>Wine 3.0 now has direct3D 10/11 support
>The days of vidya only working on windows are coming to an end
Well Sup Forums, what's your excuse to still use windows when it's only a matter of time your favorite vidya will work out of the box for GNU/Linux or any other UNIX-like operating system
Wine 3.0 now has direct3D 10/11 support
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I hope fallout 4 will work on this! Been waiting for so long to play it!
If you want to dig through the release notes, they're right here
Thanks, will check when I'm at home!
Is there support for 64 bit .NET 4.5 yet?
Additionally, WINE now kinda works on Android. In a few years GNU and Android will be able to fully replace Windows without issues.
wine supporting DX10 and 11 doesn't mean all games relying on DX10/11 will work with it.
there are lots of other random bugs and incompatibilities that prevent some games from working without flaws or working at all...
>it's only a matter of time
It's STILL a matter of time. That's exactly the reason.
That's my "excuse" if you want it.
Wine has had 64 bit support since 2.0 if I remember and wine DB says that .NET 4.5 is gold for wine 1.9. You should try it for yourself because I believe it should work.
That result is for 32 bit. It's well documented that it doesn't currently work under 64 bit.
Just in time for games to start using DirectX 12/Vulkan
Okay then, I guess anyone who wants 64 bit .NET frameworks will have to wait some more
>vulkan already works flawlessly on WINE
>DX12 is dead on arrival
I don't see the problem user
Vulkan performs better on Linux over WINE than on windows natively.
Nice, how's The Witcher 3 on it?
but i want official support, not some hobbyist hack.
does wine/linux support gsync/ulmb or freesync/strobing backlights?
idk about wine but linux does
Can I use DS4Windows over WINE?
God yes.
Can't wait for Dark Souls 3 support.
One day there's gonna be an update and some glorious bastard on wineHQ is gonna submit that rating.
Then pay codeweaver a yearly sum to get a closed source wine version with special hacks for commercial software.
can i play roblox on it
If you just want it to work as a xinput device in wine programs then you need to setup x360ce in wine. Wine has no xinput support and not even using a real xbox controller works in wine without x360ce.
Nah I meant using the touchpad as well, but I guess it won't work. oh well.
> Thought that "fuck viday you not going to take my freedoms"
> Move to Linux (gonna do some real WORK)
> Oh, steam is on here
> Play games on Linux (kill and eat human flesh in Rust)
Fuck you Linux I wanted to quit vidya
It's not linux's fault you have a lack of self-control
>it's only a matter of time
You've been saying this for how long now?
Your mom had a lack of self control where she sat on my dick.
Sir, you have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums
>only a matter of time
So, after all this time it still doesn't work. Got it.
Is Morrowind, with mods, fully working?
Call me when it is. FakeNews until then.
I give it ~2 years and it is on par with Windows
Morrowind with mods doesn't even work on Windows most of the time.
Installing Musicbee 2.5 on WINE right now. Installing .NET is a real fucking pain in the ass. Why does anyone use .NET when they can use QT? Why are devs this retarded?
>compatibility layer lag
meant for casual gamers
>Well Sup Forums, what's your excuse to still use windows when it's only a matter of time your favorite vidya will work out of the box for GNU/Linux or any other UNIX-like operating system
Just wait, freetards are working overtime to force linux to be incompatible with Nvidia graphics cards.
Denuvo unironcally.
its been working for ages
QT isn't part of Windows
QT didn't have ENTERPRISE QUALITY support
Trolltech didn't take the IT buyers out to lunch.
Just use openmw dummy. It works perfectly.
You mean nvidia are being lazy fucktards that can't be assed to support kernel APIs properly even though everyone else does it.
Why use that shit when Clementine exists?
Special mods don't work with the openmw client, that's why having a copy of vanilla morrowind is handy
Admit it, it looks like shit though
>Trolltech didn't take the IT buyers out to lunch
this probably
because I really really like the productivity of MusicBee.
The way that the que is also an album player
The way that albums are grouped by artist in the main screen.
I can drag and drop an album in MusicBee, go to inbox and edit the tags, then do ctrl+r and they are instantly sorted and moved to my music folder+added to my main library.
It is super fast.
Library explorer is really handy for when I want to browse by genre, record label or year (and you can add many more, even custom tags/virtual tags)
I'm willing to bet it'll run like shit and I won't be able to play at 4K 60FPS, but it is indeed very nice that D3D10/11 support has finally arrived.
Finally 2019 will be the year of Linux desktop
Sorry man, i was out. Try ds4drv, it should be able to program the touchpad. It is a little bit of a bitch to figure out though. Or you wait years for antimicro to add support for it. In theory, everything is in place to modify any input, but user facing programs for it are rare. See evdev/libinput and sdl for documentation in case you want to program something for it.
They are already working on DX12 support using Vulkan.
Did you try cantata? It also asks if you want to rename files after editing tags and has various sorting modes for album view, for example artist>year>album or something else. It also sports nice grouped playlists view with ratings and dynamic playlist generators depending on various stats.
Only caveat is that you should run your own mpd server instead of the inbuilt one because it start slower otherwise.
no, but looks like Clementine. I will try it tho
The one player that came close to MusicBee's layout is Banshee
AppDB ratings, does it only allow stable to be used for ratings or can it also allow development branch to submit a rating?
I need my Mabinogi fix, am I included?
You'll have to test it yourself since the appdb is really out of date for this entry
That's not a problem, DX12 and vulkan are almost a sed away from being compatible and vulkan is natively available on GNU as well. Moreover, the lower level nature of these platforms means less work to translate one into the other since the heavy-lifting is actually done by the game itself, not the platform.
It can be either one, but you'll probably see the development branch used for testing more since it's updated very frequently compared to stable only getting one major update a year
I need new tests in my life :)
Looks like you need some more test in your life FAGGOT
Year of the ReactOS shitboxes when?
hows the compatibility? if it can't run the most popular stuff with denuvo, vac etc. it's useless.
Only x86 android, I suppose.
came here to say this, I tried it and all my directx 10/11 games glitched out and crashed, unless I switched to opencl but the FPS was pretty bad. There still is a lot of work to do but I have hope kinda.
I wish more people contributed to wine
Isn't Vulkan natively multiplatform? And DX12 is DoA
why not open me? at this point it works better than the original
>Wine 3.0 now has direct3D 10/11 support
It doesn't matter. The problem has never been direct3D, the problem is that in many cases you can't know shit about the system calls of Windows software, and that only gets worse the more complex the software becomes. Take a look at how many programs that don't require fancy direct3D work decently on Wine; it's about 5% of them anyway. You're dreaming kid.
Literally completely wrong.
>Take a look at how many programs that don't require fancy direct3D work decently on Wine; it's about 5% of them anyway.
That's not true at all.
Maybe when M$ doesn't sue them for making ReactOS too much like Windows.
Nice argument to rebut something that's literally written in their FAQ, we can tell how deep your knowledge about Winde goes.
No? How many apps even have diamond rating?
>inb4 you can use the silver stuff
No. Everything less than diamond is imperfect and it would run better on Windows. Nothing but diamond is acceptable. Last time I check you couldn't even run Microsoft Office properly; there were like 4 versions of it, tried on like 10 version of Wine, and only one combination was rated diamond. Wine is an absolute joke and can't be trusted, you're better off installing Windows.
Shill harder pajeet, but windows is losing and theyknow it
gold is works as good as windows, but needs workarounds. The performance of gold rated applications is the same on windows and WINE.
BTW it is platinum, not diamond. Shows how much you actually know your shit faggot.
>gold is works as good as windows, but needs workarounds
so it doesn't work as good as windows
which means you have about a dozen applications that actually justwerks. might as well be zero at that point, makes no difference.
Half the time software doesn't work properly in its own operating system so your point is moot
from your previous comment, you clearly implied that the performance of non-platinum programs is worse on WINE.
But whatever dude, enjoy getting spied on etc.
What DE+theme is that?
Nothing fancy.
XFCE4 desktop env.
Numix theme
Numix circle icons
The taskbar is just fully black (taskbar preferences -> appearance -> solid color. Black)
Musicbee has the preinstalled DarkmetroRED theme
Im very proud of the FOSS guys, praise stallman, praise linus, save us from the proprietary closed source botnet cancer OS's.
Anons this looks comfier than a qt petite gf (male). What's the set up? Poster, mah nigga, could you do a screen fetch?
>Anons this looks comfier than a qt petite gf (male). What's the set up? Poster, mah nigga, could you do a screen fetch?
Never mind
>people start running proprietary software and executing malware exes on linux
This isn't a good thing. Most everything Windows-centric is cancer that doesn't belong on Linux.
then why is everything on linux a poor copy of windows software?
When I run proprietary stuff like Discord/Steam etc. I run it under a different user that doesn't have permission to read most of the file system so I think it's fine. It can phone home if it wants to but it can't really read any of my precious bytes.
>It's not technlogoy's fault you have a lack of self-control
Yes goyim...
it doesn't give a shit about your bytes. it's your usage statistics that are valuable.
It isn't, unless you're a GUI-tard who uses trash software and expects clones of said trash software to be somehow better.
Because I can get my monitor to have 160hz on windows with the nvidia settings but only 120hz on linux
it's not the 80's anymore gramps.
I second that
>not running rainmeter on your phone
t. pc retard race
Sandboxing is always good, but that doesn't mitigate data mining and such. You don't have to worry about malicious methods but rather the software itself being integrated with malware as a feature. In my opinion, such services are inherently harmful. If people switch to Linux but still use such software, they will never appreciate the freedom of Linux, and instead seek out more of such services. It then becomes like Android, where despite its core being open source, the average person is completely dependent on the Google ecosystem and what it entails, Linux be damned.
And yet the terminal stills offers more features and freedom than a GUI in nearly all cases. Some things don't deprecate. Tech illiteracy isn't the future, it's just a sign of decline.
I don't need the retards here. Gaymers should be segregeated with pajeets and applefags from the techies.
Same. I spend my precious time playing gzdoom, UT 4 or roguelikes - and then I have thousands of fucking steam games and wine.
The ride never ends.