Getting a tax refund of 989 dollars what should i get with it? pic is specs

getting a tax refund of 989 dollars what should i get with it? pic is specs

Get laid

hookers and blow

anyone with a serious answer?

well a few things you should do is go to or better yet go to

I've got a serious answer in your mom.

Buy a 1080 Ti or something.

>tax refund
Is this Christmas time for poor people or something? I always end up owing money.

isnt that huge overkill for 1080p?

Yes, and?

Put it into savings you mong

bro it has 1080 in it's name which means it is meant for 1080p u tech illiterate


You should probably buy a suit jacket, or at least some nice wool slacks and a couple of nice-quality button down shirts.

buy shitcoins

Invest it

>tax refund of 989 dollars
you are like a little baby

You should kys for giving the government an interest free loan.

it's forced upon us wage-slaves

Your system is pretty good, what specifically do you want to do better that you're not currently getting?
Whatever you do, don't get a GPU until the shortage ends

Seriously. Your PC looks flawless for 1080p. Unless you want to make the leap to 1440p or 4K (in which case buy a monitor), spend the dough on something else or invest it.

For a proper full HD ready PC you need a Threadripper 1920X and a GTX 1080. No need for a Ti, that's overkill.

monitor or monitors was what i was mainly think8ng but im just not sure what ones and i have absolutely no idea what else i would spend the money on

If you're just playing games, nothing.

so what do instead cant think of what else to spend it on

Invest it in something, take your gf somewhere cool.