What do you use to read and manage your RSS feeds Sup Forums? If you're still using RSS that is.
What do you use to read and manage your RSS feeds Sup Forums? If you're still using RSS that is
feedly, sadly
Why sadly? I think it's great, better than GReader was (aside from the premium feature searching)
FreshRSS is fine
I've never found a legitimate use for rss.
palabre for android, best feed reader
live bookmarks on ff for the main rss feeds i care about, have newsboat set up with a shitload more rss feeds but too lazy to even check it everyday.
already open firefox everyday so it was an easy transition.
also podcasts
I use it for following fansub groups and software releases
But fansubs are deader than rss.
I used to, but I got tired of some PC Gaming fella telling me that some orc is a bitch on Shadow of Mordor or some of those personal bullshit texts they call "news"
A lot of news nowadays are just like that, I don't have time for this shit
Where do you get your news from? Facebook and Twitter? Fucking brainlet
QuiteRSS is by far the best RSS reader.
you just aren't looking hard enough
I use Feedly, though I would like to centralize it in my home server. Any recommendations?
I wrote my own program becaue I'm not a fucking brainlet.
I use it for weebish stuff mostly I guess.
>New manga chapter coming out
>New anime comes out
>New Oglaf comes out
Sends me an email whenever.
Could also set it up to notify you for a torrent matching a string on some site.
Innoreader. There's nothing better. Fuck Feedly
Antennapod on fdroid.
I use NiggRSS
Newsbeuter (terminal) and Zebra RSS (browser extension).
google reader had a great polling interval for all feeds, feedly and inoreader are bad unless you pay premium.
feedly is specially bad at obscure or personal feeds.
This. I wish I gave enough of a shit to make my own.