Is there anything better for the price? I'm having a hard time finding anything even close

Is there anything better for the price? I'm having a hard time finding anything even close.
Maybe an older Vaio from eBay.

Other urls found in this thread:

A used ThickBad from ebay will blow that thing away in performance and will offer easier upgrade/repair options. You're buying a shitty Chinese tablet that runs Android with only 64GB of storage. The fucking flash drive on my key chain has double that. Think long and hard about how retarded you're being, and then look for something better.

I recommend a ThinkPad X220 (better keyboard) or X230 (better battery life and graphics) if you want something around $200.

That's why I made this thread, butt pipe.
I obviously don't know what I'm doing.
But what difference does it being Chinese make? It still has the same hardware as everything else inside.
Also, I don't come to this board often, but the Thinkpad shit seems like a meme.

Don't listen to him if portability and battery life matter to you, plus those thinkpads have a disgusting screen.

This Chuwi is much more convenient to charge because it's type C, has a much better screen, uses a much more efficient (albeit a little weaker) processor, and has the option to be detached into a tablet which you won't realise how convenient it is until you start using it.

Also stick a 128GB micro SD card in there for 196GB of total storage, should be plenty unless you mean to use this as your primary PC?

Also it's not an Android tablet, it's a dual OS tablet with windows 10 and Android.

t. Asus T100TA user

See this is how I was thinking when I saw it. YouTube reviews look good too. I probably will never use the Android part since I already have a phone. All I do is browse the web, watch videos, and listen to music.
The Asus zenpad doesn't look too bad either, but I prefer windows.

Don't listen to the retarded ANUS tablet user.

USB C is trash and even he admits that the tablet is an underpowered turd. The X series ThinkPads get great battery life. My X230 gets around 8 hours of moderate use on 6 cell battery that I got for $40 new. You'll have a hell of a time taking the battery out of that shitty tablet. SD cards are also not a good compromise, as they're slow as all fuck.

>But what difference does it being Chinese make?
It's chinkshit that isn't going to be the least bit durable or have replacement parts available, or get any firmware updates. My X230 is getting BIOS updates for the Spectre and Meltdown stuff in 2 weeks from Lenovo because they have an enterprise agreement to do so, and they give the update for free to everyone. I can install any OS on this thing, and there's even a full hardware maintenance manual complete with part numbers available for free so I can fix it myself. I've also dropped this thing down uncarpeted stairs and it only chipped the palm rest a little.

Welcome to Sup Forums. Never, ever buy consumer garbage. Always buy enterprise level stuff that's well supported.

it's a piece of shit

We'll check YouTube reviews to see if it's what you want.

Don't forget a huge factor for laptops is portability which is something thinkpads are lacking. Unless you want it as your main PC and to use nothing else, pass on the thinkpad.

If you don't need/want the tablet mode I can give you a couple other suggestions

I've fallen for the Thinkpad meme, not regretting it a single moment.
Even the battery that came with it, which is at like 60% of its orginal capacity is lasting me more than 3hrs with normal usage.
I did ended getting one with a TN screen instead of an IPS one (X220 here) which kinda sucks, but I'm planning on changing it soon.

thinkpad is a meme

Please continue. I'm open to anything desu

How can you say that?
I fell for the thinkpad meme and regret it so much.

>Upgraded ram from 2gb to 8gb
>Bought the IPS screen which still looks worse than my old laptops tn screen somehow
>Upgraded to an SSD
I've spent so much money on this I may as well have just bought a new laptop with an 8250u and SSD...

I got one for my wife it works decent, cough up the 50 bucks for the keyboard it really is worth it.

Either that or buy used off of eBay and pray really hard you don't get a lemon

Tell me more. I don't do intensive shit either btw.

Check out these too
CHUWI LapBook 12.3 to Clipboard

Jumper EZpad 6 pro 2 in 1 tablet 11.6'' to Clipboard

look how disgustingly shit chuwi devices are inside. seriously, this thing is gonna overheat like a motherfucker

Are you that poor

compared for a surface pro 3 that can be had on craigslist for 350$ or refurb/old stock for ~560$

Buy a Chromebook if you're gonna be a cheap fuck.


pro 2s are ok too and just as fast with a smaller screen, and can be had for around 200, but you gotta make sure the battery is in good shape as most are worn out by now

can i play
half life
quake 2 ?

on a surface, pro absolutely. i was just playing spintires and skyrim today on an i3 model

I can play those on my GPD Win.
Pretty sure they'll even run on shitty phones with an x86 emulator...

The newest one looks even better. m3 runs stone cold if you're not playing games.

It's pretty gud for the price, I have one withouth the keyboard and it runs much faster than I expected. Also the display is gorgeus. You can delete Android and have much more storage for Windows.

i know all about it lol, i was really impressed when i had mine apart and i looked up teardowns off all the other surface pro generations to see how the cooling systems evolved. neat stuff, really

Holy shit, all these ChinkPad shills. Just buy a new one instead of some second hand garbage that at one point had cum on the keyboard from its previous loli user.

Most of the used ones come from office environments, you retarded fuckstick. We shill them because they're cheap and really good. You can get them for fucking pocket change on ebay.

Actually I was in the same boat a while ago.

Give us specs user. what exactly do you want? portability? touchscreen? pressure pen input?
What will you be using it for?

I was looking for a chuwi hi13 or hi12 but after many turns in my head i decided to get a thinkpad x220t for faster the shipping, less the risk, a few bucks cheaper, and better the specs.

if you're lucky you can find a good Surface Pro/Pro 2/3 deal within your budget.

ITT: ebay refurbished resellers vs gearbest sales representatives

People actually buy this shit?

Yeah, "woke" individuals that post in /csg/ and retards that believe Youtube reviews from people that receive products for free.
Most of these no-name chinese garbage are fucking terrible.

Most of them get their computers from Walgreens

I bought a GPD Pocket, flashed the unlocked bios and it's working great with w10, tempted to jump to Ubuntu 16.04 just for the better touch UI.