You never use this shit, be honest

You never use this shit, be honest

Yeah I don't use Windows 10.

I do at work. Browsing Sup Forums on the one, work related on the other desktop.

I don't even use it on gnu+linux.

this desu

Thas why I removed it from taskbar

I removed it from the taskbar because swiping with three fingers up on the touchpad does the same on my laptop
Pretty comfy

Windows® 7® Ultimate™ SP1 x64 doesn't have this problem

Yes but I like having sex with women

>anything but sex with children
yikes user...


I use the hotkeys obviously.

>implying it's a problem
Separate work spaces are comfy

No because I use the keyboard shortcuts like a normal person

I also use it a fucktonne on my laptop where I don't have extra monitors

bcos windows implementation is shit

The only new thing I use somewhat is the cortana search. Explorer is such a piece of shit that it's faster to use something else if I'm looking for some .exe I can't quite recall.

In what way?


What's even the point of it?
I can switch windows with alt-tab and the task bar, why do I need a third one?

It provides an overview of all windows that is comfy if you have more than 10 of them open (which happens to me often) and gives access to workspaces
If you don't like it, just remove the button from the toolbar. Takes < 5 seconds


All the privacy of Google married to the power and UI elegance of clippy.

I use it at work pretty much all the time. I'm glad windows finally discovered this after Linux had it in 1994.

How would you know what it was then? Yeah, user, that's right. You've been exposed.

I have a button on my mouse mapped to that, very handy when doing lots of work on multiple screens.

It's most useful when you use Windows 10 in tablet mode with a touch screen. It's basically the go-to multi-tasking switch when you don't have a keyboard. It makes no sense with a regular keyboard and mouse setup.

Multiple desktops

It makes sense because of
>pic related

What is it?

But why.

i dont use them because they're redundant unless you've got 12 applications open at the same time. just use the taskbar panel

Again, it's also comfy with touchpad on a laptop
I often use the touchpad instead of taking my hands off the keyboard to reach the mouse when doing non-precise things with the cursor

I only use it when fullscreen games crash and I can't alt+tab to other programs, including the task manager. So I move the crashed game to a new desktop and then I use the task manager on another desktop to close the game. Never use it otherwise.

It lets you create and switch between multiple virtual desktops and shows you all open windows on each desktop

It was my go-to when trying to get through a game with frequent crashes.
Then I realized I was a dumbass for not setting task manager to be always on top.

i have it macro'd to my mouse, yeah alt tab does mostly the same thing but the animation looks bretty good

On what operating system?
I use Windows 7...

>not just using windows key + tab for the last 20 years

>mfw I didn't even know about that

i use it for emergencies when something on my main desktop is fucking up

I use it to keep porn and work separate

What is it?

you can hide it, did you know?

I remover almost everyting from taskbar. And made the icons smaller

Windows 10

Stay on Windows 7 for as long as possible Windows 10 is a buggy piece of shit.

It also comes preloaded with ads/bloatware also, I forgot about that.

Legit reason.

this, I even mapped a mouse button to it

Why don't you just Alt+Tab between windows like a normal person?

>imblying you can't watch screenshots without using


I rarely even spin muh cube anymore.

I remapped it to media play/pause

I use it on my laptop when I'm doing work in windows. Pretty handy desu, especially with four finger swipe gestures

Why would you alt+tab when you can win+tab?

>>anything but sex with children
>yikes user...
yikes user...

win+tab is soy

Look, when something "special" occurs (for example my boss gets in my room) I need to switch it easily and without stress (AND without moving my mouse anxiously...). ctrl-alt-left arrow is my way of switching desktops. works everytime, since my boss isn't a tech freak and i'm in IT.


The right click button key

yeah I press win + tab instead

It's for tablet mode, like android recent button/recent screen.

That's actually a good idea, never thought about it that way

np. btw i meant ctrl-win-left/right arrow, not ctrl-alt to bad.

Win+tab is just a more flashy version of alt tab that uses more resources. Even on more powerful rigs I don’t see the benefits of using it over alt+tab

that's the soy button. It's clearly a brick of tofu

No, not in Windows 10. It's the shortcut for the key in the OP.

dude i literally used it for the first time today
already removed



we want apple audience

in fact, it's the only shit i use desu (if you mean task view and not the exact task view button on taskbar)
gnome 3 hooked me hard on it, so I installed winxcorners to have that same kind of 'activities' view opening up by hitting top left corner
i still don't know how to remap win key to open task view instead of start menu, but oh well, win+tab works, and everything is so anal on windows (like changing system fonts. thought it'd be ez pz? FUCK YOU) i'm not sure if I should even bother

It's great for porn.

Since when did task manager show the performance of individual CPU cores? I just used it recently and I could swear it only showed performance for the CPU as a whole.

Change the setting to do it fuckhead

>taskbar at top

I use four workspaces constantly at work. Way more comfy than alt tab.

People who actually have work to do use it.

Source? Img search gives 0 results


I honestly forget that it exists. Its actually pretty handy when doing work though. Keep all my programming work open on one and all my fuckoff shitposting on the other.

i use it pretty often, such as when using a graphical file manager without the mouse, it's the menu key

>i dont have a job: the post

I do.

I just upgraded to windows 10 solely for better multi desktop support.

You didn't need windows 10 to get that.

>everything is so anal on windows (like changing system fonts
aren't fonts in windows somehow tied to the kernel

yeah kinda, iirc they're OTF too

>like changing system fonts. thought it'd be ez pz? FUCK YOU
They must have noticed how many people use Comic Sans in their telemetry.

i do desu
> one is work related mostly photoshop , premiere and audition
> other one is mostly web related discorg , chrome , ssh session and email
> third one is just for fun , random stuff opened

windows renders fonts in kernel mode

What's this?

Yeah, I completely got rid of it with WinAero Tweaker.

Oh shit I thought this was the notification thing. I do use multiple desktops and I couldn't do without them anymore but I don't have the icon in my taskbar.

I use Win + Tab.
It just werks.

Juukan Live! Sunshine!! 2
also it's Bestiality

I put my porn tabs on different workspaces

>not using everything.exe

Remapped F1 and F3 with autohotkey to go back and forward between desktops, comfy af

This. I can show my bro an ebin meem without him asking "hey user, what's that other firefox window?"


Its actually very useful.
I play old games and some times they get stuck. When they do so they do not allow task manager to pop at the front to force close them, so what i do is open a new desktop and close the game from task manager

i forgot this button existed, but i still use windows + tab

Eh I've used it a few times but I mostly forget it exists, when at work and multitasking with different things it helps to use different work spaces so things dont get cluttered.

i use it
feels like gnome wich btw is the best gnu/linux/systemd desktop enviroment