
>8 core

>*collects oxygen in lungs*

>16 DDR3 ram


>256GB of storage

That firepro d600 is preddy doap.

>normie friend bought an iMac after I offered to build him a cheaper, more powerful PC
>mfw he uses it to just write papers and browse normiebook

Single RX580 will fuck dual D700

Then he has the perfect machine

So? The rest of the package sucks ass

based popcorn pepe

For pro is for CAD and not soyboy video games

This thing is such a shitshow, overpriced from the start, horrible form factor, never updated and now Apple doesn't even want to discount it for what it's worth.
I understand Apple has been keeping older models around for longer you can still buy a 6S but at least it's discounted

Fire pro*

yeah Apple is not very good with computers
too bad from where they started though

intel cpus are expensive

MacOS can't even use both GPUs together in any given workload

No support CAD on Mac OS,old OpenGL 4.1 , Windows on Mac pro use Gaming Drivers.

Zen domination when?

I used to own a 2007 mac pro, the big desktop one. I do CAD

>So? The rest of the package sucks ass
>Firepro d600
Nah the entire package sucks ass, because the d600 was literal dogshit.

Their product design is the best in the industry. Blame the normies who decided that the design alone was worth the ridiculous premiums. The iphone alone sold over 200 million in 2016.

Call it trashcan all you want. It's actually much smaller than a trashcan and the the most genius workstation design you will ever see.
It's 5.5 liters. The "look how small this is" ITX cases that get shilled on Sup Forums are typically 11-12 liters.

Stop always exaggerating, reddit

Better buy iMac Pro

Where did you get such words?

Was the best, has not been decent for years.

Before that Sony was the kind of industrial design (Jobs was a Sony fanboy)

Nah, add soon as GPUs are in stock again, I'm building a Threadripper (1950x) PC.

any good pic how the internals are organized inside?

Yes, google images.

>Before that Sony was the kind of industrial design (Jobs was a Sony fanboy)
Yep. He tried to get them to license the os. Imagine if there were 3rd part apple os hardware.

If you can get hold of this book, buy it user

3 boards around a common heatsink, PSU right next to it, RAM sticks either side of the the PSU, a 4th board for I/O, 1 fan on top

that is just some kind of abstract sort of hell

The pcb and cooling design is nice, but the specs and price to cost ratios suck ass

>best design in the industry
>trash can

Being small doesn't make it a good workstation.
Being small just makes it small.

If the cooling doesn't suffer from it, it's a big plus


>genius design
You mean overheating mess?

>If the cooling doesn't suffer

Not like a mac is going to need to dissipate heat from intense gaming sessions or anything. The largest load most of them see is Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all open at the same time.

Holy fuck, is everyone here a 12yo? No one buys something like this gaymen. Go be underaged and brain dead elsewhere.

u mad bro? buyers remorse is a bitch.


>No one buys something like this
At least we can agree on one thing.

That has got to be the gayest computer I have ever seen.

Reddit stop. I'm this guy:
Now go to bed you retard

Most of the sane Mac users (yes, there is such a thing) are tied to it by apple paying companies to either make exclusive work software for the mac or having the best version there, and many of those programs are CPU eating bastards.

So yes, a mac with good cooling is a BIG thing needed by pretty much the whole media industry, yet apple refuses to deliver one, and those media guys end up doing shit like hackintoshs.

How does it do at weighing down paper? Do you find papers tend to move under it? It needs a viable use to exist.

It's a computer for people who use it for work. Performance intensive work. It's not made for spoiled gaymer soyboys. It does suck ass compared to a Threadripper or epyc build though.

Because of apple time machine.

>gaming is not performance intensive
Really activates the almonds.

Seriously, other than graphics (both real-time or prerendered) you could probably survive off a decent laptop from the past 10 years, which I do.

t. Neet fagget gaymer who has never had a real job that required a beefy desktop

It gets even better when you max it out


A computer is a Facebook machine for so many people, it's become scary

I'm not paying $7000 for something with an AMD CPU and off-brand hardware. That is absolute craziness. Like buying a Ferrari with a Toyota engine block.

>Stop always exaggerating, reddit
This shitlord white knighting over the firepro d600, and calling someone else leddit? That's some fuccboi levels of faggotry.

>If you can get hold of this book, buy it user
Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it. I actually had vaios when I was younger, and I unironically liked them.

>It's 5.5 liters. The "look how small this is" ITX cases that get shilled on Sup Forums are typically 11-12 liters.
How many liters are the xeon server laptops that eurocom sold (panthers)?

>amd cpu

I'm not defending the fire pro, but calling anything you don't like "literal dogshit" just reveals the brainlet in you and is what redditfags do when they're trying to fit in.

Never owned those, but Sony's industrial design used to be second to none. They also have a new book (sequel to that one) simply called Sony Design.

>I'm not defending the fire pro, but calling anything you don't like "literal dogshit" just reveals the brainlet in you and is what redditfags do when they're trying to fit in.
>angry that someone called a peice of shit overheating underpowered gpu a piece of shit.
What if I told you the fx line of cpus were also dogshit user, would that offend you as well? You fucking faggot.

>4000 burger trashcan
What's more efficient:
cramming rectangular components in a shape of a triangle inside a cylinder or stacking rectangular parts effectively making an even smaller lunchbox?
>NUC style boxes


Why did you bring up irrelevant shit? Also I would agree with that off-topic statement.

>still believing this corporate line post-ryzen release

>Never owned those
They were pretty amazing prebuilds for non 3d gaming media consumption. Trinitron displays, and sarcd playback capabilities made them pretty neat.

>For throttlecan

>10-30% performance decrease because Intel Meltdown processor AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

Apple should've gone with AMD Ryzen/Threadripper if they cared about security at all


iToddlers have defended this.

Who's excited to see new threads about this
Gonna be gud...



>itoddler shill out of the woodwork

>itoddler shill STILL at it
wew, I wonder what your ban count is at?

>every time I post, this itoddler spamming retard is here

Jesus, you must be an obese neck beard. Didn’t you say you worked at McDonald’s before?

>evidence that proves you're wrong

anything else to say?

This is why PC is cheaper.

>scouring the web looking for old parts

No thanks.

>this one part now makes the pc cheaper then the Mac
>this causes much damage control
So you would pay $1000 more for the exact came thing?
Why the fuck would you be buying haswell NEW anyway.
That one in particular is sold as new. It can go cheaper with one pulled from parted out servers.

>What is AutoCAD?

Kek, how does apple keep getting away with this?

Sup Forumsayfags only know about manchild gayming when it comes to graphics cards

Buying a Xeon is pretty dumb though. For the same price you can get a Epyc or Threadripper that's twice as good.

Same way Intel gets away with their garbage CPUs while Threadripper and epyc exist

>commiecuck has no idea how capitalism works, the image.jpg

>It's actually much smaller than a trashcan

How is that in any form relevant for a desktop computer?
Keep the fucker under the desk, away from your feet, keep cables long enough in case you are using a standing desk (you're a retard if you don't).

There's a reason why the Mac Pro is a dead end design. Apple was trying to sell value to an already small niche market that did not ask for it, I bet Jobs would have killed this piece of garbage already in its cradle.
I can already imagine Tim Cook with a cock in his mouth, fantasizing about how the Mac Pro is going to be his stroke of genius and how he'd just have to be "courageous" enough to dare - well, the professional computer market can't afford to base their decisions on cocksuckery, we have real decisions to make and real money to spend.

Apple tried a bold move and they failed. They thought that as the market is moving towards external peripherals they can get away with this unupgradeable piece of shit. They've successfully pulled it off with the laptops already, why not do the same with desktops? The only reason why they got away with it is because external storage has become seriously good over the past few years (not even 10 years ago all external drives just fucking sucked) and because swapping to hard drive isn't as much of an issue as it used to be thx to Apple's extremely fast hard drives.

But you don't pay 4000$ for a premium machine to be stuck with its already horribly outdated components forever, especially while the competition offers much better value in any regard, except for space savings, which, as I explained in the beginning, is literally irrelevant for 99% of the potential buyers of such a product.

TL;DR, cocksuckers ruined the mac pro.

It's a desktop, you fucking idiot.

If Tim Cook fucks up the new Mac Pro I'll be mad as fuck.

>the trashcan has trash in it

>The "look how small this is" ITX cases that get shilled on Sup Forums are typically 11-12 liters.
Except they're actually capable of cooling themselves.

you're paying a premium for the design.
the part themselves would be available at that cost, but you would never be able to combine them into a small, attractive package

except from times when you could

hey nothing wrong with ferrari

Just don’t buy it. Was the trash can Mac Pro worth the value back when it was released? Arguable. But it’s about 4 years old, and Apple doesn’t tend to lower pricing until a new product comes out.

>what is R&D
>what is engineering
>what is manufacturing costs
>what is marketing/advertising
>what is logistics
>what is support
It's almost like you have no fucking idea how the world works, huh?

>DDR fucking 3
>ayy em dee gpu
holy fuck

not gonna defend intel but their custom OEM xeon cpus are super cheap though.
got custom xeon platinum 28C/56T 2.7ghz all-core turbo for $2500.
cheapest i could get rn.




what about lotus elise?

not him but i just bought a copy for 30$. looks right up my alley, i have a thing for good hardware design
