
Because some nigger in business DEV at nvidia decided to price Titan V at double the price of Titan XP.
> Titan XP : $1,200
> Titan V : $3,000

Meme cores (tensor) aren't going to cut it nor make the case and a $749 Vega frontier even has (16GB of HBM2). Meanwhile, even on a $3,000 card Nvidia couldn't help from being extra niggerish and decided to cut out 4GB of HBM2 (Titan V : 12GB of HBM2).

No thankss... and if you fags are thinking of jacking prices of Volta consumer GPUs, you're going to get BTFO. Also, because tensor cores are trivial, there are tons of companies (new competition) making Vector accelerator cards.. You know the type of shit that was popularized in the 70s. I'm pretty sure the chink asics in china that are all the rage in china are pretty much this very thing.

Other urls found in this thread:


>designed for business
>still slaughters vega

how is amd even going to compete with the gaming cards? I guess that's why they signed a deal with "the devil" by doing intels integrated graphics, they know they'll never compete with nvidia again

Because I don't like the gold cooler.
It's a $4000 GPU, they should have a black color option.

At this point Vega is only designed for business too - it's been over a year and NGG FastPath as well a the Tiled Renderer STILL don't work for games.
The Tiled renderer doesn't work anywhere actually.

NGG FastPath works on the iMacPro though, for some reason. No one has tested the iMac Pro with Windows drivers yet or a Hackintosh with the iMacPro Vega drivers on VegaFE/64/56 to see if it's hardware issue though.

I expect LTT will do a video on it then release it in 2 years time when it no longer affects AMD.

What's the hashrate though?
Can it beat vegas' 2000h/s on cryptonight? Or will it perform better in equihash/neoscrypt?

> how is amd even going to compete with the gaming cards?
$3,000 price tag (Titan V) for a Vega Frontier Edititon ($749) while having 4GB less HBM2 memory and meme cores


You rang?
> buriedone.com/images/GTX-TITAN-V-Mining-Hashrates.png
- 69/82 Mh/s Eth
- 750/870 S/S ZEC
- 2650/3600 H/S XMR
> buriedone.com/images/VEGA-Frontier-Edition-Mining-Hashrates.png
- 32/37 Mh/s Eth
- 440/489 S/S ZEC
- 1850/2100 H/S XMR

$3000 vs $1200

>Amd fags in charge of reading comprehension

You mean to tell me I could sell my 499$ 64's for 1200$?

Nigger where you been? Crackhead miners are paying insane prices for vidya. Roll that shit and hunt MSRP. Sold my vega some time ago for double price paid.. now you can get trips. No brainer dawg.

Some guy r/amd sell vega for $1200 and built titan X Star Wars collection

> mfw your inquiry about your non-descript edge case coins get ignored

I have an overclocked 1080Ti, it's not worth $3000 to upgrade to something that isn't even 2x as fast.

>I guess that's why they signed a deal with "the devil" by doing intels integrated graphics

they originally signed the deal because there are two relevant patent holders when it comes to GPUs, and if Intel want iGPUs in their processors, they have to deal with one of them in order to not get sued into oblivion. AMD was probably cheaper than dealing with Nvidia for another 5 years.

It can't even SLI.

I did buy it for mining, but I couldn't fit 6 in a mb for some reason. I have a spare one I was planning to build a pc with, but fuck that I'm selling for 1k

Do what you need to do.
I've personally never paid much above MSRP for anything I own. If crackhead miners are willing to pay insane prices, so be it. It's the way things get leveled out.

GTX 1100 series when?

Yes, we've ordered 30 for work. Gonna be fun, will post pictures when they come.

Consumer-grade Volta when?

what work do you do with them?

We are using them for deep learning to analyze broadband shit

> Deep learning to analyze broadband shit...
Deep packet inspection?