I made a thing

it's a video live streaming site that uses webtorrent.
right now it's account based and login is broken but there is a stream up at the moment for a demo: gitgud.tv/watch/?u=jeff

source code is at gitgud.io/jeff/waveguide/

Many ISPs throttle your download heavily when you are using the upload bandwidth to its full extent. Cool idea but probably not so useful in practice.

probably, thinking of complemeting with webseeds but the overhead would be too much for the small setup i have now.

didn't work out of the box when I tried it on waterfox

of course it doesn't work it uses webrtc, use a real browser.

This is pretty cool op

it's murdering my shitty little macbook so...

if op doesn't add support for meme browsers then his core audience will ignore him
normie-only applications are useful when your audience is normies

>autists as core audience
lol no

this is cool

good job user




how did you learn 2 code bro?

>stealing normies from twitch
bigger no

by doing code all day every day for over 5 years.

whats your internet connection like? lots of lag on my end but works bretty gud

it's got on average 30 to 60 seconds of lag because of buffering via bittorrent .

i like watching you JEFF


you should incorporate a volume button on the vidja so i can mute you

i could, but i need to do that and that's like really hard man. D:

actually in chrome if i right click on your vidja, and hit show controls, i have the ability. odd

but yeah don't do this at home kids you'll make your laptop combust

OP, i had to stop watching because eventually the video would stop and i'd have to reload the page.

Overall 8/10

If you would have shown tits? 9/10

Keep working on it, it's pretty impressive.

hey that's pretty cool

needs mor ui to be good


it broke
press F to pay respects

it's back

>naively thinks larger target audience = more success
learn2business nigga