Hey Sup Forums, I'm making a research assignment for a college class, the assignment is about women in tech, but everything I find about it seems to be biased.
One thing I heard is that long ago, in what was "computer science" back then, there were 40% women and 60% men working on programming, is that true? Does anyone have a good resource about this?
I head that this number plummeted because of marketing that made it seem like computers were toys for boys, another person told me that before, 40% of the people who worked with computers were women, but it wasn't programming per se and more like a secretary's job.
>Does anyone have a good resource about this? Have you tried using a search engine to find the information that you were looking for before asking Sup Forums to do your homework?
Eli Mitchell
Benjamin Lewis
In the 50s and 60s, computing was clerical work, women would do easy shit like loading punch cards into gigantic mainframes and replacing vacuum tubes and reaching for the extinguisher when the teletype jammed and caused a fire. All the computer programs were written by the engineers upstairs. Once computers became cheap enough to put time-shared and innovative electric teletypes at people's desks (now called monitors), there was no need for clerical women anymore, you had to know how to write software to stay in the industry and most women dropped out in the 1970s as time-sharing systems and then microcomputers changed the computing landscape.
Ian Cox
women were literally computers. >let that sink in
Wyatt King
Are you fucking retarded?
", the assignment is about women in tech, but everything I find about it seems to be biased."
From this you were supposed to think "hey, user already searched and is here now to ask people directly if they have any info that could help", not be a fucking braindead moron like you are.
Juan Brooks
Thanks user, do you have any source on that? Or could you tip me how to search this so that I don't find a million of biased articles by feminists.
You can get the whole picture by researching how computing was done without searching for articles that mention women specifically, these are all biased. People think the first computer programmer was a woman despite existing 200 years before a functioning machine could accept a computer program, all thanks to feminist revisionists.
Initially the task of programming a computer consisted of two separate steps:
- step 1: designing the program and cable layout. - step 2: connecting the cables as described in step 1.
Step one was done almost exclusively by men. Step two was done almost exclusively by women.
Gavin Long
How about actually educating yourself on what ada did you fucking retard.
Levi Turner
I know a woman who works in tech. She designs FPGAs and ASICs. Learned how to do it during her PhD research and job at a silicon fab. She works under a male pseudonym which is more common than you think in high-end contracting. Discrimination is real enough and the only way to win that game is not to play.
Camden Johnson
The irony being that all these reverse discrimination things is only reducing the quality of the female skill pool.
Ryder Howard
Sorry your story is not contributing to the narrative OP wants to believe could you delete your post?
Liam Reed
>hay i see u made a theoretical computer machine look at this thing i made, you could write a program to compose music by interpreting numbers as notes tee hee
that's it that's the extent of her contributions to computer science
Christian Bell
More than you'll ever contribute to any field you should probably kill yourself right now.
Adrian Brooks
it's literally nothing
Andrew Turner
More than you'll ever contribute to any field you should probably kill yourself right now.
Ian Stewart
wow you're really mad
Grayson King
>, the assignment is about women in tech, but everything I find about it seems to be biased." Does this mean that Sup Forums has to do YOUR homework now?
Anthony Howard
What does this have to do with the history of woman in programming?
How does your anedoctal evidence support anything?
John Brooks
can't wait to hear about what grade you get after you try to cite breitbart and The_donald posts.
Josiah Smith
When did OP say anything about politics?
Adrian Russell
> all these white knights kek name a single MODERN contribution women have made