>screen tearing is still very common on linux if you don't manually fix it
is this a joke?
>is this a joke
Yes it is. You have to have iq above 100 to get it.
Screen tearing is not a problem for most people. Also, resources are limited and I'm glad the FOSS community have their priorities on security issues like the meltdown and krack patches instead of some minor details like no tears while scrolling a website.
it's unacceptable that there still isn't a fully featured Linux compositor/WM without retarded issues in 2018
>people still use nvidia on linux
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
>still have to choose your hardware around your OS
>Has to settle for windows for nuh gaymen.
>manually fix it
Oh wow. A 40 second fix. Such a big deal. I prefer that instead of having to download and install essential software and drivers for 45 minutes because windows is barren out of the box.
I have AMD and still getting tearing.
>use Wayland
>no tearing
Wow that was hard
>use Wayland
Can I tunnel wayland through SSH?
>more work setting up - more usable
>less work setting up - less usable
You shouldn’t have a gui on your server, user.
i don't use a compositor, the only things i care about tearing with are videos and certain games, which vsync just fine
>less usable
>literally the world's most used Kernel, used in over 70% of devices
>Screen tearing is bad
>Lag is good
Do people actually sit and drag windows back and forth and then sperg out about tearing?
Who the fuck cares? I don't even bother changing the default theme.
Loonix is a joke, always was.
for me it's noticeable while scrolling through websites and while watching video
Nvidia's fault for not setting it on by default
I dont get problems like this on amd and intel graphics.
Please stop using Linux.
>for me it's noticeable while scrolling through websites and while watching video
I only ever notice it when dragging windows and sometimes when playing 3D games and turning back and forth quickly. Never had an issue with rendering websites or video.
Does Wayland work on Xfce or AwesomeWM?
you don't need a compositor to avoid tearing with browsers/video players
Nvidia drivers are a joke
Linux is just a meme OP and you actually FELL for the meme you absolute mongoloid
Android doesnt get screen tearing, but on my lubuntu install using the same screen and a gtx 760, the tearing in chrome is real bad no matter whether I'm in my KDE desktop or my LXDE desktop. I think Chrome itself isnt really using hardware acceleration despite the settings... Can anyone recommend an alternative browser that can handle netlfix and do HW accel out of the box? Im on nvidias latest proprietary drivers btw
Yes. Screen tearing is a problem IF you are using Nvidia. I had Nvidia gtx 960, and I had to use compositor too to reduce the tearing.
After I switched to AMD RX 560. No tearing. No compositor.
AMD and intel GPU does a much better job with Linux/GNU / Plasma 5.
Nvidia is more gaming + Windows focused.
Not many people say this, but Linux/GNU is a little bit hardware and driver depended. Not everything works well. AMD is a good brand for Linux/GNU. Good value and good Linux/GNU support. Integrated Intel is supposed to be good as well.
Linux is a joke. Developers arround the world work hard to keep it broken. In the history of Linux, whenever it was near a pretty decent state, they introduced a "pargadim shift". "We totally need THIS new piece of unripe and totaly different thing!!!" and then a new decade of broken as fuck Linux followed and while celebrating this fagatory they've been mobbing hard against those few Developers that actually tried to improve free Software. How often do you want to re-write your perfectly good and useful program because something fundamental in the distros changed for the worse? Yeah, you wouldn't. Ever wondered, why Desktop Envrioments keep removing stuff? Most People don't want you to use Linux and if you still use it anyway, it's on their terms with binary blobs, systemd and a whole lot of broken shit.
Change is shit amirite
who said I was?
spotted the systemd developer
Intel: Enable TearFree if using intel DDX driver. If using modesetting, you should not have tearing, but if you do just use a compositor.
Nvidia: ForceFullCompositionPipeline. Don't know what works with Nouveau.
AMD: At least the modesetting driver should have TearFree enabled by default, amdgpu probably has it too. Haven't done much testing here.
The "too many distros and bad jugdement/focus" argument is not a very good argument.
Yes, you're right. There are hundreds of different distros. Almost none use them.
Most people use either Ubuntu/debian, rmp/fedora or arch these days. and the real focus lays there. When it comes to desktop environment, Gnome and Plasma are getting more or less the official desktop environments.
Unlike many Windows and Apple software developers, I would say Linux/GNU people are rather intelligent and make good free software suitable for people who wants more than "click click, oh where can I change this? oh I cant. "
why do you reply to my post with unrelated and difficult to understand text you probably pulled straight out of your ass?
Also, If Linux/ GNU people where so intelligent how come that there still isn't a decent working sound system?
You are largely missing the point. With Linux, you invest a certain amount of initial time in learning how to do things. Once learned, these processes take a shorter time than their analog on windows, and the user is granted an infinitely larger degree of control by doing so.
So yes, while screen tearing happens ootb you can very easily fix it. By doing so, you'll learn a bit more and have more control over your system as a result.
Don't like it? Have apple spoonfeed you or ms ram their cock up your ass.
so you're saying it's not a bug, it's a feature?
linux is not a desktop OS. Unless of course, you are a legend and use cmdline.
It's neither - the solution to the problem exists and its up to the end user to apply it. If you don't want that responsibility then other operating systems exist.
thanks f a m
you're not telling me anything new, I always knew the whole point of loonix was to fix broken shit all the time
Hate to be a churl but what is this easy fix for this issue? I tried to fix it using the nivida GUI interface but my version of this interface did not have the option that everyone was talking about. I did it once using term but it only lasts until reboot. I would still rather put up with screen tearing thn be crippled by windows 10 but a permafix would be nice
I am ltsr 16.04 on gtx960m
Any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated
>screen tearing is minor
Unfortunately forcefullcompositionpipeline isnt available on the latest nvidia blobs for my card
Consider this as something new then: once you get past the initial installation and fix what needs fixing, the os runs like a fine-tuned engine.
Also, the process to fix shit is largely the same from distro to distro. Once you do it, it's done - you can do it again.
Try using Compton and playing around with various vsync settings.
Even trough manual configuration ()? That's a shame. My experience with that is from a year or two ago.
>to be fair
open terminal
apt-get install compton && compton&
wow that wasn't so hard was it
>not even including it in the xinitrc
>get born with severe brain damage
>"just use a band-aid bro"
gnu/linux and the gnu/linux community in a nutshell
and you're wondering why 'year of the linux desktop' is such a big joke in the tech community
>implying you're productive on linux
i prefer gnome, vsync just works™, and works even better if you force the full composition pipeline.
>wants a compositor
>here you go
Go make a distro enabling that shit by default then.
Any distro that ships with Wayland by default won’t have screen tearing.
android is not counted user
Only time I've had this problem is when I upgraded Devuan to the developer version. But I'm on different hardware.
Install Compiz
>wants a compositor
actually while pretty much anyone played with compiz when it came out, almost everyone was clear without good graphic drivers this is just a pipedream. then developers anounced they completly rely on compositing and it's the only way to go. most people told them it was insane to do this as drivers aren't ready, "please make it optional not a requirement" the people said, but no chance. today.... I wonder how it turned out?
add it to gitgud.io
I'm not running a GUI on my server, user. Thisis to control one desktop with another.
Who says I have to be productive in my own PC in my spare time? I do productive shit when at work. Home is leisure.
add it to gitgud.io
Compton m8
Just select the Compton WM, Faggotz. No tearing.
People getting work done don't care about anime videos, JooTube or gaymes, so the defaults don't GAF about "tearing".
I had bad tearing when I tried out Cinnamon, switched to i3 and no tearing. Is it just a WM/DE specific thing?
And fuck Wayland. We don't need another buggy solution to a non-problem that was well-solved long ago.
it's just a combination of hardware, drivers and compositor or lack of
We told you the answer. Enable Compton. Don't you listen?
>Consider this as something new then: once you get past the initial installation and fix what needs fixing, the os runs like a fine-tuned engine.
so Linux is like buying a salvage title?
Jesus Christ you people are so fucking stupid you DESERVE Windows, malware, and having your cock, ass and balls p0wned for all-time.
interestingly enough there is no tearing any more in firefox (without a compositor or vsync or anything)
interestingly enough there is no tearing any more in firefox (without a compositor or vsync or anything) and smooth scroll with a compositor to fug it up is gorgeous
This why fuck Wayland.
No U.
>arbitrary cherry picking
Just fuck straight off with this pasta already, you flaming heap of shit on fire.
interestingly enough there is no tearing any more in firefox (without a compositor or vsync or anything) and smooth scroll without a compositor to fug it up is gorgeous
Compton has dogshit drop shadow issues unless you just disable shadows completely.
>inb4 werks on my masheen
no it doesn't
X11 is 30 years old.
I'm more concerned about how atrocious GTK and QT are even though we have had Cocoa available on XDG since the mid 90s.
I just disable them. All I want is composition.
Drop shadows are so 2009 anyway.
Your desktop isn't a videogame
That doesn't even make sense.
Even Xerox UIs had shadows.
>both Windows and macOS have shadows
>lol shadows r video games
>not using wayland
>nvidia proprietary drivers
You asked for it.
>that damage control
can these become the new filepicker has no thumbnails meme?
Just enable it in your driver settings
>Screen tearing is not a problem for most people.
then why is freesync even a thing
>most people
>cites gaymur shit
Believe it or not, most people don't use computers for video games.
I haven't used ubuntu in a while but I'm pretty sure it doesn't tear out of the box. DEs with compositors don't usually tear unless you have an odd hardware config.
Anything on wayland shouldn't tear either (which means Gnome3 and KDE soon as well)
No, and you probably will never will be able to.
That said, X is still perfectly fine and isn't going anywhere anytime soon and the screen tearing fix is easy.
"most people" were teenagers at some point and "most teenagers" play video games. stop projecting, autist.