Other urls found in this thread:
quality shitpost
boindy gondola :-DDDDDDDDDD
gvalidy zsidbosd :DDDDDDDDDDDD
oh fuck, you're right
High Quality Shit Post.
best thread on Sup Forums in a while
Holy shit, this thread is awesome.
bagman :DDDDD
Still better than consumerism threads
berry gud :DDD
Dad's a big logo :---DDDD
WTFUGGGGG :DDDDDDDD I hate Arch Linugggggs now
ah yes, gvalidy zsidbosd, proud commander of the polish hussars
Gahnuu blus Linugs*
ingstall bentoo :DDDDD
vor ju :D :D :D
fugg ex brog again :DD
gnu/benix :DDDDD
fug :DD benix :DDDD :D:
worgs on my magscine :DDDD
sugo pagman:DDDD -beniSyu
Oh fuggg Gsorgg brogen again :DDDD
Some do the whole "I'd like to interject for a moment bit" in this style please!
wat ze fug i lov linugs now :DDD
sticky this thread pls
wow revolutionary memes guys, SO HILARIS
Id juzt lige to inderject for a momend :DD wat youre referrign to az LinuxXDDiz in factXDD GNU/LinuxXDD or az ibe recendly tagen to gallign idXDD GNU pluz Linux :DD Linuxiz nod an oberatign syztem undo idzelfXDD but rader anoder free gombonend of a fully functionign GNU syztem made uzeful by de GNU gorelibzXDD shell utilidies and vidal syztem gombonendz gombrisign a full OS az defined by boSIX :DD
Many gomputer uzerz run a modified verzion of de GNU syztem ebery dayXDD widout realizign id :DD drough a beculiar turn of ebendzXDD de verzion of GNU wighiz widely uzed todayiz often galled "Linux"XDD and many of idz uzerz are nod aware dat idiz bazigally de GNU syztemXDD debelobed by de GNU broject :DD
dere reallyiz a LinuxXDD and dese beoble are uzign idXDD but idiz juzt a part of de syztem dey uze :DD Linuxiz de gernel: de brogram in de syztem dat allogates de machines resources to de oder brogramz dat you run :DD de gerneliz an eszendial part of an oberatign syztemXDD but uzelesz by idzelf; id gan only function in de gondegzt of a gomplede oberatign syztem :DD Linuxiz normally uzed in gombination wid de GNU oberatign syztem: de wole syztemiz bazigally GNU wid Linux addedXDD or GNU/Linux :DD All de so-galled "Linux" disdributionz are really disdributionz of GNU/Linux :DD
fug :DDD:DD is BNU/benix not jus benix :DD, or BNU blus benix :D: benix isnt obreadig szytem, but a bard of a fugtionig szytem made ussfug by BNU gorlib, zhel udilidies an bital szytem bards to a vull OZ as debind by BOSIGS :DDDDDD :DD many gombuder usgers run a bodifid berzion of the BNU szytem ebry day widoud knowig DD:DD :DDD thgrou a beguliar :D jain ob ebengts, the berzion of BNU wigeley usd doday is obden jus “benix :DD”, ad beny ob its usgers not abare thad ids basigly the BNU szytem, debelobd by the BNU Brojegd :DDD:D: DD there rily is a Benix :D:D, and thegs beobl are usig it :DD but ids jusd a bart ob the szytem they usge :DDD Benix :D is the gernel :DD the brograbm in the szytem thad allogads the bajines :DD rezörses to odger brograms that you run :DDD:D gernel is ezsendial bart ob oberadig szytem :DDD but uzles by idself :DDDDDD it can odly fugtion id gontegxt ob a gombled oberadig szydem :DDD:D benix id ngormadly uzgd in gobinadon wid BNU oberadig szydem :D:DD whol szytem is basigly BNU :DD:DD: wid benix :DD or BNU/benix :DDDDDD:DDD DD all so-gald “benix :DD” disdribugons are really disdibutons ob BNU/benix :DDD:DD D:DD :DDD :D :D
who did the most ebin?
Upvoted for "BNU/benix"
I don't get shit from this thread, wtf happened ?
nice thread, confirms that 90% of userbase is underage
back to the reddit you go.
I mean yeah but ...
shutb ul dis is the best bread :_D-DD
That's usually something you say when someone seems to think or argue in a very "reddit mindset" way, not when they explicitly make fun of reddit jargon.
how new r u?
no u
nawfegs bleep ze fok yup xDDDD
I was just asking if something happened to arch
sometimes i can't tell if i'm on [s4s] or Sup Forums lole
Mine is generated using this function:
spurdo() {
sed "s/kek/geg/gI;s/epic/ebin/gI;s/america/clapistan/gI;s/right/rite/gI;s/your/ur/gI;s/\./ :DD/gI;s/'//gI;s/,/XDD/gI;s/wh/w/gI;s/th/d/gI;s/af/ab/gI;s/ap/ab/gI;s/ca/ga/gI;s/ck/gg/gI;s/co/go/gI;s/ev/eb/gI;s/ex/egz/gI;s/et/ed/gI;s/iv/ib/gI;s/it/id/gI;s/ke/ge/gI;s/nt/nd/gI;s/op/ob/gI;s/ot/od/gI;s/po/bo/gI;s/pe/be/gI;s/pi/bi/gI;s/up/ub/gI;s/va/ba/gI;s/ck/gg/gI;s/cr/gr/gI;s/kn/gn/gI;s/lt/ld/gI;s/mm/m/gI;s/nt/dn/gI;s/pr/br/gI;s/ts/dz/gI;s/tr/dr/gI;s/bs/bz/gI;s/ds/dz/gI;s/es/es/gI;s/fs/fz/gI;s/gs/gz/gI;s/ is/iz/gI;s/as/az/gI;s/ls/lz/gI;s/ms/mz/gI;s/ns/nz/gI;s/rs/rz/gI;s/ss/sz/gI;s/ts/tz/gI;s/us/uz/gI;s/ws/wz/gI;s/ys/yz/gI;s/alk/olk/gI;s/ing/ign/gI;s/ic/ig/gI;s/ng/nk/gI" \
this thread is gold
nice hungarian spudospeak
Do not confuse gondola with spurdo.
>not linugs
how do Finns actually say GNU?
do nogt gonfuse gondule wid spurdo :DDDDD
insdall bentoo :DD
am gona pumb diss tread 4eva :DD
anyone who finds this funny needs to fuck off to
dubs do not lie
nob :DD:D benis :DDDDDD
what does spurdo's voice sound like?
go to ylilauta and ask
so who's crazy enough to make a spurdo-themed OS?
bunp :DDD
smth like this
I'll do the logo
well, we already have it, it's in the op :DDD
you have to go back
beartegg 4 bedth thounb gualidy
Best thread in years.
absolutely based...
t. finn
gee enn uu
fug :D
>when the whole thread is a giant shitpost
Not Sup Forums related but I like this image so much
It’s funny, absurd, surreal and edgy.
Unironically best thread on Sup Forums right now.
>tfw when gondola threads started popping up on Sup Forums
my sides
This is definitely the best thread in days.
>OPs image a is a gondola
>thread gets filled with spurdos
It's just a "people who go to Sup Forums become nazis" joke, pretty lame if you ask me
fug :DD
bezd bred :-DDDDD
not sure if hungarian or polish
yaourt :DDDDDD
oh wait...