Prove me wrong

Prove me wrong.

(hint: you can't)

Prove me wrong.

(hint: you can't)

depends what you want to do.

Stop trying to use linux as if it were a mac or windows. Stop trying to make linux into something it's not.

its YOU'RE dumbass

What if I get paid to use it?

Why would you make a thread asking people to disprove something that cannot be disproved?

windows and mac babbies are just trying to make sense of it all


Actually, I've seen one tech illiterate use it and proudly claiming superiority to winfags while struggling with basic tasks that even the winfags knew how to perform. It was Ubuntu, so nothing of value was lost.

>guy frantically hammering away at his keyboard trying to get something simple to work

>Right click, click something else, works now

The total cost of ownership of Linux is zero, because it is free and open source software.
Meanwhile, I am paid to use Linux.
Hence, my time is not worthless and Linux is still free, disproving your statement by contradiction.
Furthermore, it can be reasonably assumed by the quality of your post that you're a fucking idiot.

So you're admitting windows doesn't need a keyboard.

One command and it works

Click, click, click, click, click, click

Last time I tried to install ubuntu wayland crashed. What a joke.

you forgot the part where you look through endless menus and have microsoft's hand up your ass the whole time.
meanwhile, i type in one command in any *nix and my entire job is done. in fact, i can just automate my entire job with a shell script while you wear out your mouse.

Ok dont use Ubuntu

Linus intended linux to be a desktop OS, not server and phone

Go figure

Windows intended to be a server OS for enterprise and business, not a gaming console.

Go figure.

Free coffee is free if your time is worthless. That's no reason to refuse a free coffee.

came here to say this, Sup Forums is full of children and middle age men going through mid life crisis and cannot tell legit post from bait because of their autism and is why we his many replies.

Actually if you install Ubuntu it's less of time-waster than Windows since you already have an office suite and a decent browser. It works just as well as Windows really.

You're not wrong. There's a reason nobody uses linux for productivity

My old windows PC took 3 minutes to boot. My linux box takes 10 seconds from power button to desktop. I switched to Linux 2 years ago and use this PC at least 200 days every year. 400x170=68000 seconds ~ 18 hours.

Xubuntu took maybe 30 minutes to install the first time. I have my dotfiles and a software list (with install commands) in a git repository so the config of the entire box can be done in less than a hour. By using Linux I've gained a net 17 hours of time that I would've lost using Windows, making Linux more time efficient than Windows for me.


>Click, click, click, click, click, click
Just like getting those pictures of nekid chicks. It's real easy man.

Negro windows has .bat for automation

An operating system?

Yes, Linux IS free if your time is worthless.
It's also free if your time is not worthless.
It's free anyway. It's also faster than Windows so it's saving your precious time. On top of that there are distros that are easier than Windows for total newbies. It's saving their time as well. Man, what a deal. You would have to be a brainlet to refuse it.

But one thing's for sure; you're going to spend much more time doing something simple on Linux than Windows.

batch scripting is trash. if you ever tried automating things in windows, you would know.

Wayland is still fairly new.
Ubuntu has never been the distro that ships new things.
In fact, the definition of stability they use is a lack of change, not a lack of crashes.
If you want to use a new and experimental project, update it as the developers update it.
Don't use a 2 year old version that only gets security patches.

How come Linux gurus have so much trouble with the simplest tasks in Windows?

Provide an example of this simple task.

Last time I installed Windows 10 I got BSODs every few hours.
What a joke.

Oxygen is free if your life is worthless.

The fact that Windows 10 has forced updates and you have to fucking negotiate the times of the day you can use your own property proves you wrong.
I use my computer to get things done, I don't have the time to waste hunting down for the latest "tweak" to gain basic control over my OS.
Even MacOS seems like a better option than Windows at this point.

The sheer amount of time I've saved from scripting alone easily beats the relatively small time I spent learning it. So I'd say no.
Spending time to learn it is a great investment.

Because they are not as simple as they should be.

Lets just compare Linux mint (could be any non autistic distro) to Windows (Can be anything between vista and 10)

Install time
> Linux
10-15 minutes

> Windows
2-3 Hours

Cleaning viruses

> Linux
What is viruses?

> Windows
Monthly if not weekly


> Linux
2 minutes and don't need to be rebooted

> Windows
10-20 minutes and require rebooting

Installing software

> Linux
Open software center
click install
type in password

Literally takes less than a minute

> Windows
Let's just open my browser
wait 5 seconds
Search for google on bing
on google search for the program
wait 2 seconds
click on the first website and hope it's not a virus
click download
wait for the program to download
click on the downloaded program
the installer opens
click next
read the terms and conditions
click next
do you also want this malware
to use this program you need to reboot would you like to do that now
click no
rebooting in 10 seconds


> Linux
Linux can literally run forever if you don't update the kernel

> Windows
Blue screen of death daily

(Everytime i wrote Linux i was refering to GNU/Linux)

You forget to mention drivers

> Linux
Build in to the kernel

> Windows
Have to download from the internet
launch installer

Have you ever seen professionals use linux?
Have you ever seen Linux in a business environment?

God damn this.
Fucking hate driver hell.

Nothing works out of the box and the actual drivers are vendor shitware with no alternative.

>clean viruses

What did he mean by this?

You're goddamn right.
I find quite ironic that Linux is deemed as for "experts" when it actually really "just werks" far more often than Windows does.

You didn't?

And that would be fine, but "just werks" means you can run vim or firefox, but anything beyond that requires trudging through broken shit, having to google for solutions to that broken shit, trying to get garbage FOSS alternatives to work and then spending 30 minutes just to change a config just to find out it doesn't work because the guide or forum post is one week old.

Yes, just step in any server farm.

This, printers are a chore in Windows, you have to hunt down for the specific driver and in many cases it comes with a ton of bloatware on top.
CUPS is superior to anything Windows has to offer.

Costs money to own
Costs time (money) to learn
Costs time (money) to learn

I don't see anything wrong, the only people who have issues with using Linux are brainlets.

using shitty tools makes simple tasks complex.

>Have you ever seen Linux in a business environment?
do data centers count as a business environment, user?

What is the "anything beyond that" that the average person does that causes
>trudging through broken shit, having to google for solutions to that broken shit, trying to get garbage FOSS alternatives to work and then spending 30 minutes just to change a config just to find out it doesn't work because the guide or forum post is one week old.

Please notice the "average person". If by this you mean using your meme proprietary software to do basic shit then you can go fuck yourself.

So that's why Linux is a piece of shit.

Windows is also free.

Don't forget that if something brokes, on Windows it's easier to find out and correct it that in Linux.

No, I agree. Linux is perfectly fine for browsing instagram and normiebook.

Clear samefagging, I refuse to believe such retardation is present in two distinct individuals.

Call me when your beloved Linux runs a DAW that doesn't suck balls.

>hurr i hate updates

Daily reminder that lack of software is not a fault of the OS itself.
That said, Ardour doesn't suck balls. It's by no means as good as Ableton or FL, but it doesn't suck.

Give me a few examples of simples tasks that require shitty tools in Linux.

sell me on linux in terms of pure utility

How would it make my life easier than windows? I play games, I make them in unity, listen to music and make stuff with Office. I really don't get it. Why would I want to have to basically put together all kinds of extensions to get something potable when I already have it.

The only way I can see linux being useful is for meme cases like raspberry pi and other very specific real life applications.

Are you braindead? He meant FORCED updates. You should be able to update whenever the fuck you want, and not when the operating system magically decides to do so and fucks up your work.

>uses wrong tool for the task just because it's free
>you are the retarded ones!

lmao thanks for posting

Yes, it's way much easier to debug "Something happened" than a log saying httpd failed to start because you have a syntax error on line 5 of your .conf file. Sure thing user.

I didn't say it was the fault of the OS. But if you're an audio professional, good fucking luck with Linux.

Learn to read you filthy street shitter.

It's only good for servers and niche builds like you mentioned. Don't listen to the counter-culture aspie NEETs who are smug about wasting their time using bad tools.

>hurr i don't know how to tweak the registry
And you call yourselves power users. Hilarious.

No it isn't. Programming is much easier on Linux.

>the de facto OS for everything CS and math related
>hurr bad tool no photoshops and gayms xDDD!!11!!
Grow up.
>look MOOoOM I'm le haX00r becasue I can edit this obscure tool called Registry I'm just like Mr. Robot

The answer is easy: don't pick meme careers and get a real job instead, it will be better for you in the long run. People who 'work' with sound are full of themselves.

in the same boat man, it impossible

Tfw MacOS user and I get the best of both worlds, plus a more aesthetic OS in general.

I know how to use the registry better than you.
But why should I fuck with the registry to do such a simple thing? Wasn't Linux the one making simple tasks complicated?
My, how the tables have turned.

I can, I don't want to. Why would I have to hack my OS for something that should be default behaviour while Linux doesn't have that problem? Besides the registry tweak gets resetted by updates sometimes.

Enjoy your atrocious package management and gaping security flaws.

If you are an audio professional, you use the best tools you have.
The point is that while that can easily change in the future with Linux, making Windows good for system/network administration, safer and a better environment for development is much, much harder. All Linux needs is better end-user applications.

>complains about using registry on windows
>has absolutely no problem managing 10.000 config files on Linux

>don't do what you love doing
No, fuck off. I shit on your stupid philosophy.

Actually yes. It's much easier than finding shit on the registry. Let's say I don't know where the config file for apache is, but I'm pretty sure it will start with httpd and end in .conf since it's a config file. I run
$ find / -name httpd.conf
And what do you know, it's right there with all the options in clear plaintext and explanations on what each setting does above them.

>gaping security flaws

AKA some bug from a few weeks ago that already got patched

I manage "10.000" config files if I want something highly automated and customized, not to fight against the OS.
And besides, managing config files is unironically easier than fucking in the registry.
But as I said, you are wasting your time here, since you can't do either.

If you can give some facts to back that up I'm listening, otherwise I'll still think linux is pretty shit.

>exploits that can happen in "a few weeks" are irrelevant

Oh right, because it's Linux everything is fine and dandy. But with Windows, every tiny hair on your balls makes you all angry and moist. Fuck you and your partisan bullshit. I use both Linux and Windows because I'm a fucking professional. Now go and lick a donkey's butt for all I care.

Not him, but:
>better editors
>seamless, integrated environment
>no dependency on OS-specific libraries make developing cross-platform applications effortless
>package management is a breeze
>automating build processes is much easier, virtually no different than automating system tasks via scripting
And these are only the first few reasons that come to mind.

Can you suggest a better way to locate configurations in the mess that the registry is? Otherwise, fuck off, """fucking professional""".

>better editors
Visual Studio. Fuck you.

>seamless, integrated environment
Windows is a non integrated environment?

>no dependency on OS-specific libraries make developing cross-platform applications effortless
Effortless? Are you fucking kidding me? Did you ever actually try and develop something for Linux or are you talking about your IRC scripts written in Python?

>package management is a breeze
No, it's not. It casually breaks things, unlike Windows.

>automating build processes is much easier, virtually no different than automating system tasks via scripting
Yeah by using 30 year old standards.

You fucking Linux devs are so out of touch with reality it's hilarious.

t. professional developer

>nothing but buzzwords

I asked for reasons, not marketing-speak defending your autism.

Yes, just a tiny bug that let you get root access by mashing a button, I'm sure it's the epitome of security now, because a company that let that bug go from development into production totally has everything else fixed. Remind me how many critical systems use macOS to run their operations?

Sure. Unix system, paths are absolute and by default do not include spaces unlike windows, configuration is done in plaintext, compilers come by default, package management comes in the OS itself

If Linux had the registry I'd be complaining. Not my fault Windows is a pile of bad choices, the only thing it has going for it is more software. Let's do this: find me in the registry the key that controls whether hidden files are displayed in Explorer without googling. I have no idea where it is in my distro, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be a text file that ends in .conf and starts with nautilus or is in a directory called nautilus or nautilus/conf/

Use the fucking search function you cum gargler.


You're basically suffering from Stockholm syndrome and as such I refuse to have a conversation with you.

I will lose more time configure Mac OS to developer software, homebrew is shit

>Effortless? Are you fucking kidding me? Did you ever actually try and develop something for Linux or are you talking about your IRC scripts written in Python?
I did.

>No, it's not. It casually breaks things, unlike Windows.
Oh ok, thanks for letting us know you don't actually use Linux.
Give me a couple of examples that happened recently.

>Yeah by using 30 year old standards.
I don't care if it's from the Iron Age if it works fine, and guess what: Bash works fine. So fine in fact that Microsoft added a Linux subsystem to Windows 10 just to have Bash.

tl;dr: I'm sorry Linux is too complicated for you, most people agree that it's easier.

>zero arguments
>resorts to diagnosing illnesses

Linux if free, it's still free when your time is worthless. The sentence isn't logically wrong.


>Visual Studio
No. Go eat a dick
Yes, I have to use a shitload of third-party .exes for the simplest things, I'd say it's the opposite of an integrated environment
>package management casually breaks things
Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. You read it somewhere on Sup Forums.
>did you actually try and develop blah blah blah
Yes, the entire back-end for my current company's website was developed entirely on Linux, just to name a single example.
>automation by using 30 year old standards
Old or not, they work, and they work much better than """modern""" build systems. Don't fix what isn't broken.

>t. professional developer
Making a Windows-only chess game doesn't count

>hurr durr i can't accept an actual answer to my question

This is why I'm making the switch to Linux. Windows 10 makes so many fucking decisions for me and hides functionality behind various menus, it's really tiring.
I had an issue with audio drivers and sound cards where I'd get it all set up, and then Windows would just decide that "no, that's not right" and reinstall certain drivers, fucking my whole shit. I want totally control, and the responsibility that comes with that.