Because it makes people buy it, that's why they are so successful. Apple's goal isn't to make the best computer it's to make people pay the most money
Be fair, a trash CAN is a big step up from just trash.
But they had a PC back then.
True. The most expensive shit
For that "premium" look. It's all about look. The products can be trash but at least they look premium.
because they feel like they should reinvent the wheel by doing stupid shit like stuffing all their crap in a cylinder then have one radial fan cool it all like shit.
No, the idea of one cooler is OK.
But why they pay so much attention to case?
CNC... Why they need THAT precision?
You can achieve premium look with metal stamp, plastic and so on.
>CNC... Why they need THAT precision?
because they want to reinvent the wheel. They could have easily used stamped aluminum and gotten the same result, look and finish.
because they went full amd retardness. ever since they started to exclusively use their garbage gpu's their designs have gone to shit.
AMD is not shit. AMD makes normal CPU and GPU that are reasonably priced, where Intel and Nvidia (Intel HD >> Low-tier Nvidia) suck much.
Why not to reinvent wheel with dried shit?
Because Job's got a hardon for expensive metal cases during the NeXT days.
God, apple products are so fucking shitty.
I cringe whenever I use apple products because of how utterly shitty the UI and performance is. They look "Sleek" and "Rich" and "Sexy", b ut inside they are junk.
If any of you think apple's UI is good and intuitive, you're alot dumber than you realize
>stop liking what I don't like
Apple UI is retarded. They made only two good things:
1. Clicky touchpad (that now you can find similar on most laptops and they will work like Apple's, despite whatever iToddles say)
2. MagSafe.
UI - confusing
Keyboard - shit
LCD - good calibration, that will work on most LG panels
I don't care if you like it or not, just saying you're an idiot of you think apple products are superior or even equally good.
It's like a console gamer trying to argue that PC gaming is worse
>tfw retards made the only x86 processors that aren't vulnerable to meltdown
Enjoy your 30% slowdown, Schlomo
>that giant block of aluminum that ends up being just one flimsy body
I hope they recycle all that shit
>They made only two good things:
It's funny because they threw away both of those for memes.
People have standards for what they use, it is just that simple. Using something shit like a Thinkpad makes you shit yourself. Cool people use cool products.
>People have standards for what they use, it is just that simple.
This. People using Apple products have no effect on you. Let homosexual fruits have their homosexual fruit products.
Yes, they recycle. But it is not green. (I don't care about green and enviroment...)
That is why now I will rater buy HP or Lenovo or Dell, than Apple. Or maybe even Acer.
>People have standards for what they use, it is just that simple.
Wut? I am talking not about people, but Apple and their wasteful design.
>Using something shit like a Thinkpad makes you shit yourself.
Thinkpads ain't bad machines... Only LCD is shit, everything is 10/10
>Cool people use cool products.
Like what?
I went further with my MacBook air, I installed Ganoo/Lunix on it.
I would say using a Big Black Computer (BBC) "Think"pad is what makes you gay.
Lul... I wanted to attach this
>Enjoy your 30% slowdown, Schlomo
Did the 30% slowdown happen, or is it a meme?
This. Wh*Te subhumans love associating objects with people. They like the big black computer (BBC) because that what they worship.
>But they had a PC back then.
A trash can is better than a trash CAN'T.
>They made only two good things:
>1. Clicky touchpad (that now you can find similar on most laptops and they will work like Apple's, despite whatever iToddles say)
And then they took it away and replaced it with haptic feedback fake clicks.
>2. MagSafe.
They took it away too. Back to cables that will dump your laptop on the floor if you trip on them.
The USB C is a standard and the haptic Engine is more advanced. If you don't like having nice things then stop trying to ruin it for others.
If the new nice thing is less nice than what it replaces, no.
i like how they say "we.. have been so fanatical.. in how we machine these products..."
when the machining is done by a surly chinese dude in a factory in the shenzen and he will never meet the guy doing the narration who is taking claim for it.
>Who cares about how computer looks like? Inside is more important.
Because ugly cases tend to be cheap, shitty, and flimsy. If I'm getting nice processors, I'll also get a nice case. The problem with the Mac Pro isn't that it looks nice, it's that it's a 3000 dollar machine with six core ivy bridge components with very few upgrade options. The older Mac Pros are nicer in every possible way, and have nicer upgrade options. Easier upgrades, more upgrade options, without becoming an octopus of dongles.
Even with usb c as a standard, they could still use magsafe for charging, or even just a magsafe-like breakaway cables. The haptic engine sure is advanced, but a real tactile click is much nicer in my opinion. Their new short travel keyboards are absolutely horrible too. If I had to get a Mac, I much rather have an older model. Preferably a Mac mini or Pro with an older keyboard and trackpad.
That is the end result of every (successful) company, you're deluded if you think otherwise.