I tried pushing the Ryzen to 3.8 and upping the voltage to 1.3125. Crashed, rebooted and would continually give me BSOD at the logo screen.
I did this in Ryzen Master so the OC was reverted to BIOS settings (3.6 which worked) after reboot.
I dropped the CPU back down to 3GHz in bios and it still wasn't stable.
I put the CPU back up to 3.6 in bios and dropped the RAM down to 2066... Stability.
Running some ram checks now but is it possible or likely to so anything to ram with this OC? Or do I have done Windows fuck up happening?
Wyatt Reed
Aiden Anderson
This is literally technology. Are you okay? Do you need someone to talk to?
Hudson Rodriguez
Is that really a question for Sup Forums?
Cooper Bell
Parker Hernandez
video game related problems belong in the video game board yes, reddit spacing gamer
Tyler Scott
You might have needed slightly higher core voltage to hit 3.8GHz, but more likely your RAM wasn't as stable as you thought. Download and run memtest, since that usually picks up on obvious errors within the first few minutes. I'd google for Stilt's Hynix dram timings, and use Thaipoon to figure out if you have Hynix AFR or MFR.
Also, what heatsink are you using? The 1700 doesn't get ultra hot or anything, but if you're trying to hit 3.8GHz on the stock cooler it will probably be insufficient.
Ian Collins
Fuck me. Who mentioned video games?
Leo Howard
regardless, when did Sup Forums become your tech support team?
Ethan Nelson
>gaming rig ram back to rebbit not op
Luis Morris
How is this necessarily video game related? OP is overclocking a CPU. There are dozens of workloads which benefit from this, even moreso than gaming.
Ryder Gutierrez
Thaiphoon, not thai poon. Those are different.
Matthew Flores
Thanks. I'll give this lot a try. Memtest had passed with no errors at 2066. Worst case I will return whatever is faulty or unstable.
About 7 minutes ago.
Juan Miller
>tech support thread Sage, report and hide.
Lincoln Lewis
Ignore them, it doesn't belong on Sup Forums. However, don't expect an answer in any tech support thread. Please use the thread for this.
Carter Sullivan
RAM clocks would affect clocks for CPU (and are closely connected, might be clearer if you manually adjust the settings) so both should be considered when overclocking.
Three other factors to consider are: -Sufficient CPU cooler (ideally water but air cooling can work too). -Make sure BIOS is up-to-date (ideally up to around Nov-Dec 2017, later updates did bring down CPU temps and improved stability in my case). -Motherboard (performance between manufacturers vary but you will see distinct differences between chipsets for obvious points).
Turning the PC off for a while and putting it back on could be worth trying (to get the PC back to stock settings from before potentially).
For earlier BIOS I found the stable RAM clocks were usually 2400Mhz-2666MHz with G.Skill RAM (that are meant to run at 3000MHz, similar to yours).
>Corsair RAM >Gaming Rig >Gaymin
I disagree in that their RAM is effectively put out almost everywhere and is sometimes the only RAM you can buy on some PC part websites (small or medium ones, not large ones or a larger scale site like ebay, amazon, etc).
I only know this from wanting to be intentionally allergic to Corsair RAM to see what options I had (not many, had to get G.Skill RAM from ebay).
Gabriel Bell
I'm not op, learn to fucking read English and the thread before making a dumbass reply, poo in loo
Parker Cook
I upped the ram voltage to 1.35 from Auto. For some reason Auto was giving me 1.02 @ 2933. I'm stable again.
Yeah, I wasn't expecting miracles, just in the hope that someone who knew what they were talking about would give me some ideas.. Which they did. Wasn't expecting some kid to tell me to go to Sup Forums because my pc is powerful enough to play a game.
Joshua Wood
>some kid hate to break it to you but the only child here is you, gamer
Brody Morales
Oh yeah, last thing. I am usually around 35C with the stock cooler at 3.6. Cine bench pushed it up to almost 80C at 3.8 so I definitely agree stock cooler isn't up to the task. 3.6 will do me fine.
Jayden Jenkins
>I upped the ram voltage to 1.35 from Auto. For some reason Auto was giving me 1.02 @ 2933. I'm stable again.
That makes a lot of sense. Always make sure RAM voltage matches the frequencies (might as well check the latency/ CAS are at their correct values).
Simple reminder that XMP generally doesn't work on Ryzen (intended for Intel) and manual settings for RAM are often advised.
Grayson Davis
I checked those out too. Would have changed them but the BIOS XMP profile matches what I was seeing online as sensible, just the voltage was well out. Well, after all that time I wasted I can go to sleep. Thanks for the help.
Jaxson Parker
Stock cooler definitely isn't setup for 3.8GHz, despite what some memers on youtube will tell you when they use GTA V to test it or some shit. Consider that the 1700X/1800X boost up to it/past it and are considered 95W processors.
On top of this, make sure that the DRAM voltage and DRAM boot voltage are synchronized. Don;t just set it to Auto.
Christian Perry
>cant even hit 3.8 ghz the ABSOLUTE state of amd ghzlets
Ian Gray
>DDR4 3000 @ 2933 I think I've read somewhere that B350 chipset dowgrades to 2666 max before OC...