just buy a stressless recliner at goodwill and slap some office chair wheels on it from ikea for 10 bucks
there you go infinite comfort
Austin Hughes
Link the vid please
Cooper Roberts
I don't care about the chair, but all those screens are way too low so everyone is hunching or sitting lower to see them better.
Sebastian Carter
> chair is bad because these people don't know how to sit correctly I'm not saying it is or isn't a meme chair but this is not an effective point to make
I will also point out there are 30 or so other videos inside tech companies, and I struggled to find a single person sitting correctly.
If you have back pain while sitting, it is unlikely to be your chair unless it is a completely terrible chair. You most likely have anterior pelvic tilt, weak abs, things like that. They can be fixed with exercises.
People buy these chairs and say "they fixed their back problems", when really, they just hide them. Their back problems are still there if they do anything other than sit in the chair.
Jacob Adams
there are knockoffs with 90% of the quality for like $120
Ethan Scott
They are still paying $1000 for a chair nobody is sitting in properly, even if that is true.
Jackson Fisher
Yoga ball is the best seating technology
John Brown
I didn't know what this aeron shit was, so I googled it and I shit you not, we have these at my company. WTF, these are fucking expensive. Anyways, I spend 80% of my time laid back with my feet on the desk, holding my notebook in my lap.
Christopher Hernandez
>guy on left hunched >guy on right hunched >girl I am not sure if she is using the backrest as that is bolt upright, whereas you need to be at least partly reclined to have any pressure on the backrest.
Cameron Myers
I had terrible back pains, knots and spasms, sometimes so painfull I passed out. I started sitting straight, exercises and I sit on large ball from time to time. Its all fixed now.
Andrew Sanchez
yeah the ball is not a an all-day thing but does keep your abs engaged so they don't get too weak and you start slipping back into overextension of the back.
Robert Wood
The problem lies not with the chairs but with the people.
Camden Baker
How should I sit? What is the ideal posture?
Joshua Allen
Shoulders on the seat and ass in the air, make sure to keep your back bent.
Asher Sanchez
you're trying to trick me again, aren't you
Sebastian Cook
user please, have we ever lied to you?
Isaiah Rodriguez
Jason Young
The solution also doesn't lie with the chairs though.
anywhere from 100 to 135. butt back in the seat. forearms parallel with desk. feet... somewhere.
Ian Hernandez
on a footrest!
Jose Brown
the floor
Gabriel Collins
In some stank
Nicholas Lewis
It kind of does because as you see in the picture, the top of the chair is concave and rounds their shoulders so their natural inclination is to round their shoulders.
Christopher Rivera
Until chairs can think that goes without saying.
Nathan Cruz
A new chair doesn't automatically make you have good posture. I have an aeron I got for $100 off of craigslist and it is by far the comfiest chair I have ever had with excellent lower back support.
Asher Martin
To add to this, the deskheight is a factor here that affects your posture. Chair height changes based off of leg comfort, but you hunch your back still if the desk is too low
Lincoln Taylor
Commercial chairs are a meme, they aren't meant for the average neckbeard they're priced for businesses who would rather spend $1000 on a chair than $10000 on an ergonomics lawsuit.
Parker Parker
>Paying that much for a chair without a headrest Why?
>headrest What the fuck do you need a headrest for?
Hunter Allen
Technically, proper posture doesn't need a headrest, but as you see from this thread, 99% of people don't maintain proper posture all the time so a headrest lets them rest their neck muscles more.
James Richardson
No, you have no idea what you're talking about. Proper posture should be done on a stool or a task chair without armrests.
Adam Bailey
Depends on an individuals size. At 6'2", the average office chair doesn't support me above the bottom of my shoulder blades. When reclining even slighty, it becomes uncomfortable rather quickly because I have to sort of tense up to be able to keep my eyes on my monitors.
Colton Morgan
>Proper posture should be done on a stool or a task chair without armrests. Which is a pipe dream, because next to nobody is actually going to hold good posture for any significant amount of time with no support.
Thomas Brown
Where are these knockoffs you speak of
Eli Peterson
My head hits the headrest in cars. I would love a headrest on an office chair as well. I don’t know if your height is the problem. As you can see, most people just give up and hunch forward.
Oliver Miller
It is ideal to recline, at least slightly. If you have a good posture, by definition, nothing other than muscle tension is stopping your head falling backwards. Most people have hunched backs though due to their spines adapting to a life of sitting in chairs.
Aiden Watson
As you can see from the photos, the adaptation strategies, which the Aeron does not prevent, include hunching forward, sliding your butt away from the back like guy under desk so that your head ends up straight at the expense of the rest of your body, or just leaning forward on the table. There is really not much that is ergonomic about the Aeron.
Jacob Allen
If you like forcing your spine to shorten because of chronic muscle activation, sure.
Ryan Ramirez
I have an Aeron got it about 15 years ago. It is an exceptionally good chair. Never breaks. Parts are available if you need them tho. Seems easy to repair. Looks very good. Very comfy. I recommend it highly.
Asher Rogers
The only thing that irks me is that keyboard, how can be someone be productive with a shit keyboard like that, bet that fag can't even touchtype.