/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Angry Edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
Fagguy Tracker Manifesto: pastebin.com/thLgSkNE
Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have shitposted here before.
>This is a thread for shitposting purposes only. Offer and ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be faggots asking for invites and when you invite them, they reward you for inviting strangers.

What is KG? What level do you have to be?

Lurk moar

>tfw not on the KG

daily reminder that drunk zed aka notzed will be performing on AB irc tonite

based beats

APL is the worst private tracker. Had multiple issues with my account. Everything was on their side/technical difficulties. In the end the staff broke even more by trying to fix it. Now my client isn't connecting anymore to the tracker. At this point I don't even care anymore lol.

I looked it up, is it just movies?

Shame on you!

Ye. Just funny that even weebs can manage to run a decent tracker.

>falling for the APOOLOO meme

you asked for it

what's exactly buffer and how much is good enough. A friend has negative buffer while I have positive

stupid question of the day. congratulations.

Download amount - upload amount = buffer
Any amount above the required ratio is enough

looking foward to it, thanks

another stupid question
sometimes, when I upload to red, I have to download the torrent again to seed it but it will appear as if I snatched it too, and sometimes not, like last few upload aren't in what I have snatched
am i doing something wrong other than still being alive

I want to lick Naoko everywhere, especially around her pussy, for hours.

*Get* a fucking life man. You post the same inane shit in every thread!

obsessed much?

That is disgusting

You're the one whoms obsessed, obsessed with KG! This is the first time I've ever replied to you!

it's just spaghetti shitposting and wasting everyone's time as usual. ignore

This would be the second time. So you're also illiterate. Good to know.

I obviously meant the first time responding to your retarded "Muh KG" post.

>This is the first time I've ever replied to you!
Yeah. You obviously meant something completely different. Idiot.

I can understand if it would be difficult for you to understand my meaning.. Regardless, this is the last time I am responding to you.

I didn't misunderstand you at all.

It is not.

more like butthurt beats
we know it's you, lad

if you're not in KG you should feel sad

t. apollo shitter

He should switch to getting drunk and ranting in irc. Let notzed zed have a night off

I am VIP on KG.

>thinks RED users don't hate beats
stay butthurt

You are tracker royalty

>Z demoted from Moderator to Forum Mod
*inhales deeply*

>ab new rules
I can't download anymore even though I only had 9 h&rs. Has ab fallen for the cabal meme? I miss the /comfy/ days.


Looking for cool user with access to super-l33t-cool-haxor-private trackers to share latest edition of "Unity in Action 2016"

Wold suck cockers for it but I' not gay

"Z" as in zed?

another day another 30mb uploaded to red

I bet Zeds got one helluva hangover today, lol!

did he rant about IPT again?

useless meme

You are samefagging, why?

But I'm not.

nice inspect element, retard

nope, zed. You had a room full of people for your drunk rants. Can't live it down yet

Best tracker for cats?

>Interviews Queued: 28,416
>Interviews Completed: 7,229 (25.4% of queues)
>Interviews Passed: 4,626 (64.0% of interviews)
>Interviews Failed: 2,603 (36.0% of interviews)

how much yen you need to pay off some?

i have 1 hnr and cant be bothered to pay for it. i am as cheap with yen as i am with real money.

Remember fags:
x264 = developed for anime by an animefag
mkv = adopted by anime scene first
10-bit = adopted by anime scene first
mpv = official player for the anime scene

5 HnRs is a lot, let alone 9. Fix your shit.


It's pretty sad that people actually believe this

MPV sucks and the only reason you people shill it is because you have something against propriety software.

Also we're at h265 now. Get with the times



i idled for like 3 hours last night and never even got registered to the mumble.

it's shit

Give me one reason

>MPV sucks
Sorry you can't use a simple player without gui

mpv hw accel support is complete shit

oh and it also doesn't have an option to HDR>SDR for non HDR monitors/tvs

Nobody says I can't use it. It's simply as you yourself said, so why do you have to believe I'm not able to use it? I can. It's just not a good player.

>without gui
literally what?

>without a gui
>literally using a gui fork of mplayer

literally this

>10-bit = adopted by anime scene first
Only because the Daiz and the rest of the cabal forced it.

sorry user wrong person
fucking nine good you cant download fag

why use MPV when MPC-HC with madVr exist?

question mark

because MPV is better!

exclamation mark

but it is not

but it is

>Also we're at h265 now.

h265 is literally curry.

Is there anything of note for Guru or Master on BTN? I think they removed unlimited invites on Master so I guess it comes down to the invite forum


anons, is it normal for russian pay girls to charge you double because you're "extremely fat"?

Yes it does.

Too bad nothing can play 10bit x264, annoying ass format. Let's just move on to x265.

Developed by Indians.

Wrong, again.

Not their fault your shitty toy lacks power for software decoding.

When are the birthdays of every major tracker? They have a freeleech then.

Yeah, I can't wait for BTN freeleech. When is their birthday again?

you know saying doesn't make it so
you cannot play HDR content with MPV without having a HDR screen, unless you want washed out colors

I'm not stapling a full powered PC to every tv in the house to make graidents look better in fucking anime.

for real?

the funny thing is you can achieve the same exact thing with 8bit with only 5-30% increase on the file size but somehow these idiots think that saving a few MBs is worth not being able to playback on anything except a modern x86 cpu

PTP didn't
GGn didn't
AB didn't
RED didn't (well, they had tokens)
BBT didn't (inb4 >major)

PTP is freeleech all the time considering their bonuses and how easy it is to maintain ratio there, the only easier tracker would be EMP
GGn has constant freeleeches when people buy it on the store so it's irrelevant to have an yearly event
AB same as GGn except even more frequent
RED had tokens which is their version of FL

Can't wait for Daiz to push 4k HEVC so all you brazilian poorshits can't watch anime at all

The point is that birthday FL was a thing of the past and trackers only care about gay cake contests and, in GGn's case, gutting 6hr FL and making it so less people snatch anything to implement some shitty coins

Couple of problems with that
Daiz is and has been for some time now completely irrelevant to the "anime scene"
Anime isn't and will likely never be mastered at 4k so there won't be 4k anime anytime soon with the exception of terrible upscales like we've seen with Your Name
But lastly and more important of all HEVC enjoys full hardware support which means that moving to HEVC will mean that everybody can playback anime and not the opposite

They did. Not global FL, but they did.
>AB didn't
So did they.


drunk notzed or zed

ok but who gives a shit about picks? There's FL 24/7 in one form or another but it doesn't matter if it's not anything you want

GGn is, much like gaming as a hobby, dead

then why does my raspberry pi shit the bed trying to play HEVC?

Because you're using a very old pi or not using HW acceleration at all