Best $40 I ever spent
Best $40 I ever spent
>not using the same 8 character password with a 1 at the end of it and a capital letter at the beginning for every website
But Password1 is 9 characters long.
That's actually a decent idea. I'd buy that for 20$, and I'll even look like an autist whenever I pull it out in front of other people.
>I'd buy that for 20$
warehouse deals has one for $24
Why not just use a free password manager?
Y people on Sup Forums are brainlets? I store my 13 passwords that frequently use in my brain.
Are you that old or are you brainlets Sup Forums?
This is a neat device I would gift a friend with fair warning to not forget or show anyone etc., however surely a tech-savvy person would fancy a password manager (which is free btw) that can generate max-character passwords for you while serving the same purpose.
>t. brainlet
It's piss-easy to set up a password manager synced accross devices
Now a yubikey on the other hand is definitely a worthy purchase
what if it breaks?
While also typing it in for you aswell.
Look who's talking
>t.brainlet >brainlet
I use
It would be extremely painful.
I write my passwords on a piece of paper and keep them in my desk. I change them every Sunday.
Last week's was 8789=iuyt=HYUJND-%$£9-FUCKOFF-@€£#
>not having any spaces
Killyourself pleb
I just write my passwords in a paper and ask my mom to hold it in her bag.
You guys are all stupid, a long word with a special character after each letter is not only very resistant from dictionary/brute force attacks but deadass easy to remember. No stupid password managers required.
ex: d+e+a+d+a+s+s+
Hold on let me just update my dictionaries for this
Bam, now it's just as weak as that word with one special character on the end
You've just reduced your dictionary attack efficiency by a factor of at least a billion. I'll be dead by the time you crack my passwords.
replace typing shit in with scanning qr codes and you have my attention
z85_encode(TupleHash128(("supersecretmasterpassword", "Emma Goldberg", ""), 128, ""))
I have implemented this myself in safe Rust. Come at me CIA niggers.
No? There's like 50 easily typeable special characters at best. Putting literally two numbers after your word (like "deadass38") is literally stronger.
Unless you meant a different special character after each letter, but in that case it's in no way easy to remember.
Never said it had to be the same character.
Your dictionary attack must account for different patterns of special characters hidden between letters of long words. Good luck with that.
are all possible combinations of what you'd have to look for
>Unless you meant a different special character after each letter, but in that case it's in no way easy to remember.
that's not how it works not even close
>needing to have your hand held like this
>being such a brainlet that you can't remember like 30 passwords
>not using combinations of phrases and numbers to make them easier to remember
>shilling your stupid piece of junk on Sup Forums of all places
>40 fucking good boy points for that thing
>unironically saying "kit and caboodle" in the description
Are you like 4 years old and retarded? What the fuck
Yes it is. You could use the same special character pattern for all your passwords, all that would change is the word.
Dictionary attacks search for common patterns in short passwords and brute force attacks just go ham trying random passwords every second.
Both of which will take eons because they have special characters hidden after each letter (or before).
exactly. if this sching-schong breaks you're fucked. You need two, one as a backup that stays at home.
Fuck it, keepass for not important shit and FUCKING MEMORY for important shit like banking and E-Mail.
All I have are 5 passwords which have a 3 pattern repeat of special characters after each letter. All I had to remember was the pattern and long words.
I don't understand why people are wasting so much energy trying to remember '!19'!_+27"!_9'($!*( or some shit when something like s;o^y)b;o^y)z; is just as strong and a million times easier to remember.
Slice(Hex(Sha256(My password + my salt + website name)), 0, 24)
The problem is not breaking into a single site. Once someone has your password pattern, they can try in all other sites you use.
Reddit-tier security
I'm in
Across thousands of different words with endless possible variations thereof? With no guarantee that the person even used the same pattern or didn't offset it?
And they'll never compare to something a password manager will cook up, configurable, at the drop of a hat.
If I want a 200 character long high entropy password, and a new one 5 seconds later, I don't have to memorize it.
I remember one good password for my vault and don't worry myself with the rest.
>all this autism instead of a simple, free and open source, password manager
Then you need to remember all the words you use in your password. If you use a unique word per site, you might as well just use a password manager and remember a single password.
This would be perfect if it emulated a USB keyboard like the yubikey does.
>not entering the password twice, once normally and another time while pressing shift
123456abc becomes 123456abc!?,"':ABC
What if it breaks?
i just open passwords.txt and copy the password and paste it into the dialog box
am i the only one who does this
You don't need a 200 character password. You're fucked when a plain text database gets leaked anyways.
And the difference is that once a security hole in your passmanager is found/they have a leak/you get malware they have access to everything.
You're fucked because it has no backup function.
>bag gets stolen
Just buy two and keep them synced up, goy.
I'm more concerned about personal security at a micro level, like with your plain text database leak.
If something is gunning for my database/personal details at large I clearly have bigger problems.