What's the political makeup of Sup Forums?
>Inb4 gb2 Sup Forums
You can't ask what a board's politics are by asking on another board.
What's the political makeup of Sup Forums?
>No Meritocracy
Shit poll.
What do you call authoritarian on social issues and far-right economically?
I thought fascism was all about a far-left commie-style centralized economy
You mean like Pinochet? I guess I would put you somewhere under capitalist as nationalist capitalist isn't an option. It depends whether you feel more like a nationalist or a capitalist.
It mostly is.
Traditional conservative master race.
Where's "idk"?
Sup Forums
>lists every possible capitalist ideology
>*one of a hundred communist ones* kek
You're a fucking retard OP.
>traditional conservative
>uses progressive technology
What did he mean by this?t
I'm a Marxist-Leninist OpenBSD user. My favorite language is Scheme.
Centre left, so just said libertarian. What's the difference between the three liberal types?
Also, more even spread than I was expecting, despite Sup Forums being known to be diverse.
They're literally all the same and they're all shit. There is no difference between "Marxism" and "Leninism" and any other -ism you think is a unique and special brand of communism that "HAS NEBER BEEN TRIED B4!!!!!"
Communism is a nu-male cuck meme. Commies get gassed first.
Get an education.
I'm actually shitposting from my c64 over the superior gopher protocol.
>not shitposting over port 70
And the right are any different? Both sides are just filled with a bunch of special snowflake forks.
Also what the flying fuck is paleo?
>defending communism
keep in mind that if you were in your communist paradise full of "superior educated" people, the only OS you'd be using right now would be fucking Red Star OS.
Commies get gassed literally now.
Lower left is liberal
Lower right is libertarian
Liberalism is a joke
Literally every "libertarian" nowadays.
Ah ok, so it's the difference in economic attitudes?
libertarian is free private economy and damn near complete social rights. liberal/liberalist are corporate shills supporting monopolies trying to make everyone reliant on the state which is reliant on huge corporate superpowers. libertarian is easily the best of the three and probably sums up most of Sup Forums
>and probably sums up most of Sup Forums
Yeah nah cunt. Most of us have IQs above 89.
LMAO I wonder why all of libertarian thought is sponsored and funded by huge corporations and neocon think tanks.
go to bed yobbo
check the poll, I'm literally correct on this one. nice ad hominem "brainlet" meme though with literally 0 proof that I'm wrong.
It's Amerishart power-hour right now. Once the 56%ers go to bed you'll see less seppo cunts spreading their retarded failed ideology. Sup Forums is a Marxist board. Free software is communist. Deal with it.
Almost all major corporations support liberal parties, like the US democratic party, canadian liberal party, and UK's labour party. You are dead wrong.
>No technocracy
And you posting this on Sup Forums, what a shame
It's literally 3AM-6AM in america right now you daft cunt, they're all asleep
Are Centrism and Shilling related? Is there another word for that? If so, wouldn't milking both sides of a political scale for your own benefit be fun?
Technocracy would result in eventually the world being run by SHODAN/VIKI/something similar. It'd mean the demise of the human race as sentient AI takes over. Humans need to keep technology in check.
Shills can't win an audience using principals from both sides because the sides absolutely hate each other right now. In the 80s and 90s when left and right meant nothing, yes. Nowadays, no, shills choose whichever party is more popular with the general public and try to buy them out to maximize shekels.
The GOP/Tories/Conservatives are also liberal parties
They pretty much are in order to get the same favors that their left wing counterparts get. True conservative parties are on the decline, the US republican party has not represented current conservative ideals for decades, before finally being forced to run Trump as their candidate (and they hated that).
even though that poll is shit, i'd say in reality i'm more down to libertarian territory
Why in god's cock are fascists and traditional retards on Sup Forums? memes aside
You're on Sup Forums, the degeneracy central of the internet, we're two clicks away from loli threads, futa, and loli futa bondage inflation guro rape porn, and you whine about degeneracy?
worst thing is they're hostile to animeposters aka Sup Forums's original demographic.
that of course while their ideologies contradicts the whole point of most Sup Forums's boards, on /k/ you see them gun grabbin', you see them posting anti freedom software shitposts on Sup Forums, anti piracy threads on Sup Forums, et cetera
TL:DR Sup Forums, get in line with board cultures or gb2 >>>/reddit/
Conservatives uphold the philosophy of liberalism.
Only Australia actually has enough sense to call their conservatives liberals, which is what they are.
Unless you are in favor of monarchy, you, as a "conservative" are a liberal.
>the US republican party has not represented current conservative ideals for decades
You think that's bad? The Australian Liberal Party is now the mainstream conservative party.
It's some "Democratic Republic"-tier party naming.
>top answer "centrist"
just wait until you young fags are making $80k a year or more and paying taxes, you'll change your "have my cake and eat it too" attitude real fast.
Right-wing politics has never shied away from transgression. That's a day-one mistake that brainlets fall into. Reactionaries have always been crass and degenerate as fuck.
Have you not been on Sup Forums in forever?
There are more anime posters on there than Sup Forums or basically any other board. The only boards that post more anime are the anime boards. There are boatloads of right-wing weebs. Right-wingers do not care about shit like hentai and anime posting, they care about specifically left-wing degeneracy or majority left-wing degeneracy.
>implying Sup Forums isn't filled with degenerates who would be the first to be sterilized if Hitler had control.
Reminder that NaziFurs are a thing. I think that would make their leader forget all about the Juden
>just wait until you young fags are making $80k a year or more and paying taxes
haha I wish
I just hate far-[x]ists. Is that so wrong?
Don't kid yourself, a couple of hours ago a thread almost got derailed with butthurt because i animeposted, this happens frequently, just goes to tell how underage the average person on Sup Forums is.
Sup Forums is reddit frog territory.
The ability to make your own software under literally any license you want and distribute it in any way you want is not communist. The ability to find any software you'd like to use under any license of your choice is not communist.
Free software is not communist. The freedom to use free software is not communist.
>>implying Sup Forums isn't filled with degenerates who would be the first to be sterilized if Hitler had control.
that's the biggest irony.
/mlpol/ needs to be a long-lasting thing. Ponies might unironically be Sup Forums's modern chemo: it's a fucking virus that got contain'd, but it is our best hope for removing the invading cancer.
>The ability to make your own software under literally any license you want and distribute it in any way you want
...is not the definition of free software.
I highly doubt it's because you animeposted, it's cause you posted something left-wing and they used animefagging (or perhaps avatarfagging) to attack your character rather than your point. Sup Forums threads are riddled with anime, especially with MAGA hats and other memes.
you're enabling bread and circus politics.
I know, it's software under an open source and usually pretty permissive license. You have the freedom to do what you want to do with the software with generally few restrictions. This is something that you can only find in free countries, not communist shitholes. In communism, you wouldn't have any rights over any software and it'd be all owned by the state power/central authority.
I'm not well familiar with those options. What should I choose if I think
>living in North-Europe is great and Iappreciate the well fare system that pretty well keeps most people happy; educated people in good jobs can afford lots of nice things and people with less abilities don't have to live in absolute poverty
>corporations should pay all their taxes and that should be supervised better
>state shouldn't be interested of peoples personal life and all people should be treated equally no matter what their sex, sexuality, race or religion is
>citizens shouldn't be restricted too much to do things that might be harmful to them or others. Taxation or other means should be used to guide people (ie. cannabis tax instead of ban).
>we should have quite strict immigration policy, since there's been problems because of too much immigration
>we should be more proud of our own culture and history and be more critical of mass consuming of anglo-american culture and adapting their life style
>we should appreciate and take care of environment and nature and understand more natural sciences
>it's great to have multicultural society if the new comers are blended in the main culture (no islamic state of europe 2050 pls)
And I have a chinese waifu btw
>Being a SocDem so rightfags, libertarianshits and commies can all hate you and everyone gets you confused with DemSocs anyway.
That's 100% normie liberal tier minus having pride in your heritage and strict immigration. Those two are nationalist ideals.
You're basically the average run-of-the-mill status-quo liberal who thinks with the group.
>it's cause you posted something left-wing
i just called them out on their advocation of 1984esque governments
then they go out of their way to
/mlpol/ unironically has more board quality than Sup Forums
not even american, You people are no different than closet homos, think about it.
>Sup Forums threads are riddled with anime
riddled with frogs*
>not even american, You people are no different than closet homos, think about it.
I think the picture was depicting someone (ie. Sup Forums users) pretending to be aryan
[spoiler]I'm actually blue eyes and blonde hair, but it grew darker to light brown.
Well, I kinda agreed to your point, as most anons of Sup Forums are mutts.
>anime and frogs
so basically /qa/?
>riddled with frogs
that's /r9k/. do you people even browse other boards than Sup Forums?
But robots are superior if it done well. Also studies shows that people more likely take directions and instructions from robot then from other humans.
libertarians ftw
/qa/ is nothing but whining and bitching and I don't think any of the staff reads it. "delete Sup Forums" is /qa/ in a nutshell.
It can work if you work in a duo or small group. Hidden oligarchs most definitely shill for all political parties, sit back and laugh at the puppets on stage while they roll in some dough.
To be fair, Sup Forums is all about that reddit-grade 'kek' crap.
Why does almost every Sup Forums meme have to be normalised? It fucking sucks.
People say left-wing politics are the most cucked politics because they advocate for policies that would literally wipe out their race. I say technocrat is the most cucked ideology because it'd literally result in the wipeout of the entire human race. It's being cucked by robots, which is fucking hilarious.
>do you people even browse other boards than Sup Forums?
i don't, not anymore, only boards i go on anymore are /k/, Sup Forums, /out/ and /fit/
That was their whole plan, to get memes with right-wing undertones out to the mainstream, because they knew memes always go mainstream anyway. And it won them multiple elections. Honestly, I can't say shit about it, it was a good idea.
>"delete Sup Forums" is /qa/ in a nutshell.
Not even close. It's basically "frogs vs weeb mafia" (I'm not making this shit up) where users are making bots to either spam identical threads or bump all non-Pepe threads on page 10 to sink them.
I am grateful that the autists decided to make the bot bump actual meta/discussion threads though.
> I don't think any of the staff reads it
Nah, go to IRC for that.
I think they monitored the Happening thread to see if they forgot to ban a thread, and deleted mod-baiting and loli, but that's about it.
The Australian Liberal (and National) party is highly divided between it's neoliberal (Turnbull) left and neoconservative right (Abbott) wings.
They are pretty fucking different ideologies. One wants a republic, the other wants to bring back the empire and wanted to knight prince phillip for some absurd reason. One literally doesn't care about gay marraige and abortion and the other considers it an abomination against god. One wants an emissions trading scheme market solution to climate change and the other wants "direct action" aka giving free money to coal companies even though they secretly believe AGW is fake. One is lead by a ex-Goldman Sachs banker the other is lead by a guy who got kicked out of priest school.
Some rightwing LNP members went full retard and started their own (literally who?) Australian Conservatives party a few years ago in disgust
>because they knew memes always go mainstream anyway
For sure. After fucking Dolan went mainstream, anything is possible.
It's literally a comic about a sociopathic, child-molesting, child-murdering duck and it still got turned into something digestible.
What the fuck are you talking about? If you're arguing with your imaginary friend don't reply to my posts.
>Liberal (and National)
Nationals x Socialist Alternative coalition when?
I'm just very right wing in general, so I put down nationalist. Hope that helps OP
>is highly divided between it's neoliberal (Turnbull) left and neoconservative right (Abbott) wings
I honestly would never have believed if someone told me the LNP would be the ones to legalise gay marriage.
Also, oddly enough, Labor were the ones who proposed the 2010 internet censor. It seems it should have been the other way around, yes?
>I shit on communism
>you tell me to "get educated" with literally no content proving me wrong
you were defending communism and I was calling you the moron that you are. so what the fuck are YOU talking about?
left/right/center murican are jokes so I'm whatever it is that isn't one of those thing.
>confound "social progress" (which doesn't exist) and true progress (which is only technological
Conservation is not against progress, it's against the ideology of pseudoprogress
Nationals are reigious country farmers who deep down are all about that sweet protectionism and agrarian welfare.
Conroy? Yeah Labor are divided in a similar way between also neoliberals (who make up their right) and union hacks who make up their left. VIC Labor literally has 5 different factions.
Historically Labor was also home to lots of conservative Catholics who's kind weren't looked upon kindly in the muh Church of England LNP until a couple of decades ago (nowadays even having a catholic liberal PM wasn't a big deal though)
>>> When somebody is datamining, so it can be even more professional shill.
Not technology.
Where are my radical centrist bois?
oh fuck.
is he thinking with the group if he arrived to these opinions on his own?
Conservatives don't care about what peoples are doing in there bed, fetishes are not a new thing
"Cucked by robots", the main problem of technocracy was the scientist becoming a politic and this ends scientific way of technocracy. But you stated robots which is the way out.
>If you want to proof your theory try to destroy it
As far as I can see it's pretty equal. Both sides are roughly equally shown.
>implying this isn't going to turn the whole thread into a pseudo Sup Forums shit hole
You should go back
Swedebro here. Conceptually totalitarian fascist. Far-right in reality.
God help you user, I'd be the exact same as you if I lived there. Is it true that a lot of swedes are becoming secretly far-right?
So I'd pick "liberal" but not "centrist" or something else?
This. And left-wing politics is not problem if that's the majoritys opinion. Maybe a little bit idealistic but realistic enough to work in many places. Advocating technocraty blindly is nuts. Even if not going that far out.
Obviously no body can think politics (or anything) without others affecting. But the thing is to go through the reasoning and motives of different opinions and what you want to yourself and others and why you might want that.
Our country has achieved very good level of well being considering the "starting" point. Working together (and generally working hard) has been really important for the success.
But we are actually somewhat technocratic or at least technology driven country, since we don't have much natural resources and the population is quite small. Electronics and software are quite important industry even tough there's not that many big companies of our own.
If some of you are interested in history, go check out the past couple of hundred years of Finland. And also why not the prehistoric era (pre 12th century) if you're into that kind of stuff.
damn, this is close to what I expected, I voted centrist (and I have a lot of libertarian leanings) and this is pretty much what I expected of this board. proud of you faggots today.