I want to create my own image board with vichan can anyone help me?
Vichan and imageboard creation
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thing is: nobody needs your imageboard
Sup Forums and Sup Forums have gone to shit I want to make an imageboard with the soul of classic Sup Forums
on top, nobody wants an imageboard with admin who doesn't know what he is doing
have fun deleting all the cheese
what is /jp/sphere
Most of ((old)) Sup Forums grew up and pissed off into the wild user
good luck getting rid of all the spam and cheese (im okay with cheese 2bh)
vichan is shit
good luck with the random "you seem to be a robot!" error messages.
Kek, if only I'd get a dollar everytime some fag says this. I did the same thing 10 years ago, nobody will care.
find a host outside cuck countries like US or UK and maybe you can bring the old Sup Forums back
good luck getting rid of cancerous 12yo faggots
From my experience, a good idea would be to try to find a niche audience.
You can't compete with larger imageboards if you don't have a theme and a culture, or you'll keep being a lesser clone spewing recycled memes.
You could have a specific demographic (Lain lovers, russian speakers, etc).
An other option would be to give the liberty for users to create boards (4+Sup Forums) but I don't think that's a good idea. In general, users are the devil and they will do everything they can to rape your site.
8ch and many other imageboards already tried that and failed. The problem with all of them (and with you) is that they tried to "bring back Sup Forums culture" instead of developing one of their own.
Cheese puffs?
this desu senpai. this has been sorely needed for years but everytime either someone goes full nazi with moderation, only allowing dicksucking to take place, or nobody ever knows it exists so it stays dead forever. Sometimes both.
t. redditard who's been there for the past 7.5 minutes and think he's an expert on Sup Forums and imageboards.
OK, explain me why other imageboards fail at being the new old Sup Forums.
You arent the 8th person to have posted a thread with the exact same sentiment. I have yet to see them follow through.
is it hard to make imageboard?
if you start with basic crappy bootstrap and ape-like controller logic for deleting older posts and no auth at all it would take like no time to build.
>on top, nobody wants an imageboard with admin who doesn't know what he is doing
This doesn't sound like a fact at all.
>8ch and many other imageboards already tried that and failed.
Nah some boards on infinitechan was preddy gud until hotwheels dropped the site.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums have gone to shit I want to make an imageboard with the soul of classic Sup Forums
Why not just make an imageboard that caters to your personal interests without trying to recreate "Sup Forums".
The real problem is that any new imageboard is just going to attract the same crowd of 15 year olds redditards, defeating its purpose. It's eternal September all over again. 2007 is the year that never ended.
Mostly gay role playing.
>tfw making my own imageboard software
Probably going to make a site for my country, bad thing is that my country already has a prominent imageboard, the good thing is that the admin is making it more and more like reddit so my marketshare is increasing.
Also, what features beside the classic ones should an imageboard have?
Also is there a site for browsing all the old Sup Forums textboards? The databases for them exists on the internet so I was thinking of making a site where you can browse them. Is there any interest for that?
>nobody ever knows it exists so it stays dead forever
Overchan lists most imageboards that aren't totally dead. People don't use the alts unless they have a unique theme (420chan). People would rather try to manage a perpetual general thread on one of Sup Forums's boards than have their own board on another site because they're more likely to actually get discussion here, no matter how obscure the topic is. This leads to a loop where people don't use alts because no one uses them.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums have gone to shit I want to make an imageboard with the soul of classic Sup Forums
Will there be faggy ass anime and shit?
Post a like on Sup Forums when your done i want to see it
why would you want to use vichan when it gives away your IP publicly
Create Anime/Random.
hey I'm making my own software too, except that imageboards never had any success in my country.
For some reason my peers prefer traditional forums, especially the one on the biggest vidya site owned by some shady corporate.
I think an important feature can be an oekaki button to quickly draw on someone else's image and post it. It forces some creativity.
I'd really like to eventually implement features from 4chanX, like desktop notifications, better filtering, a gallery, and customizable sauce links.
What is your country, user?
France. I'll probably have to shill my site on obscure forums and ebin irc archives.
I thought sites that open up on particular times were just a meme.
>oekaki button
That sounds interesting.
Chris probably likes cheese too, let's be real
>After killing 9 subhumans, Trevor died.
Alright then
Niggers he just said he wanted to make one. That doesn't mean your autistic ass has to use it.
will there be a .org domain?
Sup Forums never had a soul, user.
i got all the way to 17
>i want to try and remake something that already exists and has been emulated 100s of times unsuccessfully
>it will offer barely anything different to entice people to abandon their current imageboards
how about making something cool/new/different instead of reinventing the wheel
This. Just join 8 chan.
I have an idea for an imageboard, but the idea is so insane and requires such a powerful engine that a complete noob like OP is incapable of doing it even if I gave him the entire blueprints for it.
I need a discussion website with multiple CSS simulators(reddit,facebook,imageboard,forum,youtube,blog) which has all its traffic redirected through TOR and which has a very powerful web engine capable of running an optimized Flash, Html5, Unity through it.
Only if you bring back my /l/
8ch has actually managed to fulfill its goals for at least the one to two boards that had a real problem moot inviting reddit more than ever.
Sup Forums is moderated and is actually good
Sup Forums runs at a normal speed and people actually discuss video games in a normal manner.
The rest are under 2000 active ISPs and so are barely making ends meet.
The rest of the boards simply didn't have that much of a squabble like Sup Forums had with its gamergate incident.
4€Han is my personal interest.
It's a culture I'm fascinated in so if I can improve on it I can create the site I dream of.
I'm a britfag so it will probably be a .co.uk
No that's the point.
I'm not trying to reinvent the real I'm trying to take Sup Forums
And make it much better i.e. Less trash spam threads and such.
It's like Sup Forums+ and if it truly is better eventually people will recognize that and 4chans audience might sway
It's like 4€han just better
>I'm trying to take Sup Forums And make it much better i.e. Less trash spam threads and such.
Then you need to be able to tell us why every other site that's tried this has failed.
I believe other sites have failed because of not caring about the site or focusing too much on creating something new rather than improving on the base content and site itself.
The main base site and content is what draws people in, if that's not good or not interesting no matter how much of an interesting premise you have it's not going to sell
Like moot?