Why jetbrains ides are so ugly?

Why jetbrains ides are so ugly?

How can it compete with this beauty?

use emacs.

i dont wanna have my pinky amputated

Xcode is pretty fantastic, but emacs is comfy as heck, especially if you use Spacemacs.

I tried to like XCode :/ but damn it is a pita to work with IMO

Don't crashing

>no clue what 99% of this shit does
>but dam, look how many fancy buttons it has!
why are most IDE users like this?

Because you opened every fucking sidebar and window.

ignore the emacsniggers

Vim is a text editor, it's not meant to be an IDE. Emacs + Evil mode is what you want for that - or even better, Spacemacs.

Or just use unix as my IDE and vim as the text editor as a part of it

I would say choice of typography.

Otherwise, it looks pretty good to me.

That's a nice meme, but there are benefits to code completion, error marking, and the other various things an actual IDE can provide. Vim was not designed to do those things. Those features are hacks that bend things around to make it work.

>brainlet doesn't know how to use NeoVim

Is it even possible to make something beautiful with Java?

Yes, but then it wouldn't actually work.

why the UI is half dark, half bright.
It's against the whole purpose of having either of them.

Use Evil in Emacs

I use Sublime

To be fair, in Emacs *everything* is a hack. That doesn't make it bad.
A real issue you could bring up is vimscript being almost an afterthought and a pain to work with, and Vim (in versions lesser than 8 or neovim) having no async
I still use Vim for quick editing but Spacemacs is so comfy

I never understand how Linux/Mactards can argue that their inferior junk can even compete with Visual Studio

>m-muh Vim with 150 plugins to get even half the features of VS

Or just install VsVim and get all the features of Vim in one plugin.

It's not, nicest looking IDE i've used, but it's not really a selling point for me. I use IntelliJ for Java projects, also checking out Ryder for .net core but havn't tried it out that much so far.

Use evil mode you dingus. Otherwise use Spacemacs to set up emacs.

Gvim is trash until neovim. I just use sublime text 3 with my own specific plugins.

Xcode is probably worst IDE in existance

>Why jetbrains ides are so ugly?
Because they were designed to be useless, not to be beautiful!

Are there IDLE equivalents for other languages? Like you can use PyCharm or visual studio to write the code for python, but when you save it it also saves/creates 5 or 6 additional files. I'm looking for something that saves /just/ the file I would write.

Ninja for Python. It's nice

I don't understand what you mean exactly. Are you saying you don't want the .sln files etc.?

It is possible in VS nowadays to just open a folder and it will try to figure out your project structure without creating a file, but generally if the project is non-trivial you WANT something like a .sln file or cmake file anyway to keep track of how to build your project. I'm not a ~Pythonista~ though so maybe it's not needed for that.

VS Code adds json files and shit like that for the use of the plugins

>Don't want the .sln files etc.?

Yeah pretty much that. In simple python editors all you do is:

Open console -> new file -> write code -> save code -> run code. The only file that is saved and created is the "new file" that you wrote to, no .json or .sln files are made in addition.

The default text editor (IDLE) is basically featureless out of the box and has minimal customization options. While this might be crippling to more advanced developers, as someone who is just getting into software dev. this is a God send because now I don't get overwhelmed by all the fancy feature and blinking lights some of the other editors have. It offers a straight path forward, ya know? I'm just wondering if there are editors with that, I guess over-the-top-minimalism theme for other languages.

>t. M$hit shill
you dont have to be like that you know? (Neo)?ViM runs on Win$shit too
and the only "plugins" you will really ever need are colorschemes and syntax highlighting for not so popular languages. everything else is optional, and many times its already builtin
if you dont believe me, just ask for the brainlet """JS""" shit you want

>being a butthurt loonixtard

>He doesn't know vanilla vim has code completion
>He doesn't know how to use ctags with vanilla vim
>He doesn't know vanilla vim has a basic spell check
>He can't Google a vim linter
Most people only know how to i, esc, and :wq in vim. Just try running the :help on literally any character a-z and you'll realize vanilla vim is pretty feature packed

where did you shill get that idea from?
>inb4 poor baby never learned how to use a (real) shell

Because you opened every possible tool window and set the theme to DARKLIKEMYSOUL.

>everything has a purpose
>pic related

i can ssh into a remote server over dial up and use vim perfectly well.
vs doesn't even run that fast on a local machine

>in a text editor
i bet you still have the ask toolbar in your browser too


What's wrong with dark themes? It's easier on the eyes.

Remove tabs from editor and sidepanels, remove breadcrumbs, and unset pinned mode, so your panels hide when you are not using them. Then change the type to something nicer, and it doesn't look half bad

I don't think it looks that bad. I think it's freaking amazing it looks as good as it does considering it's all done with Java swing.

Why are you saying jetbrains is ugly? Is today opposite day?