2018 browser war

Name a better browser and explain your choice.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's not Chrome and I can do whatever I want with it.

Firefox. It's not a botnet.


Firefox because it's not proprietary shit like your malware

>proprietary software

there are only two good browsers in the current year
edge and safari.
browsers that can not consistently hit 60fps need not apply.

it's convenient

I dont care

Firefox, customizable and not a botnet, like your fav browser OP, fucking chrome skin nothing else

-Being using it since v2 and never changed of browser
-Open source
-Can disable anything I don't like on about:config
-Can coustomize everything with userChrome.css
-Gecko is the only worth alternative to the Blink monopoly
-about:mozilla and about:robots are nice touchs

>tfw using internet explorer
>tfw get recommended firefox by runescape friend
thank you based dragonslayer93859

Icecat or waterfox. Maybe Firefox ESR in the next version.

Because it's not a botnet.


>implying im being edgy

This one


Firefox is so slow compared to other browsers, how the fuck do you deal?

Chrome because nothing else syncs my bookmarks across all platforms without being a pain in my ass.

Chrome because I'm not autistic with paranoia, if the fedz want you for anything you better no go online at all..

>using proprietary botnet software
I want Sup Forums to leave

What the fuck is this image even? Is it trying to use a cute anime girl to invoke some sort of emotional attachment to a browser?

the only thing I want is proper tree tabs, I rocked vivaldi for a month and it does well on the HTML acid test.

however I get better performance and when FF58 hits the stream, tree tabs will be completely fixed.

Plus it lacks noscript and Umatrix seems broke on vivaldi.

Chrome because gmail and account syncing and I’m not a literal faggot who wants to stay of da grid xD

My internet connection is already slow so I don't notice the browser speed

>more worthless browser threads
good job everyone


I really don't care at all about the SJW shit honestly, a company can be as fucking gay or obnoxious as it wants, as long as the product is worthwhile.


I liked it back before it became a piece of shit chromium skin and now I'm stuck with it

also, checked

Chrome Canary.
Ahead of every other browser and just works.

>all these retards thinking Firefox is not a botnet

Brave because Tor tabs.

Firefox 57 is fast.

I'd love Brave, if it would STOP FUCKING HIGHTLIGHTING EVERYTHING when I'm holding the middle mouse button to scroll. It's seriously killing this browser for me, because it's the way I've always done it.

dark theme when. Litterally the only thing i'm waiting on to switch.

Opera is fastest browser hands down. Vivaldi is pretty cool though.

Firefox will have this too.

Chrome, go fuck yourself you fucking loser neckbeard faggot who lives in his mom's basement, you're a failure to humanity, get out of your room and start being something. I'll pray for you.

Use Firefox Nightly you edgy hipster

Not until I can install it side-by-side with stable

Quantum because i don't care

You can easily install it side by side, you know that, right?

Enough shilling this proprietary crap.

Those questions are fucking gay m8.

Not without profile fuckery


I want things to just work

Ain't that the truth

Being using Vivaldi for a while, comfy desu, I miss my botnet at my search bar but comfy anyway

Brave is best because I bought BAT
Download and use Brave please!

Just werks for me on Manjaro, at one point I had stable, nightly and beta all installed.

Firefox always seems less responsive than chromium for me. Even the new Firefox beta which is meant to be a big improvement.

You didn't need to set up a short cut for a alternative profile for nightly to avoid it things from fucking up when you switch back to stable?

Lol nobody is gonna use BAT tokens you worthless piece of shit.

Firefox got decent again with v57.
ungoogled-chromium is nice and always updated if you use Debian derivatives.

They are superior to your pic-related because they are released under a free (as in freedom) license.


firefox, vivaldi needs sync


You can't drag fucking downloaded files from the downloads.

Is there any other browser with the same or better implementation of treetabs than firefox? If so then I would consider changing

I have vivaldi and chrome. But i always end up using chrome mainly because starts faster

Hey I just tried your shit browser and middle mouse button scrolling doesn't even work properly. Make this thread again when it's fixed.

>All of these purple-haired trannies
Also you're fooling yourself if you think firefox isnt a botnet. They injected extensions without peoples consent for fucks sake.

Pictured: consent.

Canary for everyday use, embrace the botnet stallman did

Brave. It's the browser of the future. The best of both worlds. The technical superiority of Chromium with the privacy focus of old Mozilla before they turned into SJW faggots. It's made by the former founder of Mozilla and the creator of Javascript, after he got forced out of Mozilla by the SJWs for opposing gay marriage. He knows what's up. Also Tor people are working on it.

Unrelated question: Does anyone know a Firefox theme that has a noticeable contrast between the front and back windows?

I usually have multiple windows between my two monitors and sometimes it's hard to tell which one is in front, especially after switching back to Firefox from a different application.

I don't have strong preferences in terms of aesthetics. As long as it doesn't look too busy it's fine. Thanks!

Oh shit I'm gonna have to check this out.

>Name a better browser and explain your choice.
Brave and Waterfox.

They work, they're basically Chrome and Firefox, but without censorship, without propaganda, with freedom, with liberties.

Lol fucking samefag shill.
If you need to say that much that SJWfox is not a botnet, it's because you know it is.

Delete this tumblr trash right now


And no features in Chrome's case and horrible customization in Firefox's case. I'd rather have a usable browser instead of appealing to a false sense of ethics

looks better

>Can coustomize everything with userChrome.css
Everything? I was about to uninstall and switch back to 56 so I could have a dark theme with e.g. the bookmarks menu having a dark background. Also how do I get status bar back?

Vivaldi now has sync. Look at its latest snapshot.

you should look into shadowfox by overdodactyl for the darktheme

Changed recently back to Firefox after installing Firefox Dev to play around with the Grid Stuff which is really great. And saw that how snappy it has gotten and just switched back since I needed a change.

Avant has a video grabber built in. A very good one. The only video grabbed that comes close is internet download manager. Name a free one that's better than Avant's.


nice bait

This looks like Luke Smiths' thumbnail

>having a need to shill browser you're using



can't you change that with your window manager or your compositor?

The source doesn't include the entire browser, the browser's license is proprietary freeware. This is like saying comodo dragon is open source and directing people to chromium source code.

the proprietary code is plain text javascript, it's not even obscure blobs.
You can even make patches and send them to the devs.
You just can't fork and redistribute it.

I still like IE the best but it's broken with Sup Forums :'(

I like it because FF and Chrome have both turned into IE6 at this point

Brave !

everything is built in and just works

Not even close. Avant can download from more sites. Idm even more.

I like firefox. I havent had any problems, very customizable and fast.

>everything is built in
Thats the problem. They push there own ads so you can't use good extensions.

Even with all the problems vivaldi has, I just can't part with all the neat shit it can do.

>How to take a screenshot
>No "Gay sex with hats on" tab

You were halfway there

I want to like Brave but it's fucking broken.
>hold middle mouse to scroll = highlighting everything
>can't select first bookmark in a folder
>no webms on Android
>no dark mode
I love how fast it is but I'm going back to Chrome

I just switched back to Vivaldi from avant after discovering I can use idm with it. Unfortunately, I have found that you have to pay for idm. I am looking to pirate it.


Safari on MacOS is so comfy, using anything else is a waste of time.

>Going back to chrome
HA HA everyone look at this faggot

What are my best options if I cannot browse without Vimperator? Firefox 52 is so fucking slow but it has all the features I need. I'd use Quantum if WebExtensions didn't fuck literally every good addon.

I dont use vimperator but whats wrong with the other options for quantum?

I haven't tried Tridactyl but the others are pretty awful alternatives to Vimperator. It's just so functional and aesthetic. Guess I'm too used to it.

Fuck you WebExtensions.

The savior is coming.