it and begging for price matches.

You're an idiot but I mean it's still a pretty powerful machine.

Prices are currently fucked so that looks very reasonable. That will be a good mid-range PC that can handle 1080p gaming just fine.

It’s really good considering the current awful for PC building in which the GPU’s are overpriced and scarce, the RAM is overpriced due to price fixing and CPU’s have fucked up security issues

Lol. Thanks

>Ryzen 1400 blows dick for gaming
youtube.com/watch?v=jKLbdKdNp3M (OC to 3.8ghz)

I'd go with one of these
pcpartpicker.com/product/TgW9TW/seasonic-power-supply-m12ii520bronze pcpartpicker.com/product/qYTrxr/evga-power-supply-220g20550y1

*blocks your path*

good price for it but they're gonna fuck your shit up on the motherboard and the ram will probably be relatively slow

Nice meme
Pretty much, most likely it's a a320 board (can be replaced with a $66 b350 pc mate or a cheap x370) and if it's slow DDR4 he could overclock it

>compares 2 generation ago
Nothin personnel kid


Stop posting your youtube channel i am not watching them


yeah but its going to have a proprietary mobo and from the case shape its probably a total clusterfuck on the inside and can never be upgraded

Good luck with the meltdown patches m8

That shit was a display error and never made it to market
What an asspull dumbo

Installed them last week my dude including bios

This would be relevant if there was such a thing as a time machine. What a well thought out shitpost this is.

It could be worse

I wish I could 2nd person shoot myself.

Now to wait some years for actually good games that take advantage of your rig as AAA is garbage.

If it was a year ago, it wouldnt have been great but with gpu and ram prices rising, its honestly pretty decent.

you're retarded OP but really things could be much worse

Anyone know any good prebuilt pc rigs? I never built a pc before and Would like it to work right off the bat. I have a budget of around $2000, so I can afford something pricier.

Microcenter tends to be on the better side with prebuilts being ~$100 more then assembling it yourself. Stay away from best buy, amazon, and sometimes newegg, unless they're heavily discoumted as they tend to be 200-300 bucks overpriced.

Reviewer benchmarks do not count for prebuilds because coffee lake needs high quality motherboards and good cooling to get to that performance
pic related is a 8700 with an oem motherboard and cooler, 13% slower than a "reviewer" 8700

Is that a game where you just watch ppl shoot you?

the 1060 is a great card, youll be able to bing bing wahoo all night long every night with that thing

The value of it if you were to assemble all the parts yourself is less than you paid for it in sane times, but at current market prices for components, you probably came out ahead. The irony is lost on people who are saying "avoid prebuilts at all costs because building it yourself gives you more flexibility."

No idea on the prebuilts, if you were to build it yourself this might be enough

only complaint is the 1tb
a 2tb is generally $15-20 more at MOST


Thanks adoredtv shill

Fixed, went for the 1tb one because of the brand

That 1070 price is sick, I bought mine at $470 a month ago.

Should have bought this instead OP

Yes, with a little bit more money a few months ago he could have gotten a 1080 ti

I know its crazy I ended up just getting a used 1080 windforce from gigabyte for 600 since their warranties are transferable