So i decided to fall for the gentoo meme and wiped os drive on my main laptop computer...

So i decided to fall for the gentoo meme and wiped os drive on my main laptop computer. Now i will attempt to install it using noobuntu livecd. Plz help and subscribe to my blog.

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tar fetched

Quite interested to see how this turns out. Have fun OP


thanks, i only managed to install gentoo once before and it was a total mess

encrypting root partition

>installing gentoo in a live environment with graphical session
seems like you are not retarded
off to a nice start, good luck

creating lvm partition and filesystem

Good thread

mounting and extracting

and there it is, gentoo base system without kernel and bootloader

Here we have famous make.conf file. Looks quite barebones if you ask me. Its time that i make some adjustments

much better

install gen-- oh wait, you are installing it already

LOL Was about to do the same right now. What is the advantage of installing from ubuntu graphical environment? Will I be avle to use minimal gentog ISO with EFI? As opposed to using outdated gentoo live dvd

That's cool, but unfortunately it's not cool enough to warrant a thread. Because I installed it with an Ubuntu LiveCD as well, without incident. This is a normal thing.

Oh wait Im fucking retarded. Didnt think at all.

mounting necessary filesystems and preparing to chroot

fetching portage snapshot

I've installed Gentoo many times but it always ends up being too much of a hassle to upkeep. Maybe I'm just stupid but I like Void better.

it is time to choose profile, should i go with default or /desktop?

i guess i will go with base system first and make sure its working and can be booted before emerging those fat desktop programs

only 103 packages, i wonder how long it will take to finish

This is going to take a long time, lads...

Plug in your Ethernet senpai

We wont see the end


Finally a true Sup Forumsentooman

wohooo it is done

oh fuggg whats going on

>only 20 hours remain

nvm, i had wrong flag set for cryptsetup

Are you following some guide OP? And what is the difference between doing this through a love Ubuntu system and doing it the other way (Idk what the other way is, I suppose booting a gentoo live iso or something)

im using gentoo handbook:

I use ubuntu livecd since i want to boot using uefi and to use firefox while installing, you can use almost any livecd distro to install gentoo.

time to fetch linux source code and compile it

>inb4 genkernel

genkernel will be used to generate initramfs which i need to boot to encrypted root


What's wrong with genkernel ?

some autists on Sup Forums say that using genkernel is like cheating

genkernel is for numales. real men configure and compile the kernel on their own

lets do this

stuffing kernel with firmware blobs, i hope im doing it right


its compiling

>installing gentoo as a noob
You deserve everything.


How do I subscribe to your blog?

grub installed, now it needs to be configured to support luks lvm

last important package installed, time to reboot

Godspeed user

>time to reboot
>inb4 pic related except kernel panic

try again

Pic of the error?