I'm so sorry


>set up routes
>sleeps for arbitrary amount of seconds
>if not able to contact google every 30 seconds, shut down

I'm so sorry

what does this do?

>set up routes
>sleeps for arbitrary amount of seconds
>if not able to contact google every 30 seconds, shut down

average network code 5 years from now on

I'm so sorry

>shut down
It restarts

wait am i retarded? I thought $? -eq 0 was true when the ping is successful

haha true

it just works

>not I'm soooo sorry

Wait, this code is from chrome, right?

Is this leaf humor?

> while [ 1 ]
Doesn't 1 stand for "false" in bash?

what in the heavenly fuck is this

I don't get it, who made this?

[ $x ] exits with 0 for any non-empty $x



>log into server remotely
>need to make a network change
>if it fails, the server becomes unreachable
>devise a test so the server reboots itself and clears the changes if they fail

C'mon guys it's not that stupid

why does it say I'm so sorry then