tell me what you love about systemd.
I for one, love to have all my logs stored in a binary file.
tell me what you love about systemd.
I for one, love to have all my logs stored in a binary file.
Other urls found in this thread:
The main developer closes github issues real fast.
Might be a coincidence but every distro I've used that had systemd would give me such complications. While distros using runit or openrc run flawlessly.
The opposite has happened to me...
Maybe because instead of trying systemd-less distros, I tried to yank it out of my system. Currently running elementary OS because fuck it.
>reading how to do something.
>systemd has its own implementation to do that
This shit is just like jewgle play services.
I love the systemd-analyze... no \s
i've switched from systemd to sysinitv several times on Debian and never had any issues
journalctl -b0 --no-tail --follow > /var/log/I-need-plaintext-logs-to-soothe-my-autism.log &
wow that was hard
User level services. They're amazing
I love putting anything more than the bear minimum in PID1.
underrated and unchecked
>use instead of trying systemd-less d
Me neither.
But fast.
Brainlet who can't code for shit here, why doesn't someone fork systemd into a "minimal" version of it?
Why? There are plenty init systems. Just use something else.
Why would you want compatibility with that huge mess?
systemd-boot is the best boot loader
systemd has some unironically nice features, like socket activation for unix sockets, user level services and a service status command that displays a tail of logs for a specific service below the actual status, but with all its flaws and generally retarded devs, it's not worth using at all.
DESU I don't even know what the fuck systemd is, but Sup Forums hates it so I use void linux.
Why is "DESU" replaced with desu wtf
Alright fuck this
leave newfig
You deserve rape.
kill yourself ΤΒΗ
Nice digits
It gets new "features" all the time
I like Systemd because it made me finally install CloverOS.
i might be wrong but isn't this shit like fairly easy to write by anyone with basic knowledge?
then why is everyone only taking systemd and not some better alternatives?
They all agreed to the Red Hat botnet.
Like MongoDB or node.js:
1. easy to get a super simple example running
2. lots of memes about it being super fast
And the main selling point for the Linux distributions was that RedHat is paying the developers and since they also bake it into Gnome and shit, there's no point fighting it.
wow newfag
and why the fuck other devs care about RedHat?
why did proud Debian fall for this crap?
You see, the driving force behing 95% of all human behaviour is lazyness.
Present a morally wrong and technically unsound but nevertheless working solution for an existing problem and people will bite. Nobody loves hard work
Underrated bait
>why did proud Debian fall for this crap?
They suicided ian
>Clover OS
Oldfag who hasn't visited Sup Forums in a year or two here.
What is CloverOS and why should I use it rather than debian or gentoo?
>We are systemd. Lower your memory locks and surrender your processes. We will add your calls and code distinctiveness to our own. Your functions will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
i love Systemd's developer, it being a dependecy and it's connection to PulseAudio - the best for sound on Linux.
it tried to be the official memeOS, but it failed from the get go.
CloverOS saves a lot of time on setting up and perfecting Gentoo
I really don't get all that hate...
It seems to be the default on pretty much all the major distros in spite of having more fud aimed at it than global warming.
>system won't boot
>can't read logs
Like pointed out, my biggest problem with systemd is that the devs refuse to actually take usually constructive criticism and fix the fucking bugs. If they did and actually made systemd secure, I would have some qualms over it, but not major ones and would probably use it on some of my personal Linux installs.
>using red hatware
Because there is no such concept as a minimal systemd. You either reimplement everything or you don't have systemd. That's because there's nothing modular about systemd. Every system depends on every other system which depends on every system exactly.