>this scares the American
This scares the American
what did he mean by this
Literally all cards have that.
that's a simcard, not a chip enabled credit card like I assume you thought it was.
>this scares the American
I'm not sure what you mean op.
>Americlaps only recently discovered the SIM card
Gave me a good kek when I found out you savages used CDMA instead of GSM
do yuropeens really believe this?
Considering you still don't use chip and fucking pin in many places it wasn't that hard to believe
>Americlaps only recently discovered the SIM card
The sim card has been around for a long time user. Even CDMA networks use it.
>Gave me a good kek when I found out you savages used CDMA instead of GSM
The U.S. has been using both though you moron.
As stupid as you are this thread is pretty fun, now.
SIM cards are inefficient and outdated technology. I removed them from all my devices. Not only are instant messengers better than SIM SMS/Calls, but the battery life of a SIMless device is also better AND you don't have to use an additional (((carrier))).
We've had them forever you retard. Even CDMA phones have them sometimes. Maybe if you Eurotards got a brain you wouldn't let the sand dindus destroy Europe.
Pic related. It's OP.
well our country is huge with a cell network hundreds of times larger than yours and when there's no urgent requirement to change it, we'll continue to make a profit from it until the sunset on it's useful lifespan is within sight, then we'll jump on the next new standard, the one after GSM, so how about that?
>CMDAfags need to grovel and beg their carrier overlords to let them change phones
Lmao Americans are so cucked
How the fuck you gonna get mobile data you idiot?
I don't use CDMA you moron. Eurotard btfo once again.
or, you know, just move the SIM card to the new phone
>this is what Verizonfags believe
We have gigabit lte now, and a complete transition into 5g by 2020 (supposedly we're ahead of schedule for 5g, so maybe test markets within this year).
>mobile data
My router has WiFi.
>you will never be a tasty potato chip
you take your router everywhere you go? guess you're not leaving house much
That's not a debit card you twat
I'm not on Verizon.
Try waddling out of your single mom's basement, past your front door, and try living in the real world and see how that goes.
protip, i'm on an advisory board for the IEEE for 5G. Carriers won't be rolling out true 5G until 2021 at least because 5G won't be standardized until 2020 and they don't want to invest in something that might become useless if they pick the wrong thing.
though, they can call me and i might wink wink nudge nudge
Didn't AT&T
, and the company that T-mobile bought out always use sim cards?
>CMDAfags need to grovel and beg their carrier overlords to let them change phones
But verizon had the best coverage for decades user, so cdma was a really good choice as long as you went with verizon.
*concusses amerimutt with extremely loud beeping*
*confuses amerimutt with complex 4 letter PIN code*
>i'm on an advisory board for the IEEE for 5G.
I'm going to call bullshit on this until proven otherwise.
SIM cards?
>icici bank
Are you indian?
Actually, it is not only permitted, but encouraged.
>Confuses the cucks
What's so confusing about this?
>What's so confusing about this?
Free refills. The concept blows every third worlders mind.
What, do you think free refills are something only done in America or what?
And it scares me too. Full size sim in 2018?
>What, do you think free refills are something only done in America or what?
Free ration vouchers from your communist shithole doesn't count buddy.
On a side note, why does the typical american think communist is an effective insult? We don't give 2 shits about them really.
Why does the third world think that not having sim cards is an insult, or that they are in a position to insult an American in the first place?
Fuck me if I know. Ask OP
>free refills
>has to physically go to a machine to do so
rather let the cute waitress do my free refills for me
All wireless phone technology is descended from CDMA.
GSM was inferior.
Gays having to carry a gun. The state of America.
America btfo?
CDMA is proprietary and you need to contact your provider when you switch phones. GSM is not proprietary and you can easily switch phones. Also you CDMA phone is more expensive as you need it to also be GSM compatible if you want roaming when you travel outside of your village.
Otherwise, technically speaking both are equivalent.
If I remember correctly, Verizon and Sprint use CDMA; AT&T and T-Mobile use GSM.
Fibank are assholes, they kept lying to me that they closed my account but kept it open just so they can pump up their number of "active clients".
Then again, all banks are assholes...
>CDMA is proprietary and you need to contact your provider when you switch phones.
You need to contact your provider if you want to switch phones? Nowadays you just put your sim in another phone.
>GSM is not proprietary and you can easily switch phones.
You can just put your sim in another phone with either cdma, or gsm though.
>Also you CDMA phone is more expensive as you need it to also be GSM compatible if you want roaming when you travel outside of your village.
It depends on the phone, and today there is little to no difference in price from say a phone that is gsm only, or the same model from verizon/sprint that is cdma, and gsm capable.
This thread is stupid, and your post is ignorant.
Otherwise, technically speaking both are equivalent.
>Otherwise, technically speaking both are equivalent.
Technically speaking cdma is superior you idiot.
>Trying to compete against American telco
Europe only has 2 spots in the top 10 (Excluding UK). Combined they can't even beat AT&T. Pathetic.
OP's point is that CDMA didn't have a sim card. With LTE and 4G, sim cards are obligatory on both networks but not compatible with eachother.
But you're right. This is a dumb thread.
net neutrality scares the ameritards as well
>net neutrality scares the ameritards as well
Plebbit isn't America.
If there is a single cent in the account they keep it open and keep taxing it, even if it dips into negetive balance.
Had the same thing happent to me with Unicredit.
Proud to be raped for every shekel. Good goy. Meanwhile I'll enjoy my 10gb and unlimited calls and SMS for 12 euro. With contract that's breakable any time I want.
I pay $40/month for unlimited everything in N. America with deprioritization after 50gb. It's actually pretty cheap considering the nations average annual income.
Is Sup Forums the board that has the least americans? If yes, then i should stop coming here. I’m fine with nonamericans, i’m not fine with anti-american nonamericans. They just sound like they’re so mad that they’re not as great as america.
$50/month here Unlimited everything with de-prioritization at 25gb. I'm good with it.
>$50/month here Unlimited everything with de-prioritization at 25gb. I'm good with it.
Not bad. Is that with verizon?
Why are you proud of this?
America is in the perfect position to be roasted right now.
You elected a senile failed bussinessman that spends more time golfing than ruling your country ffs and think that using buttons as a cock innuendo is a perfect way to answer threats.
Even at it's perceived lowest America is still a better country than yours, and this frustrates the third worlder.
nice digits user respect
20€/mo for the same deal
you're completely correct we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
>20€/mo for the same deal
Percs of having less ground to cover with government subsidization for each country.
IIRC getting prices that low in some euro countries also requires being bundled with other services like tv, and home telephone.
im still using a card that looks almost like that and cant buy new phone because they all have meme sized cards and the size changes often.
It's literally just spare cardboard you can cut it down to size easily with a scissors
That Feeling when all sim cards in the world are their own SBC and only need power to function.
Also they run on JAVA, and they can be used to backdoor your device.
Only Verizon, Sprint, and US Cellular (a very distant small fifth place player) use CDMA. AT&T and T-Mobile use GSM.
LTE is based off GSM and all major networks in the US have LTE coverage so the days of CDMA are numbered.
That's up to the store. A lot of US registers (points of sale) integrated the credit card processing. Even with the payment terminals upgraded to accept chip with the register conducting the actual transaction, software updates and changes would be required to support the bidirectional communication of chips rather than dumping the magswipe data + parsing + sending to issuer and getting an approve or denial.
Cutting it accurately can be difficult without it being too big or loose in the tray and most of the punch tools suck. That being said, carriers will mail you or offer new cards of the right size at retail, so I'm not sure why is incapable of getting a new phone.
but what if i have a really old card that has round corners? like the squirrel card in the attached image.
what carrier are you on user?
because its a prepaid card and they dont allow transferring those numbers and i dont want to change the number.
prepaid on WHAT carrier in what country?
portability of numbers on all cellular carriers in the United States was made mandatory under the law in November 24, 2003.
even if your card is old and you stay on the same prepaid provider, they should have a faculty for you to get a new SIM card.
Well of course it's bad for battery life, gotta power that little Java Card botnet somehow...
not america but finland and elisa and its basically like comcast in usa and likes to buy all their competitors and is often the only option if you want a wired internet connection.
And one of those spots is literally T-Mobile
>Deutsche Telekom
Isn't CDMA (simless?) also a big thing in China?
Att works with both but gsm is slower
>The need for a new SIM card may arise, for example, if an old card is damaged or with the purchase of a new phone.
>As the owner of the subscription, you can easily order a new card in OmaElisa and have it delivered directly to your home within two business days.
>If preferred, you may also pick up a SIM card from Elisa's stores or sales points.
You can also order the card by phone from our customer service.
via same page
>Ordering a new SIM card in OmaElisa
>NOTE: If you order a new SIM card for Elisa Saunalahti Latausliittymä, you will need to know the correct card size already at the ordering stage. Please check the correct card size before ordering with the help of the above picture and the user guide for your phone.
>Once you receive the new SIM card, it needs to be activated. The fastest and easiest way to activate your SIM card is to do it in OmaElisa. >Activation is also possible through our customer service. If you fetched your SIM card from our store, it has already been activated for use.
>For the new SIM card we charge the applicable service charge.
Saunalahti Latausliittymä is the prepaid, is it not?
>New SIM card / SIM card activation 5,00 € 5,00 €
So it's five euro to get a new SIM card. I don't see how that would be some insurmountable burden considering you want a new phone but claim you can't get one due to your SIM card size.
also, Elisa is required to let you transfer your number under finnish law
>In Finland, number portability has been implemented in the fixed-wire telephone network within each telecommunications area, the nation-wide 071–prefixed number space, service numbers (0600-, 0700-, 0800–prefixed service numbers) and, from 25 July 2003, in the mobile communications networks.
>Under the new Telecommunications Market Act, number portability applies both to fixed-wire and mobile telecommunications networks. However, portability between these two types of networks is not required.
>The operator relinquishing the number may not charge the customer for porting the number but, in contrast, the operator receiving the number may require a porting charge from the end-customer. Additionally, the relinquishing operator may require a one-off lump sum equivalent to the cost incurred from the receiving operator.
SIMless is basically dead on modern phones because modern phones have LTE and LTE being derived from the GSM standard use SIMs. there are exceptions for equipment that does not support SIM, these CDMA devices have an ESN (electronic serial number) burned into the device instead. (even LTE devices will have an ESN too).
CDMA is big in asia including Japan and China.
maybe i need to go to one of their stores and ask about it then. i got my card before these micro and nano sims existed.
We need flags across all boards.
Please Hiro. Make this shit happen.
Most people have had the same carrier since before the different SIM standards all existed. Go to the store. Elisa still wants your money. A lot of people would switch carriers (and port their number, as Norwegian law mandates your carrier allow) if they didn't allow you to get a newer smaller sim card so you could get a new phone.
are you too stupid to realise that what he meant is not that you don't use gsm, but that you're one of the few countries to still use cdma? look up which countries still actively use cdma. go on. i'll wait.
I really do love America it really warms my heart when I think about it. Thanks great-grandma Oma for coming here in 1910 ur the real MVP
No getting my credit card stolen by scanners because gas stations dont take chip scares me
>amerifats believe this
I had my card stilen 2 months ago you stupid mong. My co worker just had 800 dollars charged on her card too a month ago gou dumb mong. It happens all the fucking time
Lmao, also look at the OP image you dumb americlap
I've used T-Mobile and AT&T all my life. Live in America, used GSM always. You dumb as fuck.
I want the chips at the gas stations, we dont have them at the pump
>are you too stupid to realise that what he meant is not that you don't use gsm, but that you're one of the few countries to still use cdma? look up which countries still actively use cdma. go on. i'll wait.
The U.S. uses cdma, and lte, so what's the problem here (and both happen to use sims)? You have the option to not use what you do not want to, so what's the problem?
It would have made more sense if OP claimed that Americans where afraid of "TDD" networks, but that still wouldn't make sense since "FDD" is still superior to "TDD".
OP, and you are just idiots.
Why does europe get so triggered when america does what it wants instead of what the EU and UN say?
>Why does europe get so triggered when america does what it wants instead of what the EU and UN say?
Yoroniggers like to believe that they are trendsetters, and they get absolutely livid when Americans say "fuck you, you dumb faggot", and successfully just do their own thing.
>europoors still use credit and debit cards
>not using Apple or Android Pay
>not using a computer chip implanted to your right hand to instantly pay with (((Ripple)))
Oh I am laughing at the state of europoor rebels
There is only one country that actually matters, and it looks like it's using... cdma. Get fucked, irrelevant europoors
cool shit
>Oh I am laughing at the state of europoor rebels
I'll laugh even harder after europeans are forced to adopt whatever standard Americans come up with, so they can do business with us.