
More images like this





I keked








Lol, neckbreards BTFO.


this is my favorite

what happens if you do this?

commandline thing a cute, CUTE!

underrated post

More please? I like where this is going.





>things that everyone talks about but never actually happen part 1


[ ] regular kek
[x] top kek






>t. offended neckbeard






Posted all I have, no one else is contributing unfortunately.

Template for you guys to make more

Never seen those before.


It's called "bash blob", that means UNIX shells only for you. Gtfo with your powershell garbage

Nobody cares about your dumb webcomic.

He's right, though. Bash or bust!

Underrated kek

This guy seems to care

Goddamn how can commandline jello be so cute



The good ones.

hey I have a few that haven't been posted yet





The best one right here, kek'd a lot



chroot && something means something is only executed after the chroot is exited again, 0/10

a classic



I call it a commandBlob

Here is some humor for ya


>not just showing 70% of the blob
missed chance



Good thread

fresh OC comin through

>not something happened

>not :( your PC ran


damn, I never tried this, great idea!


what's the joke here? i don't get it



Main takes either two or none arguments do it won't build, the idea however is to reuse argc as a counter for noise generator. There is also a syntax error in the body.

Ubuntu is nigger OS?
Why do you think so? I've never heard that before, explain yourself.

go on urban dictionary

Lurk 3 million years before posting.

nigga yous either trolling or really tarded
>Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning [...]


The absolute state of Sup Forums

Yes, I know that, but the name doesn't mean it's made for / used by Africans.

That's like saying Blind Guardian is an English band because they have an English name when in fact they are German.

It doesn't make sense to associate the language of the name of a product with a continent that contains a country that speaks that language.

We get it, you listen to Blind Guardian.


Best one, holy kecc

I don't get this one
also checked

I tried.

Where do I start reading this shit?
>top left
>bottom left
help me out guyz


how brainlet are you, we read left to right in english, top to bottom


How this photo was taken?


this is a anime board and i don't do anime.

so panel 2 is just filler?

>so panel 2 is just filler?