Reddit learns programming

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>browsing Reddit
You're the real faggot here.

So many upvotes on that post. Just, why. There are thousands that learn HTML every day, but that post deserves hundreds of upvotes? Just, what.

The best/worst part of that post is how that person clearly has an at best tenuous grasp on communication and human interaction. Considering the grammatical, structural errors with the "I will update" as if anyone cares; you can't help but wonder what sort of website this person will create.

What's wrong with Reddit? A lot of interesting subs there

Fuck off.

would you kindly get the fuck out?

Most likely something that is copied from somebody else's shit and forced to barely work through sheer force and basic google searches.

>something that is copied from somebody else's shit and forced to barely work through sheer force and basic google searches
what is my entire body of work as an undergrad



>yfw 90% of this site is from plebbit

Nice projecting, you cancerous fuck.

>yfw this entire site merely grabs posts from Reddit, strips the username and upvotes, and uses an advanced language algorithm to place these Reddit posts in appropriate Sup Forums threads, and you're one of the tens of people still making genuine posts on here

>generalizing a website because of one thread there

interesting mental gymnastics you have there OP

>taking reddit shit seriously
The only good thing reddit does is those places with hot women posting images of themselves. Otherwise people seem way to friendly and un honest there much like IRL.


No im from reddit too xD

>What's wrong with Reddit? A lot of interesting subs there
This desu. Shitty subs, good subs, and everything in-between. Haters gonna hate.

nobody cares


Go back.

You have to go back

>reeee dumb normie brainlets don't take an interest in things
>reeee dumb normie brainlets take an interest in things

Which is it? There's nothing wrong with someone getting excited about learning something new.

fuck off


>The only good thing reddit does is those places with hot women posting images of themselves.
In general, all the porn subreddits are bearable, just for the content alone and the fact that /gif/ is already full of redditors anyway. You're also right about the other point too about how reddit is just a popularity contest for internet points and there's no reason to browse the site and use it for anything worthwhile.

>learn programming
man, I mostly post in /wdg/, but still would never call the HTML part of webdev programming.
It's simply for describing the structure of content.

That's like saying you learnt programming because you started using LibreOffice a week ago.

Why is reddit so fucking awful? The way people "discuss" things there is so fucking stupid. No actual fucking points being made, just a shitstorm of memes like "I yused to write HTML like you, then I too a JavaScript to the knee"

Usernames and internet points.
As user there is no point in fueling your ego like that and trying to impress others, so that they remember you in the future as 'that witty guy'.

It's a place where everyone forces themselves to make positive comments for upvotes and reputation.

Basically like forums, except much bigger and much worse since your comment literally gets hidden if it goes against popular opinion.

IMO, it sucks for social media sites, but works great for sites like Stack Overflow, where having the best 'correct' information is important.

this website is fucking dead, i'm fucking out

>IMO, it sucks for social media sites, but works great for sites like Stack Overflow, where having the best 'correct' information is important.
Yeah, upvoting is great when it's used to bring useful info to the top.
But Reddit's system basically just brings the most understood reference to the top.

>shill for competing website

Having opinions isn't against the rules, bucko. Ironically, it looks like Reddit is more your style.


Tring to get people, who you don't like banned, is very reddit-tier.
Why don't you go there?

If you're trying to impress us you failed

My opinion on the mods has improved by a small amount. Well done.

he doesn't get it because plebbit is where you have to stunt and front. Sup Forums is where a real nigga is accepted for being a real nigga

i agree r/The_Donald is my favorite! and it introduced me to Sup Forums


nice bait, I’ll keep it in mind when I’m hurting for (You’s)


just fuck off and stay away

My web dev teacher had like 500 slides that contained everything you would ever want to know about making a website except for how to do things with it.

This thread right here is why reddit will always be superior to Sup Forums

>say that you learned programming after understanding and practicing html on Sup Forums
>hundreds of man-hours are lost in the midst of bickering, website rivalry, memes, ad hominem, and toxic sperg discussion about how HTML is not a programming language

>do the same on reddit
>several talented people show up and respectfully congratulate you for your efforts, others tell you what you should be learning next in order to improve your skills further

No shit, reddit is better for both experts and novice people on ANY given subject, not just because they have a much larger number of subreddits and users (ever heard of a CAD/Surveying/RemoteSensing/UAV/etc board or general on Sup Forums? Lol), but also because the community is much more friendly and they don't have a dildo of insecurity up their ass like a lot of people in Sup Forums do, so, they don't need to berate others as often as anons do.

This is an unironic post, if you are a mature / reasonable person you agreed with me even before reading my post.

>have to apologize for having an "unpopular opinion"
>if you don't follow the mass you get downvoted to hell
>if they don't like what you are writing they are basically muting you without telling you
dunno man, that place sounds like nazi germany times 10