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and forgot I really need this wifi-shit to work for my linux
Elijah Stewart
Bentley Hughes
>Broadcom >working
Jason Young
I'm writing a script to use streamlink to download video from twitch/crunchyroll/etc. and then encoding the result using ffmpeg however, both these tasks take a while so I want to run this on my headless server my question is if I run the script and then disown it so it can run on my server without me being ssh'd into it, do I have to disown every command in the script individually or is disowning the running script enough?
Elijah Gray
let it run in tmux or nohup it
Nathan Sullivan
Should I use Gentoo, Arch Linux, Void Linux, Solus, Debian Sid, or Fedora Rawhide if I want the latest and greatest packages with as little effort as possible?
Dylan Richardson
When MS starts backstabbing, he will come back.
Cameron Lopez
Nobody uses nohub anymore. Disown or multiplex.
William Bennett
Install any distro and compile the latest software.
Asher Watson
I don't wanna give up. Surely there must be some way. The methods through google didn't work. wtf is this
Grayson Rodriguez
how do I compile a single usb device from the Video4Linux device tree? my package manager only gives me the choice to compile ALL of them. when I tried to install them, the build process failed. the device is a 'em28xx' based USB ATSC tuner I would like to use with tvheadend. I've managed to install the firmware, but the driver is really kicking my ass.
thanks in advance.
Zachary Gray
Try a different distro with broader device support like Debian, Fedora, and Arch.
Sebastian Gonzalez
how come I experience random stutters and lags on xwayland while xorg desktop works perfectly fine?
Easton Mitchell
tmux doesn't protect your freedom. Prefer GNU screen whenever possible.
Justin Sanchez
what did she mean by this??
Leo Perez
What I mean is that it's under a non-copyleft license, you newfag.
Aiden Lewis
It's too free. Freedom ain't free, you know.
Ian Butler
How do I tell why my xfce4-terminal crashes?
John Robinson
>Ryzen 1700 >Ubuntu 17.10 >Kernels 4.12.0-13 to 4.13.0-25 When I try to boot into 4.13.0-25 normally from grub2, the screen remains the same ie nothing happens and doesn't boot, try to recover boot into most 4.13.x kernels gives reports kernel panic and doesn't boot, try 4.12.0-13 almost works but then the screen flashes and I'm staring at pic. Can anyone tell me what the sweet fuck is going on?
Matthew Parker
Pic of the kernel panic
Blake Murphy
Is there a stallman version of this?
Thomas Foster
>try 4.12.0-13 almost works but then the screen flashes and I'm staring at pic. Dont use a login manager Use startx manually
Andrew Davis
All of a sudden my Seadrive external hard drive stopped showing up in devices and I can't access it. What do?
Easton Gonzalez
>startx I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean
Ryan Sanchez
Instead of having some program login for you,and crash in this case, use startx to launch your user session
"Copyleft" is such a weird sounding term, I'm really uncomfortable they weren't creative enough to name it something else
It comes off as the GNU-guys trying to deliver some "sick burn" to copyright people with the weakest comeback ever
Leo Hernandez
Anyone got a Dell XPS 13? The trackpad on Debian is fucking unusable. What drivers are available for it?
Parker Anderson
I remember you from like a week ago No idea buddy, I've never had to ever mess with trackpad configs in my machines, they all just werked on Debian
What have you tried? What kind of trackpad was it?
William Garcia
Evan Price
Check if it shows up under lsblk Maybe you just haven't mounted it yet / or something in the GUI file manager that is supposed to auto-mount it isn't working properly?
Caleb Murphy
How do I do that?
Noah Jackson
>Check if it shows up under lsblk Nope. It shows up in Windows though.
Jason Allen
If you seriously need to use ndiswrapper then consider buying a new dongle. No, seriously. Atheros chip based ones are your best choice. Ralink ones are cheap chinese crap, but they only need firmwares (with ubuntu you already have those installed).
Broadcom can go and fuck itself in the ass with their nigger wifi chips.
Angel Butler
How about sudo fdisk -l ?
Logan Cooper
The driver might already be in your kernel, try running modprobe em28xx. If that doesn't work then please post the error message you get when compiling the v4l drivers.
Luke Torres
Not him but why do manufacturers still release closed software firmware for their wifi chips
What even is the point, what money is to be made from keeping it closed?
Christian Hall
Nothing man, I don't know what's going on.
Christian Lewis
There is no incentive monetarily to release open source software AND THEN have to interact with the customers and maintain the software
Hunter Jenkins
Literally no need to. All they have to is release some specs/documentation and there will be some guy on the earth who will write/maintain and support the driver.
Kayden Evans
You act as if you could do better.
Why dont you?
Julian Jones
Because executive types and alike are obsessed with trade secrets. Even though Wifi is an open standard that has been implemented millions of times they are convinced they pay their devs to implement it better and they'll be damned if they let anyone benefit off of it.
Carter Jenkins
What the goddamn fuck are you projecting?
Dude said "There is no incentive monetarily to release open source software AND THEN have to interact with the customers and maintain the software", then I said they don't need to do any of them as if they release specs and documentation for their hardware the free software/open source community will write drivers for them, maintain these drivers or support them in new kernel versions.
Kayden Sullivan
What's the most bloated and user hostile distro for yearly use?
Asher Morris
Mason Williams
the android based one any of the chinese ones
Juan Carter
Joseph Barnes
Thanks for the reply. when I run 'modprobe em28xx' , the cursor just returns without data. however, if I run 'lsmod', I get pic related. when I run tvheadend, I see what is supposed to be the digital tuner for this device (LG-DT3303), but I can't seem to get anything to work. Note, this is an Apple USB device that I managed to get working under Windows 7 without issue, but Linux has turned out to be a very different beast.
I don't have enough Linux knowledge to test the device. I am in very deep waters with one hand ties behind my back and a bowing ball chained to my leg. I don't have the error messages from the compile attempt, and it will take about 3 hours to reattempt before the errors appear, as they come up art the end.
Gavin Butler
To speed up the compile try adding -jNUMBEROFCORES to the make command, like make -j8. It looks like the kernel module is in your kernel though and loading when you run it so it might have something to do with tvheadend, I would try looking up "your device tvheadend linux" on your favorite search engine and seeing if you find anything helpful.
Connor Rivera
Today I figured out that the OS of the ultrasound of the hospital where I work runs Gentoo Quite impressive indeed
Henry James
will do. thanks.
Angel Perez
Welp I've tried google, to no avail. I'm trying to get Alpine running, but as soon as I reboot after install, my wireless doesn't work. Works during the USB install, not a problem.
Did I fall for a meme?
Hudson Reed
It comes from the distinction between left and right in politics, you uncultured philistine! The right believes that private property is a natural right, whereas the left believes there's no such thing!
Brayden Evans
James Jenkins
That's the most retarded thing I've read today.
Kayden Ross
Let me guess, you come from the "minimalism" thread?
Brody White
Don't shoot the messenger. I didn't pick the "copyleft" name.
Camden Allen
Sorry for te dumb question but how do I move the space on /dev/sda6 to /dev/sda2? I'm on a live USB so there shouldn'y be mounting issues.
Luke Roberts
Wowza, yep. I'm just trying to make the most of what space I've got. Also I'm new.
Landon Hall
Alpine is terrible for desktop usage. Alpine is meant for embedded and container usage not desktop usage, despite what the retards in the minimalism thread tell you.
Daniel Murphy
Alpine is meant for nothing. It's dogshit. It has no documentation and packages break between releases. Never touch it even with a 10 foot pole.
David Wright
It works fine for containers for me and probably works well for embedded, but otherwise I agree that alpine isn't that great.
Cooper Sanders
What's my best bet for a small and fast distro then? I don't think I'm ready for Arch, at least until I learn Linux properly.
Ayden Peterson
Learn with Ubuntu, then install Debian GNU/Linux.
Henry Jackson
Debian. Just use a desktop environment that isn't gnome or kde, xfce and lxde are both lightweight. You could also use one of the ubuntu spins like xubuntu or lubuntu.
Justin Torres
Why is Clear Linux always so much faster than other distros in benchmarks? What can we do to make other distros as fast?
Jose Gray
Any distro with Lumina desktop.
Noah Kelly
Guys please how do I give that unallocated space to /dev/sda2/?
It's kinda like CloverOS, clear linux is made by intel with a lot of less stable kernel flags and compiler flags enabled which lets you gain a little bit of speed at the cost of compatibility.
Adrian Ross
is there a universal equivalent to systemd-analyze, i'm using runit now and want to reliably test startup times.
Liam Garcia
There isn't one. Also systemd-analyze isn't exactly a true benchmark of boot times because it can't fully measure hardware initialization time. If you want super accurate benchmarks you would need a timer hooked up to your computers power button and some way to stop it when a certain state is reached. If you want to do it in a quick and dirty way you could have a bash script runs uptime > time.txt after all your other services have started.
Isaac Diaz
in my personal experience the CloverOS LiveDVD booted into a twm that wasn't accepting mouse input and since mouse input was required to activate the terminal that was spawned with twm and I didn't know how to exit into a VT with Ctrl+Alt+F# I was royally screwed. shrink sda5's container, move it, and its container to the right, grow sda2. idk if you can move sda4 right more but try that too. move everything as far right as possible. seig heil.
Brandon King
I never said CloverOS was good, I just said that clear linux does similar things as they both use unstable compiler flags to try and get speed.
Ian Fisher
I don't know how to manually move it right. It just does it when I shrink sometimes but sometimes not.
Jonathan Perez
clicking and dragging always did it for me with normal partitions. I would hope that clear Linux would be at least a tiny bit more stable (joking of course) I feel bad about Clover because it's pretty advanced but there's no way for me to report this bug without making an account on some site I don't want to make an account at.
Brody Myers
Thomas Morales
How do I change the default file browser? Nautilus sucks ass
Dylan Gonzalez
search for default/preferred applications
Jonathan Gray
There's no file browser option in that settings panel
Brandon Allen
stop using gnome
William Brown
>flashed bios and installed galliumos on my chromebook >sub-$200 durable mini laptop with 4 gigs of ram and a carrying handle It would be great if it had more than 16 gigs of emmc lol
Asher Cooper
I plan to, but I'm using it so I don't have to fuck around in the terminal for 800 hours to get some simple things configured. Like this. You said search for that, and I did, and that's what came up. If I was on DWM how would you propose I do it?
Hunter Carter
Yeah I've had three other laptops with Debian that were all fine. Iirc the XPS has a synaptics touchpad and I think my Debian has the libinput driver but I'm not 100%. It's weird cause that's what they "recommend" on the Debian site but it triggers the scrolling every few seconds it's fucking unusable.
Do you know if I'm able to maybe edit the settings or driver? Maybe there's a specific swipe gesture enabled other than two finger scrolling?
Isaac Rodriguez
use xdg, its a system thing. not an per application
Camden Kelly
I tried setting it using xdg-mime but everything still launches nautilus.
Arch is your best bet for bleeding edge without having to waste time compiling.
Cameron White
>inb4 Samshit Defend this.
Parker Reyes
No thanks
Yes, I know, I read that. It does not change the default file manager. I've even replaced /usr/bin/nautilus with my preferred executable, but when I open a file window from my browser it pops up that shitty fucking nautilus program
Luis Sullivan
>It does not change the default file manager. You didnt do it right.
Parker Morgan
Your grub is fugged. I'd reinstall grub from a live iso if I were you.
Landon Russell
>xdg-mime default pcmanfm.desktop inode/directory No errors, doesnt do anything. And again, I've even replaced the fucking executable and it still launches that pile of shit.
Ayden Jones
>I've even replaced the fucking executable Think about this again. Then again.Again one more time. How do you think that is possible if you "replaced the fucking executable"?
You didnt setup xdg properly. How do i know this? Because of what you've fucking posted and how it makes no god damn sense