Got a job a Jewgle. So I'm officially gay now?
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You've always been gay, this is an l/g/bt board
>fired tomorrow for this post
Good point. Where do I get my ceremonial butt plug?
Google has over 70k employees. They hire people NONSTOP. Also why would they give a shit?
Yes. What position?
Software Engineer (L3)
how much do you getpaid
whats your position
where do u work
> how much do you getpaid
Feel a little weird sharing that
> whats your position
> where do u work
US but not in Mountain View
What kind of questions did you get in the interview? Any dynamic programming?
Lol op we've all applied to or worked with someone at google. This info fake af gtfo
One system design
One sliding window
One binary tree
>Feel a little weird sharing that
why? you're anonymous
I make 75k as an L3 SE at Cisco in Ottawa
Don't reply, OP
they are trying to track you down to ruin your homosexual career
Prove it?
Fake? Lolwhat
Fuck it fine. $220k total comp. I'm L3 but I have a few years of industry experience so I'm not a newgrad.
Maybe I want to be anally raped in my sleep?
By what means? I haven't even started the job yet.
Oh lord, you might as well share your ID and credit card now.
I thought SEs knew better...
Screenshot your resume and blur personal details
Ya I'll get right on that
How is that any different? If you dont believe what I say here I could just as easily make a fake resume and post that.
Read the daymore memo
It takes a while to make a good professional resume, surely you have yours saved on your computer somewhere?
post boypucci
I read it.
I do. I also dont give a shit enough to prove it to you. Take me on my word or screech like the autistic faggot that you are and claim Im a liar. I owe you nothing
thats pretty high, gj man and congrats
hope you are working on something interesting
Lol then you're clearly just a manchild that didn't get enough gratification as a kid and turned to faking accomplishments on Sup Forums for attention.
Thanks. Google makes negotiation easy. They simply match your highest offer from another company.
Youre right. Now please, comment 5 or 6 more times about how I made this all up
I don't need to, I've already proved my point.
I fucked my career up by not doing anything for a couple of years after graduating so I accepted the first bone I was thrown. Now I'm at a loss on how to get a higher salary. I have a feeling a lot of these companies share salary information. New grads in Canada make more than I do.
How much of that is GSUs vs base salary vs. bonus?
Ouch. The canadian market is terrible so if youre in the US and making less I feel for you. What do you do right now? Have you contributed to open source at all?
Ya so that starts to get specific. Bonus is always 15%, but the base and RSUs were based on matching from another offer I had. I feel like that might be more personally identifiable.
I haven't contributed much to any well known projects but I have contributed to some smaller (but still impressive) stuff. I'm also decently active in open source communities and have several good open source tools and libraries I've made.
Like I think I'm a pretty good developer, I just completely break down at the interview stage and have no idea how to command a much higher salary. If I apply for SE3 or 4 at another company and they know I'm making 75k they aren't going to give me 100k etc.
Well first off dont tell them what you currently make
Second of all read
Third what do you mean you break down at the interview stage? Have you done CTCI?
>I do. I also dont give a shit enough to prove it to you. Take me on my word or screech like the autistic faggot that you are and claim Im a liar. I owe you nothing
Good lad. Fucking stick it to that stupid cunt.
Anyways i understand that you couldn't answer this because you haven't started yet but ive always wanted to know how left wing it gets on a regular day at the office. I hope you tell us all one day. Id be interested to know for real.
Congratulations mate.
Well I'm sure it will be left wing as fuck but I at least dont have to live in god forsaken california. All of the Google offices are in metro areas which lean more blue, but I get the feeling that the Bay Area is where most of the snowflakes live. At least I hope so
>Well I'm sure it will be left wing as fuck
I worked as a contractor for three years on two Google-X projects hat were based in Cailifornia. I never once encountered anyone who gave a rat's ass about my genitals, gender, or political leanings. Is it just X that is like that?
Dunno. Haven't started yet. But I didn't get any negative feelings during the onsite interview. All of my interviewers were male Chinese and White.
Since OP is being gay, I'll tell you that the SWE's I work with in MTV make ~130k
I haven't bothered to see what SWEs are getting outside of MTV and NYC though..
You just replied to me, OP. And who the fuck is making $130k LMFAO
It seemed more like a meritocracy, although I was working in a small field, embedded systems doing control of high-power systems, than the SJW hell people here complain about. I certainly wouldn't turn down a chance to work there again on something interesting.
Newgrad L3 SWE's. I'm not counting GSUs and shit. Just base comp
Oh ok. Sure then but why would you not count GSUs and bonus?
Sorry but cisco SE levels start at 6
Base pay will affect how you live day to day more than the amount of GSUs / target bonus payout as part of your comp package
You really like being able to change the lives of millions of people at google and have a particular interest in the way natural languages can be used to improve the relationship between humans and machines! Oh yeah, and hi, I’m Steve hehe.
If that's supposed to be a question, no I dont give a shit about changing lives. I have no interest in NLP either.
That is what you have to say to show you have so much passion for your job and it isn’t even a job, you would do it for free.
But I dont. I was never pressured to show passion. Honestly their hiring process is actually pretty cold. It was just setting up dates for phone screens, doing the phone screens, setting up the onsite and doing the onsite. The questions were purely technical and the interviewers clearly would rather have been doing something else. They didnt care about me and I didnt care about them or touching lives or anything else. They just wanted me to code and I did it.
Steve Yegge?
pls come back ;_;
Do you think they are testing out their new AI receuiter bots and that you were their first test subject. Everyone at google knows this and perceives you as a test subject and worthless.
>They didnt care about me and I didnt care about them
This. The whole thing is about technical ability. The people interviewing you did have better things to do than feel you out on anything else. Once you're in, management might have other priorities, but the tech people basically care about only technical prowess.
Do you specialize in anything, user?
Im sure, buddy
Nope. Just a generalist
Any resume tips?
SJW culture disliking heterogenous thinking among employees.
take off the objective statement if you have one
Im sure to an extent but ultimately they need people to write software so they cant make being an SJW a requirement