Drop down terminal emulator

Why would anyone use the drop down terminal emulator instead of a regular one? Do you guys have brain damage?

because you can drop it down and put it back as you need it...

because I wrote a little script that syncs my files when I type "impulse 101"

It's quick and easy to access.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Obvious troll is obvious

>terminal blocks the piece of text you need to see
>can't move the terminal
I guess I'll just move all my other windows to the bottom of the screen.

Not an argument

>Why use a regular terminal emulator when you can use a teletypewriter
I use it so I can press F12 or a dedicated keyboard button to easily dmesg whenever I mount hard drives.

i guess it appeals to people who intend to use the gui full time, it just does a nice drop down scroll and makes you feel like you're playing with system internals when in reality, you're messing around in a bolted on piece of shit on top of the shell called xorg

Manjaro is so much nicer with gnome

Sounds retarded. Why would I want less information on my screen?

>That cowsay
My man

It's set to a keybind that you press and it will drop the terminal down, or bring it up

i used yakuake alot, but then buy 2 4k monitors and unfortunately yakuake rendering buggy with this setup, so now i use only konsole and missing cool yakuake(

>not shoving all of your terminal windows in a different workspace

Because it's like a console in one of those old games. Like Quake. You use it to turn on god mode and shit.

I do, but I've changed it to open a fullscreen terminal instead.

because i can then clicky the thinkvantage button on my chinkpad and have a terminal ready to get down at a moment's notice you big homo.

yeah. lemme clarify.
>terminal blocks the piece of text you need to see, because you want to compare the text in the terminal to some other text
>can't move the terminal

pretty sure this only exists becuase someone wanted something like the quake console, but for the rest of the machine

personally, I've never bothered, just give me an ordinary terminal window


That's what I'm saying


Well it's Manjaro, so we can assume most do in fact have brain damage.

I mainly use it for one application or one type of application.
Something that is running a long time and I don't need a window for it.
The best example is a music player, I use cmus.
Cmus doesn't need much interaction, I mainly control it through the media buttons on my keyboard, but some times I want to search for a song or see what I am playing.
A dropdown is much better than a dedicated desktop for this.

Who complains about choice?
We have terminal windows, ttys, dropdown terminals, embedded terminals and tabs.
You can even ^Z + bg if you want.
There are so many ways to use terminals, use the ones that make sense to you.

I don't see the point myself

Point on the doll where the virtual term hurt you.

Because it's easier when you are multi tasking and just want to run one command quickly. Like invoking youtube-dl while watching the video on your browser.