>what you do
networking software
>what you earn (total comp)
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
>what you do
networking software
>what you earn (total comp)
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
>Las Vegas
>Laboratory Analyst (chemistry)
>$40k (USD)
>5 years exp
>sometimes can be rewarding
>yes, feel very pressured for results all the time
St. Louis
>what you do
Web development
>what you earn (total comp)
84k + health/dental/vision, all federal holidays off, Christmas through new new years off, 15 days paid vacation, 10 sick days (heavily encouraged to use it all)
>years of experience
18 months
>do you enjoy your job
fuck yes
>do you think you are underpaid
For my experience no, although I could probably be netting more if I moved to Chicago or Minneapolis
But I drive a Lotus Evora S. Last year I was driving a Chevy S10
Los Angeles
>what you do
Software Engineer
>what you earn
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you're underpaid
>7 years
>Medical Scribe
>15 an hour
>1.5 years
>At times, depends on the doctor I work with or if I have to do paperwork. I got the job because I was pre-med but I'm not even sure if I want to do medical school or go back to undergrad for engineering.
>No I'm overpaid if anything.
>Java backend dev
>~1k$ month, working half time
>3 months
>hell yeah
>hell naw
>what you do
Accountant in the public service
>what you earn (total comp)
85k, and have ridiculously good conditions (all things considered).
>years of experience
I've just completed my fourth year at this place.
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
Lord no.
Cryptocurrency miner
Made 359k USD this year
Since 2014
0; straight out of university
No. If I felt I was underpaid, I could just get any other job I wanted.
>>~1k$ month, working half time
>what you do
Developer, big data
>what you earn (total comp)
>years of experience
1y, still have to finish university
>do you enjoy your job
a lot
>do you think you are underpaid
totally underpaid, will hop after finishing university
lies. Post proofs. No ones going to pay some useless equation-solving NEET who goes on Sup Forums to brag about his job
Is web dev salary all down to where you live? I've got 6 years of experience, full stack, multiple languages, worked on high tier teams, yet I still find it hard to get more than 40k. Managers don't seem to believe that web/software dev is worth all that much. I know glorified secretaries that make 30k more than me
>what you do
Full time student (Math major)
>what you earn (total comp)
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
Doesn't matter in the end. Can just get a better job if I like it
>what you do
fuck all most of the time. I write some code every now and then, though.
>what you earn (total comp)
i dunno, the equivalent of 10k USD per year?
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
nah. I even get benefits.
Northern Minnesota
>>what you do
IT helpdesk jockey
>what you earn (total comp)
$45k approx
>>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
Has its ups and downs. Going to get a lot better once my manager retires next year though. I hate doing phone calls, but I like getting my hands on hardware and fixing computers. My work is stingy and until a computer croaks or the os the case has a licence for isn't supported by windows anymore they like you keep them out in the field.
>do you think you are underpaid
Maybe. Going to take my CCNA soon and hopefully get a comfy sysadmin job soon.
Yay! Finally Sup Forums became a Rebbit! Have a gold, OP! :3
What is a reasonable starting salary for someone with ample experience but no degree? I live in Chicago. I am not accepting anything less than 60k. Am hoping to shoot for 70 - 75k. Is this reasonable? Also, any salary negotiation tips?
this meme belongs on /sci/
a shithole somewhere
>what you do
4 days NEET, 3 days tutor high school kids
>what you earn (total comp)
5K $ a year at most
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
the kids are well behaved and the time flies while teaching them. i don't have competition in my area so they keep coming even if i slack and forget stuff. i have to get back to college eventually before i hit 40, but i am enjoying life right now at 27. i live in my parent's "basement" (ground floor so not really), they cook and feed me, they even bought me a car in hopes i get out of the house and find a job. they are happy i can teach people and look like a normal person. i am not in a rush to do anything as we all gonna die anyway. however i don't want to die alone or poor so as i said i will go back to school and maybe marry some ugly chick or someone from a third world country.
thessaloniki GR
>what you do
iOS Development
>what you earn (total comp)
About 11k (euro)
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
maybe a little
Fucking newfag
Munich, Germany
>what you do
Kitchen Help
>what you earn (total comp)
61k €
>years of experience
1y, started after throwing my engineering degree and being a neet for 5 years
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
Gosh, id hate to be your parents. Raised a worthless manchild.
>>what you do
Software for an accounting firm
>>what you earn (total comp)
80k /y but I only work 3 days /week
>>years of experience
>>do you enjoy your job
It's pretty boring. The most exciting thing I had in the past 12 month was changing the Vat from 8% to 7.7%
>>do you think you are underpaid
I don't know and I don't care. I like this work because it leaves me with enough energy to enjoy my free time. I do this since 3 years now and I was never forced to do a minute of overtime
relax, it's a meme
you need to look at his pic and then go look in the mirror.
> city
Louisville, KY
> what you do
web dev part time
> what you earn
> years of experience
> do you enjoy your job
no, I've had many jobs and never enjoyed a single one, I hate working and keep my expenses low just so I don't have to work as much
> do you think you are underpaid
not really
Working only 3 or 4 days a week would be really nice. Isn't Zurich or Switzerland in general really expensive though?
I too, would like a job that gives me lots of free time.
55k ruble in moscow is realistically very underpaid, that's basically poverty status user. how long have you been working in the industry?
> Dayton, oh
> General IT (web dev, support, some network admin-ing)
> 29k
> 1y
> Yes
> Yes
> Pic related
I'm pretty sure you're having a laugh, but if you actually think being a codemonkey warrants more than 175k a year (that's fucking CEO-tier payment) you're genuinely retarded.
>what you do
Java dev
>years of experience
3 year professional
>do you enjoy it
>do you think you are underpaid
Not really, wouldn't mind a raise though
>what you do
civil engineer
>what you earn (total comp)
87k a year
>years of experience
just started
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
yes, I could get a job that pays better but it wouldn't be as cozy
Rather not say
>what you do
>what you earn
>years of experience
1, I am 23
>do you enjoy your job
Hey guys what's the current state of bioinformatics PhD? Do they even get jerbs?
Houston, TX
>>what you do
Data analytics, finance
>>what you earn (total comp)
$175k/yr + 1x salary bonus on a good year. Grossed ~$260k last year
>>years of experience
3 yrs
>>do you enjoy your job
I enjoy it when I'm actually working with data. Hate it when dealing with clients
>>do you think you are underpaid
no I think my compensation is fair
>Doesn't note what "ample" experience is in
>Doesn't mention what position they're applying for
>Doesn't even mention industry
You're probably shooting too high
Nah, check out total comp for the SV firms. that's entry level there and the people that you work with are still total code monkeys
Southeastern USA
>what do you do
"IT Specialist"
>what do you earn
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
just kill me senpai
>do you think you're underpaid
yes but I get to take every holiday off
>80k /y but I only work 3 days /week
Mother fucker, I would do anything to work 3/4 days a week and have 3 or 4 days off, even if I work like 13 hours a day or something.
Did you go to ETH Zurich?
i get minimum wage to do embeded develop on several different boards, from 8k to 4mb RTOS capable, to write educational documentation, and write user facing libraries,also I have to write an app in qt c++ for ios and android to interface with our product over bluetooth
>do all of that shit
>still get minimum wage
umm... why?
Hey computers engineers of Sup Forums. I'm a lazy cunt that should be in the third year but is a sophomore and is probably going to finish the career 2 years later than expected (the career is expected to get finished in 4 years). Do you think ill have trouble to get a job whenever i finish the career (or in my last year)?
get an internship and start networking.
Ditto. Just be diligent with your studies (if you feel that they will care about your GPA), keep working, reach out to people, hope for the best.
Shouldn't be hard to get an IT job if you look competent enough.
you didnt work hard enough
>>what you do
Software engineering. I do embedded firmware for enterprise components.
>>what you earn (total comp)
>>years of experience
8 years, not including a 2 year internship.
>>do you enjoy your job
Yes. I've been offered higher positions but I'm happy where I'm at with the moderate workload and tolerable coworkers.
>>do you think you are underpaid
No. I could be earning more but I live very comfortably relative to the area. I drive a car from 2011 and live on energy drinks and ramen noodles and no gf so I have a lot of money to toss at Sup Forums related gadgets I don't need.
Los Angeles
>what you do
Music Producer & Sound Engineer
>what you earn (total comp)
25 - 50k varies greatly as you could imagine
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
What do you think lmao
>do you think you are underpaid
I really don’t care. As long as I have access to all my plugins I could care less about anything else
>what you do
your mom
>what you earn (total comp)
15 mil
>years of experience
however old you are
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
Dallas Texas
>What you do
Web dev
>what you earn
75k base salary and 85k after benefits
>Years of experience
0, still in college, start job in July when I graduate
>Do you enjoy it
see answer above
>do you think your underpaid
don't know yet
You're killing yourself. Learn to cook.
Data Engineering (basically data warehousing + software development + operations work)
65k base salary as junior, ~96k total compensation
- insurance paid for everything but small copays
- 6% 401k match, I pay 12%, end of year bonus for 401k this year was 19%
- quarterly 2% cash bonuses, end of year bonus of 10%
0 experience except some help desk before I started, bunch of self taught experience, BS in IT, and a year of masters.
Yes, work is fun, the office is great, coworkers are great, low stress environment. Best part is team is small (just me, one senior guy, and one new guy that we've been training) so I get to engineer a lot of our solutions and define our processes despite being a junior. I get to make a big impact. Our team interacts with practically the entire company, even if you work support, you interact with our services somehow which makes work interesting. That and I don't have to drive to work, I live next door so that lops off a huge amount of stress from my life off the bat.
No, I think I'm paid well for a junior. End of year typical bonus is 5-7%, I'll get promoted here in a couple months which is another 5-7%. I just want to get to ~85-90k/yr, at that point I don't really care anymore what my pay is as I'll be resistant to things that scare me the most like skyrocketing rent.
>San Francisco
>Software engineer
>.5 yrs
>yes mostly
If I had gone to google or something I'd be making a lot more. Fell for the equity meme.
Pou douleueis?
Here's the opposite of dick waving
2.5 hr NW of Seattle
>what you do
deliver pizza, full time student
>what you earn (total comp)
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
slinging pizza is meh, being a student is rad. Doing both at the same time sucks.
>do you think you are underpaid
probably not
Cannot fucking wait to graduate.
>Full time streamer/content creator
>125k last year
>2 years deep
>Hell yeah
>No, I'm overpaid but my wages keep increasing anyway.
Kitchen help 61k EUR? What the actual Fuck?
Complete underpaid man.
Yeah I know but in a way it isn’t, I have it set up where I have rent and bills payed by an external beneficiary.
So it’s basically disposable income.
I pretty much use it on software plugins, and high end hardware essentials
Again I don’t find value in money whatsoever. I could literally care less about income, I am just happy where I am atm
i want this
tell me your education and work history to get to this, please?
>What do you do
Red Teaming, InfoSec
>What do you earn
>Years of exp
>Do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
>external beneficiary
you can just say your parents
2 years
>do you enjoy your job
I would rather be a neet but its ok so far
>do you think you are underpaid
Short staffed as fuck and spread thin. So yes.
Here's what I don't get, in the US, RN pay is about the same or a bit less. Yet the hospital admins all say that if we ever got single payer in this country everybody's pay will be cut in half. Everyone acts like the hospital is on the brink of going bankrupt and we can't afford anything etc. How the fuck is Canada able to afford shit? Canadians who make less than $100k/year aren't even paying that much more in taxes compared to the US. It's fucked up.
Well how staffed are your hospitals? Ours are seriously seriously under staffed. 1 nurse should not have 7 total care patients with 10 meds who cant even move. But ive seen it happen on med/surg floors.
About US taxes though, its ridiculous that you pay so much in salary tax but dont get shit for it. Our income taxes really arent far off from yours. Maybe 5% higher when you look at the individual brackets for a lot more socialized programs in return.
Red teaming sounds fun, how come you don't like it?
>what you do
I code infrastructure software for a specific niche
>what you earn
$160K+ across three LOBs.
> years of experience
around 20.
>do you enjoy your job
Fact: The worst fortnite players log on at around 9-10AM PST. If you want to win, that's the best time to play.
>do you think you are underpaid
If I earned any more, I'd have to hire employees.
>>what you do
software engineer
>>what you earn (total comp)
>>years of experience
>>do you enjoy your job
Eh not really
>>do you think you are underpaid
ay east or west end of toronto?
>Composer/Producer (Movies, Commercial voice-overs)
>7 years exp
>Yes, it is literally what I'd do all day anyway
>No, but many times your work goes unappreciated or uncredited and while I am used to it, it still sometimes stings
Did you pick up any degrees or certs to land that web dev job?
this is going to be me soon
big company or small? startup?
>software dev
>50k + benefits + 35 holidays + short/flex hours
>less than 1y
>probably not
Seattle, WA
>>what you do
Software Development Engineer
>>what you earn (total comp)
>>years of experience
Less than one.
>>do you enjoy your job
Yeah work life balance is pretty great. Coworkers are cool and the work is neat.
>>do you think you are underpaid
Slightly underpaid maybe, but I'll definitely be due for a raise in a year.
>less than 4k BRL a month
Found you
where'd you go to school
did you have an internship at all? I'm about to graduate from UW with cs but dont have one. Considering one this summer, but I'll be done with school so idk
I didn't have the chance to make companies compete offers before I had to make a decision to join one. If I had the time to interview, I probably could've gotten a bit more.
0.01% doing cool tech shit, %99.99 Reporting and presenting the report to clients who aren't gonna implement anything.
Sure it sounds cool to the average Mr Robot idiot, but in real life is mundane work. You info gather, scan, exploit, repeat. Then report. Red teaming is same shit as a pentest only deeper and more orchestrated. And because of that the paperwork is BIGGER. I'm working government side so, paperwork is bigger than private sector, plus you have to get through so many clearances and authorizations just to get a scan going. Then coordinate with all of them to sign off
Time sink, boring, makes you want to kill yourself when you're writing reports to policy makers, then another report to the IT team, plus slideshows for each.
A no-name mid-west state university (graduating with ~$3500 in student loans). I had an internship at one of the top 4 tech companies and took their return offer before I had time to make other companies compete with it.
>90k + Benefits
>3 years
>No. It's only engaging when testing new features or products.
>Not underpaid.
I'll take what i can get then
Is thessaloniki better than athens? never visited.
t. athenigger
I worked through CS50X and got some interview coaching on the state's dime. Got my first job by showing off projects at interviews on my laptop. Was severely underpaid but got experience. Built up a LinkedIn account and connected with any and all recruiters that messaged me. At 11 months I emailed all of them with a salary requirement and my skills list, and now I'm making real money.
Miami, FL
>what you do
Software Developer
>what you earn (total comp)
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
No, we have no idea what we are doing
>do you think you are underpaid
Just apply everywhere man. I applied to intern at over 100 places my junior year and just took the best offer. You should be applying and interviewing everywhere until you graduate. Considering you live in Seattle, you're extremely lucky to have Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, and a ton of other tech companies at your doorstep to interview at. Once you get a few offers from all those companies, tell them about the offers you got (don't lie), and they'll pay you more.
This is all assuming you're worth hiring, though.
What's a decent entry level DevOps engineer salary? I'm applying to jobs out of uni currently and don't know what my ballpark should be. Based in Boston fwiw
yeah I've gotten through a few interviews but never offers from companies in seattle
At this point most places just want to hire me since I'm a senior, so I might try and skip the internship, but on the other hand I know that the bigger companies look for that experience
what languages do you primarily use over there even
>niagara falls on
>own fastfood franchises and a gym
>Sure, always hungry for more customers.
You for real?
Seattle, WA
>what you do
OS development
>what you earn (total comp)
$112k/yr cash + $100k signing bonus with the first paycheck + $300k stock vested over 4 years.
>years of experience
0, in my last semester of college
>do you enjoy your job
>do you think you are underpaid
not at all, pretty competitive offer
>Hartford, WI
>Software Development Intern (HS senior)
>Half a year
>No, if anything I'm overpaid since I don't have serious responsibilities
Huh. Neat. Thanks for responding dude.
>what you do
Develop features for a CRM
>what you earn (total comp)
>years of experience
>do you enjoy your job
It's okay
>do you think you are underpaid
I'm just under average for my type of work, but I'm not complaining
You can make $14/hr stocking store shelves. You're probably underpaid for what responsibilities you do have