Why aren't you running NodeOS?
Why aren't you running NodeOS?
Because I don't like BBC in my mouth?
also why the fidget spinner?
What is this abomination?
Did the ubuntu 17.10 update make things faster?
I am, actually. I recently moved to it from Void Linux. It's pretty cool, to be truthful.
I haven't noticed anything being slow, so I guess so.
Every day we stray further from God's light
Awww, that's so cute!
Has nothing to do with hating this abomination.
t. cock lover
Wake me up when they build the kernel in javascript.
At that point I'd actually be interested in fooling around with it.
What's the second sign?
This shit is as gay as it gets. Probaby runs on the nutsacks of vallety JS devs and soy. Web dev will set software back 150 years.
This would be better than NodeOS garbage.
because i am using fedora
Do you trap?