Is Crypto finally finished? Can we get cheap GPUs again?

Is Crypto finally finished? Can we get cheap GPUs again?

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No, but if you put some of your allowance in now you might be able to afford one at current prices in a few months.

I really hope. I want memecoins to be dead by the time volta launches so i can actually by a gpu

Still going to land in the thousands and go back up when institutional investors get in on the game while it's low. Buy when it bottoms out


You fucking dumb shit. We're barely in takeoff phase.

enjoy your "moon" back to $100 cryptocuck

not when the first executions will happen in China.


Soon user. Wait until there's blood in the streets.
You'll be given a sign tomorrow


It only returns to the mean when it has a use. People will just abandon bitcoin. It's over.

>w-we told you this would happen at $100
>w-we told you this would happen at $400
>w-we told you this would happen at $1000
>w-we told you this would happen at $4000
>w-we're telling you this is happening at $10000
>*sweating nocoiner*

It only returns to mean value if it had a value to start with. Bitcoin never had a real value, by itself it's worth nothing.

> Dollar cost average : $16,500/btc due to BTFD logic
> Spot price : $11,432.43
> Posting this tired shit as if you have a lower cost average
> Literally biting finger nails praying an asymptotic trend continues so you don't incur losses
> Doing balance transfers buying at $11,400 to lower dollar cost average
> mfw it goes to $8k/coin, you capitulate and are over $40-50k in debt
> mfw your hamburger flipping ass makes less than that a year
> mfw broke bag holders always quote historic pricing action
> mfw all the smart money has already solve off to (YOU) and is too busy blowing their money renting lambos and fucking sluts to be posting on Sup Forums
> mfw everyone knows you're the broke fag w/ a higher cost average position in the red

Idiots thinking that mining is done with GPU,
while ASIC exists...

Shitcoins are mined with GPU.

nope, the time has passed :^)
unless some manufacturer starts releasing cheap ASIC miners

i haven't mined since 2012 and have made thousands of dollars, profit, cashed out, from lending
sorry nocoiner

No it returns to mean when there's money invested in it. There is, just nowhere near as much as the speculated price. And there will be more. End of 2017 many institutional were eyeing it. While bitcoin itself is shit other superior coins have uses for transaction security and will bring bitcoin' s value back up because it's a standard. The relationship between coins and bitcoin might reverse but btc will go back

But that means it will return to the mean value (IE nothing).
Problem with 'mean value' is that the mean isn't taken over the right time period. The mean from 1900 to 2000 is a better time to get the mean for bitcoin on.

>posts this awful bait without any semblance of proof
False-flagging autismos are pathetic

are bitcoins a plot cooked by the AMD jew to sell their shitty over-priced GPUs?

is bitcoin transfer rates really like $20, how is that even possible

there are unresolved unsolvable scaling problems, which is why buttcoins will eventually crash

> Just broke 11k
> The ride straight to hell