How do we fix apple?

How do we fix apple?
What do we do to make their products worth the price, and how do we improve their marketing?

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>How do we fix apple?

Bring back Steve

Their marketing is fine, thats how they sell overpriced toys to idiots

iDrone spotted


Jobs was just history's luckiest autist.
He had no skills, no intelligence, nothing.
He was a con artist and did nothing except surround himself with the betaest of betas and screamed at them to make toys for him that satisfied his autism. He just managed to luck out that 2 out of his mountains upon mountains of failures resonated with normies before he ran out of money and died homeless and alone in a ditch.

>infiltrate the company posing as a gay guy (or several gay guys
>convince apple to go back to the old logo "because muh lgbt pride"
>Little by little use your influence to open all the shit, at a point you can release a real workstation that will sell like hotcakes because there is a shitton of professionals that NEED macs to work but have no reliable machine to do it


>loved by wealthy people
Wealthy people have better things to do than worry about a phone, it's a phone for poor people because it shows other poor people that their credit score isn't ruined yet


I don't care what the rest of Sup Forums says, the old PowerPC Macs were great. They're still great, even if they're a bit underpowered by today's standards. With all of the Intel bullshit going on and x86 being a duopoly, I'm actually temped to toss a couple hundred bucks into ebay to get some retro Macs to install Debian on. I miss when Apple made machines that were upgradable and offered some beautiful Motorola hardware under the hood. I also think that OS X Tiger was a great release, despite never being a huge fan of their software.

Apple could start making retro machines again, which would be inexpensive to design and assemble and hipsters would eat it up. Sup Forums would also enjoy the retro hardware, and find creative ways to further improve upon it.

>underpowered by today's standards
ppc macshit was underpowered 2 decades ago

I'm using a 1.6GHz dual core machine right now that was made around the same time. OS optimization really does matter. OS X Tiger on those old PPC Macs with like 800MHz or so processors worked just as well as this thing with Winshit XP on it.

Add a package manager, TTYs, free more of it. Make it a proper competitor in the *nix world.

I really want a trackpoint, but otherwise that laptop seems really comfy. I guess if I had a way to disable the trackpad, I could just use i3wm without a mouse,

The touch pads aren't that horrible on them, and they still have real buttons you can click. I have one of those Core2 MacBooks that I installed Libreboot on and it has a similar touch pad. Works okay under Debian.

We don't.

Just stop buying their products and never bat an eye on them again. Even if it doesn't die It will stop being a part of your live and it will be as if there is no Apple.

Tbh Apple products would be worth the price if it weren't for the abundance of quality control issues.

Touchpads are horrible, it doesn't really matter if this on rid slightly less bad when it's still bad

This. Shame the OS isn't easily installable on any PC.


Stop buying their shit products

I will buy Apple devices when they stop the vendor-lock bullshit and only use open standards for everything. They should also come with Debian/Ubuntu. After that I could buy their products if they are better than my X230. I do like upgradeability and serviceability more than razor thin edges. I'm guessing what I listed will never happen.

My laptop didn't come with Debian either, but I bought a new SSD and switched it and installed Debian and it's working perfectly and there's no trace of Windows left. It's basically the same thing in my case but wouldn't be the same case for someone who doesn't want to install it manually.

>Just stop buying their products and never bat an eye on them again.
As if.
You've never owned anything Apple in your life and you can see the devastating effect your boycott has had on Apple's stock price.

>This. Shame the OS isn't easily installable on any PC.
You mean you don't know how to?

I said easily installable. Even by normies.

>You mean you don't know how to?
Hackintoshing is a massive pain in the ass. You have to make sure every single part is OS X compatible, install the special bootloader, jump through near infinite EFI and driver related hoops, wait another three to five business days for the right wireless card this time, and then pray it doesn't all come crashing down when you try to update or even reboot your PC. Windows and Linux can be installed in 15 minutes and they just work forever and ever as long as you do the most basic of system maintenance and apply OS updates. OS X is just finicky garbage that never works right, and to an extent, you see these issues pop up on real Macs. I liked OS X in the PowerPC days when they had a pretty solid hardware+software combination that made you want to buy it. Now they use generic x86 trash and the code quality is down the shitter because they hired Pajeet.

And in the High Sierra beta, poll() is still fucking broken, which means it isn't fully POSIX compliant. This has been broken since at least Mavericks. That's fucking absurd that they haven't fixed it.

> Apple

When the cancer is eating itself, the best thing to do is get out of the way and let it.

>Apple Computer Inc.
>Apple Inc.
everything went to shit

I've been a macfag since Motorola but the minute they started with the iPhone shit I knew things were never going to be the same.
I can't remember who said it first, but
>the Apple of today is a jewelry company. The jewels just so happen to function as computers, too.
it's true and i hate it

>I've been a macfag since Motorola but the minute they started with the iPhone shit I knew things were never going to be the same.
I really wanted a mac until they made the switch to intel. After that the illusion was gone for me, and I just stopped believing in all the mac superiority claims. I might still get a g5 though just to have one.

Put technology and function first, and design faggotry second.

When form takes priority to function, you know you're not really a tech company, you're a lifestyle company.

Kill youself

>How do we fix apple?

This is a leading questions your honor. Without futher evidence, please dismiss this thread.

>So big was the spending splurge on the new iPhone X that it pushed pre-Christmas retail sales to a record high in November, confounding expectations of a weak lead in to Christmas.

>All told, IDC believes that Apple for the entirety of 2017 sold 19.6 million Macs, representing a more than 5% increase from 2016.

Wow, really need fixing.


triggered iToddler

Remove yourself from the market segment, that’s all. The last thing that Apple need are tech enthusiasts.


Stop making stuff so thin, the original unibody MacBook Pros were completely serviceable. I was able to replace the HDD, the fans, the battery, the RAM etc.

Pro machines should be user serviceable.

Stop focusing on iToys and start making computers and laptops for businesses again. A solid alternative environment and architecture to Windows NT and x86 is sorely lacking in the business world. Apple is neglecting its Macs, Google fucked up with Chrome OS and Linux can't seem to take off for desktops to this day, much to the detriment of the user because competition keeps the mainstream in check.

In order for a Mac to work wonderfully, you have to just buy what the tech geniuses chose for you. Just buy what they have to offer for you. You’re not a tech genius, you’re just a tech enthusiast. There’s HIGH possibility that you’ll fuck up and blame the computer company. The more it’s customizable, the higher the possibility of it breaking sooner or later and Apple want to minimize the probability of that thing happening, so they don’t even let you fucking up your computer because you’re gonna blame Apple anyway because not everyone is a rational person. Especially Sup Forums fags who are mostly anticapitalists.

Looks like you made up a new definition of triggered that involves no emotions.

>Google fucked up with Chrome OS
Chrome OS is very successful.

Its market share is very low still, but regardless, that's not what I meant. They made a mistake by making it cloud-oriented.

ugh. this low resolution makes my eyes bleed

They could regain the hacker crowd by making functional laptops to replace the aging second hand ThinkPads and brand them as retro with beige and gray models and a trackpoint. Bonus for allowing the option for discounted OS-free models. No one is really set to inherit the neckbeard demographic so it might work, but Apple is weary of ruining their image with frugal products.

There's nothing to fix m8, just tell me you can`t afford one of this so I can give you some bits

Let me use iPhone hardware with a Project Fi kind of carrier setup. Verizon, AT&T, etc. all suck so bad I can’t stand to buy the iPhone.