What browser do you use?

And why don't you use WaterFox + CTR? It's pretty comfy.

>inb4 he uses windows

Other urls found in this thread:


I use windows. I don't like messing with shit


Because i'm not hiding anything

Windows with chrome because it's pretty comfy.

firefox but I'm getting real tired of its shit


that browser looks disgusting. Honestly guys PC's are tools, I would never bother changing a retarded theme or even my desktop background

he said browser you autists

>well, i use google. call me out on that

Only because you asked so nicely

does something really stupid to any image files you save.


Classic Theme Restorer. It's pretty epic. Comes with a bunch of other bells and whistles you can tweak, too. But it's only for 56 and bellow.

Oh, I thought the new theme was nice looking. I'm on the latest version, too. :(

just use seamonkey

If you wanna switch to Waterfox (It forks FireFox v56, removes a bunch of unnecessary bloat FireFox comes with, and keeps it up to date on everything else) afaik the switch is simple, since it gives you the option to literally import all of your Firefox stufz upon installation.

if you wanna use my look, I made a shitty little guide.

Qutebrowser since a lil while. Really dope so far.


I started using Waterfox on my desktop rig and it’s very comfy. Especially after getting sick and tired of Firefox.

I use IceCat on my xUbuntu laptop and so far it’s pretty comfy as well.

Who here /treestyletabs/

Same. I honestly really like it.

qutebrowser would be perfect if someone could give it uMatrix or something like it.

Me too man, I'm feeling like everything is 2 key presses away and the customizability is great. Goes perfectly with your workflow on i3.

Oh, thanks. Pretty cool. :)

Is it really? Last time I used it it barely had any features.

I'm going to switch to Waterfox and Iridium/ungoogled-chromium (haven't decided). I just can't stand all the botnet.

I already switched my search engine to Startpage (have switched since 2013 or so I think).

They just look so messy on new firefox.

Pretty sure it;s on the feature list. github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/30

>over three years old
Maybe one day.

palemoon bby

OP here. Hellzz yeah man that used to be my shit. I only moved to waterfox specifically because there was some add-ons that weren't compatible with it. Mad respect for you bro.

Now that the new config is in and per-domain settings are coming soon, at least basic uMatrix-like filtering (without the GUI) should be weeks/months rather than years away.

Firefox 52 ESR
>why don't you use WaterFox
Isn't that that Firefox fork that only exists because Mozilla didn't provide 64-bit Windows builds?

I've just started using Pale Moon coming from Chrome.
WaterFox looks interesting, would Sup Forums recommend that over PM? PM seems to have limited add-on support

I print out my web pages

Works well for me. Haven't tried PM.

What is least botware for linux?

>not opening blacked.com and bad dragon tabs for these screenshots

The current Firefox is just fine and CTR isn't needed.

Pretty nice, what's the userChrome.css?

Firefox, though ill migrate to waterfox if its better now. Now tell me how to get such nice colours on my boards.

Not OP
They have this installed and are probably using custom css field


nice Shoeonhead fan pic

Why you don't edit the userchrome.css file? It does the same and more and is available on both FF and WF

I figured it would need some fenagling. I'm a dirty phoneposter most of the time these days anyway. Maybe theres a clover theme I can use.

>migrate to waterfox if its better now
it will only fall further and further behind on security fixes and performance, sorry pal