>SSD drive
SSD drive
>ATM machine
>EMP pulse
We should call it SS drive.
>GNU operating system
>LED Display
kys yourself
you better go back
>IRC chat
>SSD disk
>USB bus
>LED diode
>LCD Display
>sshd daemon
you are retarded
>spending more effort complaining about redundant phrases than people spend saying them
It can also help sometimes. Social Insurance Number = SIN, but sin is also a word, so saying sin number helps with clarity to make sure I'm not talking about forbidden things
>Points at monitor or case
>Free college
>WIFI internet
>GNU is Not Unix
>OS shell
>type "unboxing" on Youtube
>no lectures on the Wrapper class
>just people showing off their shitty consumer electronics
so what ?
userspace shell ?
>tablet keyboards
D is for diode, poo poo brains
>light emitting display
Try again
Obviously not
not funny
Remember to tell mommy how the first day on Sup Forums was
>not having a /ss/ drive
>NIC Card
t. someone who came from Reddit 2 days ago. You've to go back.
I was going to punch in my PI number into the AT machine, but then I noticed that the LC display was frozen
this is not how abbreviations work
in the acronym I.D the I stand for "I" which means me. And the D stand for "Dentification."
BSD distro
>Computer as fuck
This always fucking got me fuming.
Look at normies on YouTube.
That's all they say.
>......just use this LCD display.....
>RAID Array
>Redundant Array of Independent Disks Array
>RAID Disk Array
>Redundant Array of Independent Disks Disk Array
>Redundant RAID Disk Array
>Redundant Redundant Array of Independent Disks Disk Array
all shit you can hear on LTT
WINE emulator
TTL Logic
AC Current
DC Current
UNIX - UNIx is not X
>my apple iphone is reliable
>PC computer
more like irredundant arrays amirite
>works on both Mac and PC
Mac and personal computer? I'll stab somebody
>works on both Mac and PC
...but not linux...
because linuxes are not personal computers like Windows are.
>AIO cooler
>laptops and PC computers
>CD disc
>OS system
>JRE runtime
>is stationary
>Computer AS FUCK
>OP fag
>SSHDs are OK I guess if you need the space and are too normie to manage your different disks
>no good Optane equivilent for WIndows without paying the Intel jew megabux
Linux has bcache or ZFS-L2ARC at least.
>an SSD
>not embracing the redundant RAS syndrome
>SIM card
user that's not how it works
The words may not be exactly the same but calling it a subscriber identity module card is redundant.
True, but it wouldn't be incorrect to say so.
stfu up already
who shit in your coffee, user?
Eat a dick
*an ss, Rajesh
>LISP Processor
>ch 11
>iPad tablet.
DNS server
>built on NTâ„¢ technology
that's actually the correct grammar. when deciding whether to use 'an' or 'a', you have to look at the way it's pronounced, not spelled. 'es es dee' begins with a vowel, so you would use 'an'.
>RIP in Peace
>tfw when
>calling A Collection of Flippy Dip Memory Sticks Operating in Tandem a RAID
>FTP protocol
OP poster
OP is a fag
instead of
is a fag
>TCP/IP protocol
>PDF Format
>FLCL Cooley
>I was going to punch my PIN into the ATM, but then I noticed the LCD was frozen.
Is this really that hard for you?
>PCI-E Express
This one is the hardest to escape
If only it was called tc/i protocol